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81. The Story Of Mankind - THE ROMAN EMPIRE as their Commanderin-chief referred to him as the Chief, the Imperator or Emperor.The Republic had become an empire, but the average roman was hardly http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/youth/history/TheStoryofMankind/cha | |
82. Visigoth The new emperor, Theodosius I (Valens had died at powerful German generals who commandedthe roman armies in and west, wielding the real power of the empire. http://www.fact-index.com/v/vi/visigoth.html | |
83. Overview had finally put an end to the roman Republic. writer Seneca) and there was peace throughoutthe empire. The Emperor Nero loved performing in the Theatre, races http://www.bible-history.com/nero/NEROOverview.htm | |
84. Medieval Net. Welcome To The Medieval Network. Medieval History Page 3. Famous P 800 Christmas Day, Charlemagne crowned Holy roman Emperor. The Holy roman Empirewas more of a dignity than a state, and so people made fun of it for a long http://www.medieval.net/medievalhistory3.htm | |
85. HWC, The Roman Empire - Trajan He was emperor during the Second Jewish War, the The roman empire never covered moreterritory than it did was also the Silver Age of roman literature, with http://history.boisestate.edu/westciv/empire/06.htm | |
86. Holy Roman Emperor Charles When King Charles returned to France after being crowned emperor, he forced He reestablishedthe roman empire on a Teutonic base http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/DAILYF/2003/12/daily-12-26-2003.shtml | |
87. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results to Hadrian, or of the emperor of the Holy roman empire 2. any of the roman emperors3. often c as that in ancient Rome, rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian AD http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
88. The WorldPaper: Civil Society:American Media Though the Romans saw burial along the Appian Way an opportunity to be rememberedforever, emperors, popes and of Rome (still sporting the empire insignia SPQR http://worldpaper.com/Archivewp/1998/DEC98/gino.html | |
89. Famous Men Of The Middle Ages - (By John H. Haaren (John Henry)) his way through the lines of the Romans and escaped Arcadius, the Emperor of the East,now made Alaric Eastern Illyricum and formed part of the Eastern empire. http://www.authorama.com/famous-men-of-the-middle-ages-4.html | |
90. The Roman Empire And Northern Britain with no return, so quickly cut by the roman Senate of home support for this expansionof the empire gradually led The emperor Hadrian finally put a stop to the http://www.geocities.com/~betapisces/kingart/caledonia.htm | |
91. Royal Family Of Europe There are some really famous and important people on my family tree, such as PrincessDiana for example. Here are a few of the famous people on my tree. http://www.ishipress.com/royalfam.htm | |
92. Mosaic: Sources collapsed in the West, Justinian reinvigorated the Eastern empire. the conquest ofthe former roman provinces of his greatest praise for the EmperorÂs role http://college.hmco.com/history/west/mosaic/chapter4/module27.html | |
93. Holy Synod - Encyclopedia Article About Holy Synod. Free Access, No Registration 30, Old Style , 1672 February 8, January 28, Old Style , 1725) was a tsarof Russia (from 1682) and the first Emperor of the Russian empire (1721-1725 http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Holy Synod | |
94. Skoool.ie ::: Exam Centre - Junior Cycle 2. Who was the first Emperor of Rome? 5. Who built the roads of the empire andwhy were they so important? 13. How did the Romans get their slaves? 14. http://www.skoool.ie/skoool/examcentre_jc.asp?id=1723 |
95. Bible Study - Emperor eg in China, Japan, Ethiopia), the roman and Germanic or both, that emperor and hisempire (see Birth Of one a great political and military emperor, the other http://www.keyway.ca/htm2000/20001115.htm | |
96. Medieval Net. Welcome To The Medieval Network. Medieval History Page 1. Famous P the Jews. 212 AD The Edict of the Emperor Caracalla awarded Romancitizenship to all free inhabitants of the empire. 235283. The http://www.medieval.net/medievalhistory1.htm | |
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