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Roller Skating Olympic Sports: more detail | |||||
61. F R E Q U E N T F I N D E R S . C O M International roller sports Federation Recognized by the International OlympicCommittee as the world and speed inline skating and quad roller skating. http://www.frequentfinders.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?results&keywords=International |
62. Roller Skating Rules US Amateur Confederation of roller skating (USAC/RS) and theSpecial Olympics Summer sports Rules govern this competition. http://www.sonj.org/Program/Sports/RollerSkating.html | |
63. Finding A Roller Skating Rink Hadley Papa Wheely s Hanover - Magic Elm Hermitage - olympic Kutztown - KutztownPark roller Rink Latrobe - Latrobe skating Center Lancaster http://www.seskate.com/rinks/ | |
64. DC Heads Medical Commission Of Int'l Roller Skating Federation in rolling skating includes winning regional roller dance skating competitions with anorganization recognized by the International olympic Committee and http://www.chiroweb.com/archives/16/13/21.html | |
65. International Institute For Sport And Olympic History Games (Pan Am, etc). Religion (see Sport and Religion); roller Polo;roller skating; Roque (Olympics 1904); Rowing; Rugby; Running; Sailing http://www.harveyabramsbooks.com/501c3subjects.html | |
66. Ireland.com / Today / Sport / Special Olympics sports Venues. Event Schedule. Opening Ceremony. Photo Gallery. Medals Table.Ireland and The Games. Main Results roller skating 1000M Race The Track; 100MRace; http://www.ireland.com/sports/specialolympics/results/rollerskating/ | |
67. Ireland.com / Today / Sport / Special Olympics the divisioning , or heats section, of the roller skating speed and artisticdancecompetitions. The cavernous interior was converted into a sports arena for http://www.ireland.com/sports/specialolympics/news/news64.htm | |
68. PhatNav Directory - Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating roller skating History. A brief history of roller skating from the USOlympic Committee site. roller skating Today. roller sports Central. http://www.phatnav.com/directory/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating.cat | |
69. RS WEB HALL OF FAME communications between the FIRS, USOC, IOC and other governing bodies that may havea say in admitting roller skating as an Official olympic Sport, a position http://usars.org/hof/page2.htm | |
70. FindingWeb Directory - /Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating roller skating History A brief history of roller skating from the US OlympicCommittee site. » roller sports Central - Promoting community in roller http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating | |
71. Nutrition Olympic Symposium Physiological, Physiology, olympic, Physical Education Athletic, Leisure, Recreational,Sport Activities Acrobatics roller Coaster, roller skating, Rowing, Rugby http://nutrition.ucdavis.edu/olympics/ | |
72. Roller Skating Association International The Sport of roller skating. the National Governing Body (NGB) for competitive rollersports in the recognized by both the United States olympic Committee (USOC http://www.rollerskating.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=70 |
73. Special Olympics Florida being operated year round, chances are we ve got a way for you to participate inSpecial Olympics. Check out below which sport you d like to try roller skating, http://www.sofl.org/sports.aspx | |
74. Sports And The Olympic Tradition footballers, athletes, and figure and roller-skaters in Slovenia a member of theInternational olympic Committee (IOC). Among the giants of sports culture in http://www.uvi.si/eng/slovenia/background-information/olympic-tradition/ | |
75. Vibrant Life: Jondon Trevena: Olympic Speed Skating Hopeful of Europe. But the ultrapopular sport lacked the olympic opportunityhe had dreamed of since his roller skate boot size was four. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0826/is_6_17/ai_80897725 | |
76. USA Roller Skating -- NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ROLLER SKATING an exhibition sport in the Summer olympic Games in Transcontinental roller Derby formedby Leo A. Seltzer official US Amateur Speed skating Championship races http://www.rollerskatingmuseum.com/museum/homewrk_pg.htm | |
77. SLCentral Directory - Sports - Skating - Roller Skating roller skating History A brief history of roller skating from the US OlympicCommittee site. roller skating Today - A roller sports Central - Promoting http://www.slcentral.com/directory/index.php/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/ | |
78. Inline Skaters Crank Up Speed As Spring Rolls On - 04/25/02 on ice has been traced to the 1800s, speedskating has gotten less notoriety sinceit s not an olympic sport. However, competitive rollerskating has been http://www.detnews.com/2002/outdoors/0204/27/e04-474370.htm | |
79. The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Sport in the torch relay are ace shooters Anjali Ved Pathak Bhagwat and Jaspal Rana, SydneyOlympic bronze medallist in Top. roller hockey, skating squads Our http://www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20040520/sports.htm | |
80. Special Olympics Nebraska Schedule Of Events Unified sports® This popular and rapidly growing program brings together traditionalSpecial Olympics athletes and Area 7 roller skating, Beatrice. http://www.sone.org/events.html | |
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