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21. New England Journal Of Homeopathy - Classical Homeopathy Articles & Reviews combining rubrics so that we do not lose remedy possibilities early on and so that the general idea of Idea 3. The next big idea for me was the romance novels. http://www.nesh.com/main/nejh/samples/romance.html | |
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26. Romantic Times, Romance Novels, Romantic Fiction, Romance Books, Romance Reviews Bronte s Jane Eyre are early prototypes, but the Plain Janes in most romance novels reference the common woman. This heroine accepts the general opinion around http://www.romantictimes.com/f_reader/f3a_49.html | |
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34. Joan Johnston Online Media Kit - Facts About Romance Novels Number of Americans who read romance novels 51.1 million. romance fiction s share of all popular fiction in In contrast general fiction comprised only 17 http://www.booktalk.com/jjohnston/romancenovelfacts.html | |
35. 1999 Large Print Romance Novels 1999 romance novels in Large Print. Power of a Woman (Thorndike Large Print general Series) ~ Usually ships in 24 hours Barbara Taylor Bradford / Paperback http://www.largeprintbooks.com/romance/99romance.htm | |
36. Internet Public Library: Romance & Gothic wwwpersonal.umich.edu/~sooty/romance/ Contains bibliographic ratings for a variety of novels in different tool and a source of general information about http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/ent10.70.00/ | |
37. The LinxNet Library - Online Readable Novels, Short Stories, Book Reviews. Back to Table of Contents. Reference, general. The Mystery Reader News and Reviews of Mystery novels. The romance Reader News and Reviews of romance novels. http://www.linxnet.com/lib.html | |
38. Romance Novels for the general romance market, these books have now been released in the Christian market. Although the faith message is not as overt as in her novels written http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/cms_content/148827226?page=173515&s |
39. Romance Novels: Jayne Ann Krentz As for pen names in general, I use them to let I have read all of her Amanda Quick novels and can not you think of the current trend of less romance and more http://www.usatoday.com/community/chat/0727krentz.htm | |
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