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Roller Skating Olympic Sports: more detail | |||||
81. Elite Skate Team Calls Roseville Its Home And at Great Skate roller Rink in Roseville, some of the These are the Great SkateWolverines, one of the most but because this isn t an olympic sport, no one http://www.freep.com/sports/cfp/5/rskate9_20031009.htm | |
82. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > Events Speed skating Races and Series (15); roller skating Speed skating Races andSeries Shows (58); Disabled Mentally Challenged Special Olympics (42); http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=473970 |
83. VolunteerMatch - Special Olympics Iowa Special Olympics believes that, through sports training and OpportunitiesState roller skating Competition Thu May 20, 2004 930 am - 300 pm...... http://www.volunteermatch.org/results/org_detail.jsp?orgid=23897 |
84. Vive-le-sport.ch Wrestling rink hockey roller skating rope skipping rowing rugby sailing shooting skateboardingskating skiing skydiving event health modelling olympic games prevention http://www.vive-le-sport.ch/e/wrestling.htm | |
85. Vive-le-sport.ch Roller Skating roller.ch. rollorama. inline skating. news. athletes dogsledding doping event healthmodelling olympic games prevention speleology swiss federation weather yoga. http://www.vive-le-sport.ch/e/rollerskating.htm | |
86. Baby Roller-skaters Back Beijing S Olympics Bid sports, Baby rollerskaters Back Beijing s Olympics Bid. Forty one-year-old babieswill give roller-skating performances in Tianjin and Beijing to express their http://fpeng.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200105/20/eng20010520_70492.html |
87. National Museum Of Roller Skating Today roller skaters compete in American Dance and World Class roller hockey organizedin the early part of the This nocontact sport enters the Olympics as an http://ky.essortment.com/nationalmuseum_rlzm.htm | |
88. Rollerskating roller skating. roller skating is a Special Olympics sport with manydifferent facets. Athletes are given the option to compete in http://www.specialolympics.org/Special Olympics Public Website/English/Compete/S | |
89. '03 - Roller Skating roller skating. roller skating is a Special Olympics sport with manydifferent facets. Athletes are given the option to compete in http://www.specialolympics.villanova.edu/archives/2003/rollerskating.htm | |
90. Sport - Roller Skating roller skating. roller skating is an official sport for Special OlympicsInternational. There are two competitive venues artistic http://edweb6.educ.msu.edu/kin866/sprollerskate.htm | |
91. Roller Skating roller skating. Click here to download the rollerskating Rule Book. rollerskating is a Special Olympics sport with many different facets. http://www.sosc.org/rollerskating.html | |
92. ThinkQuest : Library : The Olympics roller skating roller skating is a Special Olympics sport with manydifferent facets. Athletes are given the option to compete in http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0214546/rollerskating.html | |
93. Speedskating . Com : News And Features : Samaranch Discusses Roller Sports, Olym Related articles Mar. 31, 2000 roller skating Wins Beauty Contest of SportsSeeking Olympics Berth. Copyright © 2000 Skatecity.com. Updated Nov. http://www.speedskating.com/ar/show.cgi?id=100257 |
94. HickokSports.com - History - Index By Sport World Champions. Shuffleboard; SixDay Races; Skateboarding; skating; see Ice skating;roller skating; Special Olympics; Speedball; Speed skating History; Index. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/sprtindx.shtml | |
95. Spotlight Sport - Figure Skating grace by using inline skates or roller blades. United States as well as the WinterOlympic schedule for complete information about International figure skating http://www.edgate.com/wintergames/design/spotlight_sport/figskt.htm | |
96. Special Olympics Of Pennsylvania 79, 2003 Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA days of exciting competition in sportssuch as distance running/walking, powerlifting, roller skating, soccer and http://www.specialolympicspa.org/ | |
97. Special Olympics West Virginia compete in seven different sports track and 600 athletes will participate in rollerskating, bowling, volleyball dance, live entertainment and olympic Village. http://wvweb.com/wvso/programs.html | |
98. TIME Europe | Olympics 2000: This Is Sport? | 9/11/2000 is a lot like figure skating, but it s done on 70sstyle quad roller skates andto even worse music. How can that not be a sport at an Olympics in which http://www.time.com/time/europe/magazine/2000/0911/oly_oddsports.html | |
99. ESPN.com - OLY - Olympic Stadium Roof Finally Rolled Into Place longdelayed roof for Athens main olympic stadium was Calatrava, was moved on giantroller skates some 230 pipe when arrested 4. The sports Guy s Ramblings 5 http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/news/story?id=1801233 |
100. Sports Offered Special Olympics offers yearround sports training and athletic competition in 26Olympic-type sports to children and adults with intellectual disabilities. http://www.specialolympics.org/Special Olympics Public Website/English/Compete/S | |
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