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Roller Skating Olympic History: more detail | |||||
41. State Games Of Oregon - Sport For All Oregonians history of the Games. Newly added sports included Bowling, Cycling, roller skating,Rowing, Springboard Eric Heiden, olympic Gold Medalist, helped promote the http://www.stategamesoforegon.org/history.htm | |
42. Books On The Olympic Games The US olympic Team at the Games of the XXVII Olympiad by US olympic Committee (Editor)(Hardcover). roller skating for Gold (American Sports history Series, No http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/sport/olympic_games.htm | |
43. Shopping Resources - Roller Skating roller skating history A brief history of roller skating from the US olympicCommittee site. (http//www.olympicusa.org/sports2/ro/az_hist.html). http://www.ukuk.com/directory/420/420.htm |
44. Rollkunstlauf Links Des RSC Wiesbaden roller skating Resources, Tara Lipinski, former roller Skater, olympic Gold Medallist, Danceskating history Intro (FIRS), 199697 roller skating Events, http://www.spinner-wiesbaden.de/rsc/roll_lin.htm | |
45. Yoogoo - Your Best Archive other resources. roller skating history A brief history of rollerskating from the US olympic Committee site. roller Sports Central http://www.yoogoo.com/Top/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating | |
46. I-une.com: Skating > Roller Skating www.rollerx.com/. roller skating history A brief history of roller skating fromthe US olympic Committee site. www.olympicusa.org/sports2/ro/az_hist.html. http://dir.i-une.com/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/ | |
47. Still Carrying The Torch long dream to be part of olympic history; she was I carried would light the olympiccauldron in in Greeley, Colorado, Coil has been rollerskating and figure http://www.afmc.wpafb.af.mil/HQ-AFMC/PA/news/archive/2002/feb/Edwards_Stilltorch |
48. Derek Parra skater winning a gold and silver olympic medal and most accomplished athletes in theshort history of inline roller skating and ice skating may look the same http://www.todayschiropractic.com/archives/may_jun_02/derek_parra.html | |
49. American Chiropractic Association Speed Skater Derek Parra. 2002 Winter olympic Gold and the ACA In 1984 Derek beganspeed rollerskating and by the most decorated athlete in the history of the http://www.amerchiro.org/about/auxiliary/skater.shtml | |
50. Amfibi Directory : Sports : Skating : Roller Skating roller skating history New Window A brief history of roller skating from theUS olympic Committee site. http//www.olympic-usa.org/sports2/ro/az_hist.html. http://dir.amfibi.com:8080/dir?p=420 |
51. AnsMe Directory - Sports > Skating > Roller Skating 16. roller skating history A brief history of roller skating from the US olympicCommittee site. http//www.olympicusa.org/sports2/ro/az_hist.html. 17. http://dir.ansme.com/sports/420.html | |
52. PUERTO RICO HERALD: Parra, 1st Mexican-American To Win Winter Olympic Gold skater Derek Parra glided into olympic history again Tuesday to Europe shortly afterthe olympics to complete where they would go to rollerskating rinks and http://www.puertorico-herald.org/issues/2002/vol6n08/ParraOlymGold-en.shtml | |
53. BSSH ... GENERAL INFORMATION Also see inline roller skating above) Rowing Rugby Ted Hinshaw A 1984 olympic YatchingRetrospective Skiing Skimboarding Skim Online history of Skimboarding http://www2.umist.ac.uk/sport/SPORTS HISTORY/other4.htm | |
54. Search Results to rollerJam, Keith Coppage takes a fond look at the origins, history, and p ice,on the boards, and on the streetswhy isn t roller skating an olympic event http://www.eshop.msn.com/fts/ftsresults.aspx?pcid=15091 |
55. »»Reviews For Skating«« everything about Sarah from the first time she put on skates to her olympic experience!A must have for Sarah fans! The history of roller skating. Published in http://www.booksunderreview.com/Sports/Skating/Skating_12.html | |
56. The Salt Lake Tribune - 2002 Winter Olympic Games He can add to that history Tuesday in the 1,500, an either of his squads medals inthese Olympics, we ll he was too small, he took up roller skating, which led http://www.sltrib2002.com/Main/Story.asp?NUM=176904&VOL=02152002 |
57. USA Roller Sports -- NEWS most dominant male figure skater in the history of world by the Federation Internationalede roller skating (FIRS) and United States olympic Committee (USOC http://usarollersports.novia.net/news/02HallofFame_press.htm | |
58. Roller Skating In Sports > Skating roller skating history. A brief history of roller skating from the US olympicCommittee site. http//www.olympicusa.org/sports2/ro/az_hist.html. http://ilectric.com/glance/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/ | |
59. Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog - Roller Skating 13. roller skating history, A brief history of roller skating from the US olympicCommittee site. http//www.olympicusa.org/sports2/ro/az_hist.html. 14. http://www.excite.de/directory/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating | |
60. Searchpixie.com Sports Skating Roller Skating http//www.netaxs.com/people/grr/roller/. roller skating history A briefhistory of roller skating from the US olympic Committee site. http://www.searchpixie.com/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/ |
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