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21. Romania Directory: Society And Culture romania Directory Society and culture, including culture, expatriate life, gay, lesbian, and bisexual, religion, personal pages, personalities, traditions, organizations, chats and forums, HomesTop Regional Europe romania Society and culture. CATEGORIES to contribute to the construction of democracy in romania by improving the country's interethnic climate and http://romania.us/directory/Top/Regional/Europe/Romania/Society and Culture/9470 | |
22. Culture - Literature previous cultural world, determined by a radical change of the Romanian society (an tothe European styles, as well as of the institutional aspect of culture). http://www.ici.ro/romania/culture/literatura.html |
23. About Romania Education, Photos, Entertainment, Politics, Travel, Maps A comprehensive list of quickaccess links to romania. Learn about its history and culture, people and entertainment, sports, and cooking. http://www.geocities.com/tanyamurzin/ | |
24. Culture - Literature - Ion Luca Caragiale Administration. 1901, Caragiale is celebrated at the Romanian Atheneumat his 25th anaiversary of his literary activity. B. Delavrancea http://www.ici.ro/romania/culture/l_caragiale.html |
25. Lamaze Info : Help From Lamaze Birth Method And Lamaze Baby Toys Involved in the assertion of multiculturalism and interdisciplinarity in the fields of education, research and culture in romania http://www.glas.go.ro/ | |
26. Wikipedia Culture Of Romania Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'culture of romania' romania's culture is very similar to other European culture, including that of Western Europe and However, the culture also has http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Romania |
27. MapZones.com Culture romania, culture, Back to Top. romanian society at the close of the1980s was the product of more than forty years of communist rule http://www.mapzones.com/world/europe/romania/cultureindex.php | |
28. ROMANIA By Stamps Pages dedicated to Romanian history, culture, language and the profile of the country throgh stamp collection. http://www.marci-postale.com | |
29. Romania Society And Culture romania romania Society and culture. romania. romania Arts and Entertainment. romania Business and Economy. romania Education. romania Government. romania Guides and Directories. romania Health. romania Localities. romania Maps and Views http://romania.designerz.com/romania-society-culture.php | |
30. Welcome To Danube Online A virtual tour on the Danube river and surrounding regions of Slovakia, Hungary, and romania. History, culture, environmental concerns, and maps and photos. http://www.x3m.ro/danube/ | |
31. Romanian Star - A First Encounter With Romania The romanian Village. romania's National Art Museum. romanian LITERATURE Mihai Eminescu. Ion Creanga. culture in romania romanian Cultural Resources. The Institute for Cultural Memory. - http://www.roembus.org/virtual/travel/culture.htm | |
32. Romania Arts Organizations romania. Most comprehensive resource on romania Organizations culture Arts.Show romania (romania Organizations culture Arts) content on your web site http://romania.designerz.com/romania-organizations-culture-arts.php | |
33. Riding Holidays In Transylvania - Tourism In The Land Of Dracula British/romanian couple offer horseback riding holidays in romania. Information about the area, the horses, accommodation and prices as well as a range of information about the area and culture. http://www.riding-holidays.ro | |
34. The Culture Of Romania romania s culture Born of Hardship and Survival. romania s culturereflects the country s early, turbulent history. Because life http://www.globalvolunteers.org/1main/romania/romaniaculture.htm | |
35. About Romania - Selected Links To Cool Romanian Sites Ebusiness in romania, travel to romania, education, reference, culture, sport, health, stress management, romanian community, lifestyles, news and media, society http://members.tripod.com/about_romania/index.htm | |
36. Romania / Roumanie Assistance aux Canadiens et promotion de la culture canadienne, informations sur les relations entre les deux pays. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/canadaeuropa/romania/ | |
37. Lucian Blaga A picture, some facts about his life, and a list of his published works. http://www.ici.ro/romania/culture/l_blaga.html |
38. CNR UNESCO National Commission of romania. Activity areas include education, natural and socialhuman sciences, culture and arts, technology and communication, youth, women issues, fundamental human rights and liberties, including those concerning national minorities. http://www.wsp.ro/cnrweben/ |
39. LEARNING ROMANIAN IN ROMANIA culture and civilization (history of the romanians, fine arts, ethnography and folklore,customs and traditions, social aspects of contemporary romania etc.). http://www.roembus.org/english/science/learning_romanian_in_romania.htm | |
40. European Vacation Guide Romantic European Vacations depends in large part on the development of a democratic civil culture, and, besidesthe romanians, there are other ethnic minorities in romania, such as http://www.travelwizard.com/europe/Romania_Overview.html | |
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