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21. Augustus Caesar | First Roman Emperor I, Caesar Ruling the roman empire Author Phil Grabsky biographical sketches ofthe most significant emperors. series about Rome s six most famous emperors. http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/95sep/augustus.html | |
22. Famous Barbarians although his legendary account is more famous, thanks to barbarian who brought aboutthe end of the roman empire. the last of the Western emperors to abdicate. http://www.wizardrealm.com/barbarians/history3.html | |
23. Famous People (1) - The German Way Charlemagne (Karl der GroÃe, 742814) Emperor (Kaiser) of the Holy roman empireof the Frankreich (empire of the Franks) is the German word for France. http://www.german-way.com/german/famous.html | |
24. Biography - Lives Of Famous People From Ancient History - Ancient Biographies - Theodosius The Great roman Emperor Emperor Theodosius the Great of was, in effect,the last emperor to control both eastern and western halves of the empire. http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/people/index_4.htm | |
25. The Roman Empire of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Emperor Titus) the The most famous pillar of victoryin Rome is Trajan s In a typical town in the roman empire, the wealthy people http://www.iol.ie/~coolmine/typ/romans/archie2.html | |
26. Medicine In Ancient Rome Greek physicians had the support of the emperors and the greater crowds than any ofthe famous actors and the public health system in the roman empire so that http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/medicine_in_ancient_rome.htm | |
27. NM's Creative Impulse..Rome Biographies over 50 bios of emperors, politicians, writers and the romans did toGreece s famous center selected the provinces of the roman empire and learned http://history.evansville.net/rome.html | |
28. Time Traveller's Guide To The Roman Empire Celtic Britain, follow the Emperor Hadrian on Museum and numerous sites throughoutthe roman empire. the Stop, Look, Listen famous people series  details http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/guide03/explore2.html | |
29. Famous People Clipart ETC TB (18371907) American Writer whose most famous work is Alexander Severus (221-35BC) roman Emperor. Augustus Caesar (63 BCE-14) Founder of the roman empire. http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/galleries/people/famouspeoplea.htm | |
30. Anything Left Handed Now Has A New Site We will soon be adding web site links to most of our famous lefthanders so Charlemagne,Emperor, King of the Franks Emperor of the Holy roman empire, 2-Apr http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/fam_history.html | |
31. The Alsace History - Alsace On Line, France s destiny was intimately linked to the Holy roman empire. golden age of Alsace underthe Hohenstaufen emperors, one of for whom the city was famous included a http://www.visit-alsace.com/librairie/ | |
32. Notes On The Last Phase Of Roman Empire Caracalla (see picture); another bad emperor; cruel, gave building program (such ashis famous baths), raised all people citizens of roman empire perhaps to http://frontpage.montclair.edu/alvaresj/Jeanstuff/lphase.HTML | |
33. History Essay 41 the Punic Wars and include the famous episode of AD) marked the maximum extent ofthe roman empire. Then emperors Hadrian, Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius http://www.naciente.com/essay41.htm | |
34. Untitled and for four hundred years was ruled by roman emperors. people of many provinces ofthe empire became like Latin language; they dressed in roman costume; they http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/preservation/geo/europe/page15.htm | |
35. The Baldwin Project: Famous Men Of Rome By John H. Haaren & A. B. Poland END OF THE WESTERN empire. 262 MOST of the roman emperors after Constantine someremarkable things and therefore deserve to be mentioned among the famous Men. http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=haaren&book=rome&story=end |
36. Famous People The empire was eventually divided under three men, Caesar s second who would laterbe known as Emperor Augustus, Marcus by the treatment of his other roman wife http://www.bettybookmark.com/f/famous/a.htm | |
37. Roman History Trivia Quizzes And Quiz Questions ever known; test your knowledge of famous figures like 17, Tiberius Caesar and theRoman empire Tiberius is maligned of the JulioClaudian emperors; find out http://www.funtrivia.com/dir/3957.html | |
38. EduNETConnect.com - Time Machine - Mediterranean In 1097, The Byzantine (Eastern roman empire) Emperor Alexis I appealed to organization),and perhaps the most famous of all of most of the Muslim people in the http://www.edunetconnect.com/TimeMachine/mediterranean-700.php | |
39. China Institute Programs For Educators Ancient roman empire Costume Links. http//www.romanemperors.org/ De Imperatoribusromanis means On the roman emperors. This site contains roman people. http://www.chinainstitute.org/educators/curriculum/han/suggested.html | |
40. Regents Prep Global History & Geography: Famous People Vocabulary List Constantine (274 CE Â 337 CE) roman Emperor between 306 CE Mansa Musa Emperorof the kingdom of Mali An enlightened Despot who ruled the Austrian empire. http://regentsprep.org/Regents/global/vocab/topic.cfm?topic=q |
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