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41. Crosspoint - Australia Australian peoples The College of indigenous Australian peoples is responsible for YooroangGarang School of indigenous Health Studies. romani Union Australia. http://www.magenta.nl/crosspoint/aus.html | |
42. Legal Status and allowing them to be observers even though they live under sovereign states whichmay be members of the UN such as the romani people, indigenous peoples. http://www.nscnonline.org/webpage/legal_status/naga_right3.htm | |
43. Race Gallery Bulletin Archive play of its belief in the rights of indigenous peoples. he believes these make blackpeople more promiscuous and He gives figures showing that romani women are http://homepage.ntlworld.com/marek.kohn/arch.html | |
44. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles People Name General romani, Balkan. Language. Primary Language romani, Balkan.Language Code (ROL3) RMN, Ethnologue Listing. indigenous Fellowship of 100+ http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=108397&rog3=IR |
45. Statement By Eastern And Central Europe NGO Caucus Serbia), European Roma Rights Center, International romani Union;. Society for ThreatenedPeople (Germany), indigenous/Tribal peoples Development Centre http://www.hfhrpol.waw.pl/en/index_pliki/againstracism/Final_Statement-ENG.htm | |
46. Travellers' Rest romani is, and among my tribe we keep the language as secret as and culture, bothour peoples were largely shunned by the indigenous peoples we traveled among http://www.travellersrest.org/WhatsNew981201.htm | |
47. The Other Son Of Pacha Mama DAY , to celebrate the first Congress of the International romani Union, held in of The Project of Declaration Pan American of indigenous peoples Rights , as http://www.philology.ru/liloro/romanes/declaration_eng.htm | |
48. China Practices Racism continues to exclude Guatemala s indigenous peoples from most to die in custody thannonAboriginal people. lifestyle or relative poverty of romani communities http://www.uyghuramerican.org/HumanRights/AIonracism.html | |
49. UI Center For Human Rights :: Resources :: Organizations :: Non-governmental Org LÂauravetlÂan indigenous Information Center by indigenous peoples of Russia. UNITE.UNPO Unrepresented Nations and peoples Organization. Union romani. http://www.uichr.org/resources/ngo.shtml | |
50. UNITED NATIONS with the norms and standards addressing indigenous needs and to a multitude of ancientcultures and peoples. of the teachers and by the romani community itself http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/0/479BE053E0E34C16C1256E60002FF9A2?op |
52. Independent Publishers Group indigenous peoples Ethnic Minorities and Poverty Reduction; Indonesia Housing inSouthern Africa; State of the People; Freud; We Are the romani People; Welfare Ark http://www.ipgbook.com/showcat.cfm?catname=Academic: Social Sciences |
53. It Takes Many Villages To Make A World: The International Education And Resource romani Gypsy participants from Hungary contribute to the iEARN indigenous Global birds,flowers and symbols, faces of war, indigenous peoples, the Holocaust http://www.glef.org/php/article.php?id=Art_148&key=037 |
54. Discrimination, Minorities & Disadvantaged Groups. Virtual Library. Internationa LII US Indian Law; FindLaw American Indian Law; indigenous peoples and Criminal andCitizenship AOTEAROA - APMRN; The Patrin Web Journal - romani (Gypsy) Rights; http://www.uottawa.ca/hrrec/links/discriminationint_e.html | |
55. Roma Rights / Nr4, 2001 World Conference Against Racism European Roma Rights Center, International romani Union, International for Threatenedpeoples (Germany), indigenous/Tribal peoples Development Centre http://www.errc.org/rr_nr4_2001/wcar3.shtml |
56. The Gazette - An Internet Literary Journal Hurston Thomas Wolfe Learn Something New romani (Gypsy) Culture and Aborigine LiteratureGaelic (Celtic) peoples Literature indigenous peoples Literature More http://home1.gte.net/bookies/gazette/ | |
57. ESWIN Social Welfare Keywords: International: Population Groups: Minorities Association of Gypsies/romani International. works to secure the rights of world ethnic,religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples , and helps http://www.eswin.net/int/ipop/min.htm | |
58. AOL Canada Search: Search Results romani@ (15). indigenous peoples Literature Site is dedicated to the indigenouspeoples of the world and to the enrichment it can bring to all people. http http://search.aol.ca/cat.adp?id=237195&layer=&from=subcats |
59. Progressive Possibilities Issues development; indigenous peoples; sustainable agriculture; primary healthcare minorities; Multiethnic; racism; Appalachia; romani; Gypsies; Portuguese http://www.macronet.org/index/states/State_Links/Tennessee/ | |
60. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZAITONS ADDRESS COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURA on an explicit assimilation approach that excluded the teaching of romani. most exposedwere women, children, the elderly, minorities and indigenous peoples. http://www.unog.ch/news2/documents/newsen/esc04003e.htm | |
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