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21. IMADR/connect.Fall.2002 Human Rights Situation of the indigenous peoples in Guatemala Rodolfo Stavenhagen,IMADR the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Junichiro Koizumi romani Rose, Central http://www.imadr.org/pub/connect.fall.2002.html | |
22. WCC Special Fund To Combat Racism Grants selfdetermination, to land and territory of the indigenous peoples of St 8. CentralEuropean romani Educational Opportunities Centre (CEREOC), SLOVAK REPUBLIC http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/news/press/01/46pre.html | |
23. WCC SPECIAL FUND TO COMBAT RACISM - 21 PROJECTS RECEIVE GRANTS romani CRISS Roma Centre for Social Intervention and Studies, Bucharest, romania,US$ 5,000 For updating and publishing the centre s indigenous peoples http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/news/press/99/43pre.html | |
24. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related I to celebrate the first Congress of the International romani Union, held in of TheProject of Declaration Pan American of indigenous peoples Rights , as is http://www.hri.ca/racism/submitted/theme/romaquito.shtml | |
25. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related I European Roma Rights Center, International romani Union; International for ThreatenedPeople (Germany), indigenous/Tribal peoples Development Centre http://www.hri.ca/racism/major/europe.shtml | |
26. The Patrin Web Journal - Honours And Awards Gypsy Unión Romanà Balkanarama Me Sem Rom RomaLinks romani.org RomaPage JonathanTalbot s Studio Saxakali People of Color indigenous peoples Literature The http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5121/honors.htm | |
28. SMSU Libraries Rroma, romani), Roma Gypsy Culture, romani Rights Organizations Settlers in Supportof indigenous Sovereignty (SISIS Welcome To The Congress of Aboriginal peoples. http://library.smsu.edu/resources/fourth.shtml | |
29. GE_links The indigenous peoples Council on Biocolonialism http//www and webpages relatingto indigenous resource and di appoggio di Greenpeace dei Castelli romani. http://www.sydney.foe.org.au/gene_ethics/links.htm | |
30. New Releases - Documentaries adaptation to Chilean life and cultural preservation of romani roots FILMS AND DOCUMENTARIES(November 1997); VIDEO BY AND ABOUT indigenous peoples (October 1997 http://www.lavavideo.org/featuredtitles/index.cfm?Features_ID=61 |
31. NativeWeb Resources: General - Non-geographic Regions to inform and educate, inspire and tell about the romani people, our history IowaGender, Race, Ethnicity in Media Native Americans indigenous peoples, 490. http://www.nativeweb.org/resources/nations_web_sites_information/general_-_non-g | |
32. NativeWeb Home to inform and educate, inspire and tell about the romani people, our history IowaGender, Race, Ethnicity in Media Native Americans indigenous peoples, 492. http://www.nativeweb.org/resources.php?name=General - non-geographic regions&rid |
33. International Youth Parliament http//www.romani.org romani.org Home Page. Support the adoption of the Draft Declarationon the Rights of indigenous peoples, and the creation of a permanent http://www.iyp.oxfam.org/issues/culture_and_identity_bg.asp?Group=Culture and Id |
34. OTRAS PAGINAS Translate this page uu.se. NativWeb. indigenous peoples. Resourses. decole@decole.com. SAIIC. Información heroica.upt.edu.pe.Unión romani. Pueblo Gitano. u-romani@pangea.org. http://www.eurosur.org/TIPI/otras.htm | |
35. The Roma People An Identity Without Roots comments Mario InésTorres, a Spanish gypsy representing the romani Alliance of Romapeople, in the same way that thay have with indigenous peoples and those http://movimientos.org/foro-racismo/noticias/show_text.php3?key=99 |
36. GfbV for World indigenous Studies indigenous peoples Center for indigenous Affairs Leagueof indigenous Sovereign Nations RomNews Network Union romani Rroma.org http://www.gfbv.ch/links/ | |
37. HAGAR-International Social Science Review Development Among indigenous peoples The Case of Bedouin Recognition, Reconciliationand indigenous Rights in Fires Gypsy Performance and romani Memory from http://www.bgu.ac.il/hagar/article/toc4.htm | |
38. Jay's Ethnic Diversity And People Of Color Links Committee to Challenge Racism against indigenous peoples (University of Michigan); ThePatrin Web Journal romani Culture and History; Paul Robeson Home Page http://www.neravt.com/left/directory/subjects/diverse.htm | |
39. Emerging States And Unrepresented Peoples - Global Policy Forum Roma Seeking Sense of Unity to Combat Racial Bias (May 10, 2002) Meeting inPoland, romani delegates warn that Âsociety wants to indigenous peoples. http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/sovereign/sover/emerg.htm | |
40. Phystx Other examples include many indigenous peoples that have been manoeuvred into minority exampleis the gypsy people or Roma people of Europd ( romanipop.htm http://www.harpercollege.edu/~mhealy/g101ilec/intro/clt/cltdiv/cltdivtx.htm | |
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