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61. NEA: Good News About America's Public Schools-- Rhode Island Fortyfive percent (45%) of rhode island schools lack adequate power outlets and wiring ESR - Education State Rankings 2002-2003 Pre k-12 Education in the 50 http://www.nea.org/goodnews/ri01.html | |
62. Developing Educational Standards - Rhode Island and Student Assessment portion of the rhode island Department of a story on the Putnam Valley schools and the issue called Web Site on k12 Standards Efforts http://edstandards.org/StSt/RhodeIsland.html |
63. Rhode Island General Assembly > Press Releases Civic Mission of schools STATE HOUSE The rhode island Permanent Commission evidence in favor of civic education in k12 schools, said Representative http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/scripts/PressApp/News/pr1.asp?prid=319 |
64. Synopses Rhode IslandÂ2003 Display Trend. rhode island Contact Information. Children (k12) on free/reduced-cost school lunch program 8 9, 59%. Back to top. Number of dental schools 13, 0. http://www2.cdc.gov/nccdphp/doh/synopses/StateDataV.asp?StateID=RI&Year=2003 |
65. Wired News: California Schools Get Hooked Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, rhode island and Washington are also wired. In 1994, Missouri was the first state to network all of its k12 schools, and since then http://www.wired.com/news/school/0,1383,45882,00.html | |
66. The Rhode Island Foundation information about exemplary programs in k12 schools to help showcasing imagination and innovation in our public schools. Home The rhode island Foundation. http://www.glef.org/php/orgs.php?id=ORG_402301 |
67. Default Title Here schools this summer, according to rhode island Foundation President equipment and training to 15 schools; and; a mentoring program between k12 teachers and http://www.rifoundation.org/pr_gates.html | |
68. US Community Atlas At ESRI 2000 User Conf be leading next year s students in a tree survey, fulfilling part of rhode island s desire to in a personal way how easy it can be to do GIS in k12 schools. http://www.esri.com/industries/k-12/atlas/uc2kpres.html | |
69. Rhode Island PBS In The NETA Member Spotlight (June 2003) 150 schools. The rhode island PBS Foundation, which provides approximately 58% of WSBETVÂs operating budget, funds free Internet access for k-12 teachers http://www.netaonline.org/RI-PBS.htm | |
70. Rebuild America - Community Partnerships Events Rebuild America will present a design and technologies seminar for k12 schools in cold and humid climates, December 10 NEEP) and the rhode island State Energy http://www.rebuild.org/partnerships/bp_eventdetails.asp?NewsID=1953 |
71. New England Comprehensive Assistance Center: About NECAC: Work In Region Directory of rhode island schools Including superintendents of public schools, public k12 educational agencies, state operated schools, career and technical http://www.edc.org/NECAC/about/states/ri-resources.html | |
72. ElSurfo - Rhode Island Schools k12 Bernon Highs Elem Bishop Hendricken High Center Woonsocket Middle Woonsocket schools, Colleges Universities Public Univ of rhode island rhode island http://elsurfo.com/school/ri.htm | |
73. GreatSchools.net K-12 Schools In California, Arizona, Texas And Nationwide Elementary, middle and high school information for public, private and charter schools nationwide on elementary, middle and high schools. A nonprofit organization Oregon. Pennsylvania. rhode http://www.greatschools.net/ | |
75. Hope Schools - Rhode Island The Hope schools, rhode island. Hope elementary, middle, and information for public, private and charter schools in RI. Compare Hope schools, track Hope school performance and read http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/bycity/ri/? |
76. RIDE- Schools And Districts schools and Districts. To learn more about rhode island s elementary and secondary schools, choose one of the following search options http://www.ridoe.net/School_Directory/K12.htm | |
77. Search For Schools, Colleges And Libraries Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. rhode island. South Carolina. South Dakota select any of interest (all) Public schools. Private schools. Colleges http://nces.ed.gov/globallocator | |
78. Technology rhode island Sites. http://www.ri.net/schools/North_Smithfield/10technolnews/technology and online.h | |
79. Colonial America Links island; The Gene Pool Abstracts from The East Haven Register rhode island; KidInfo; United StatesHistory16001775, Colonial Period K12 Resources Colonial http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/travilahes/colonial.html | |
80. Rhode Island Consortium For Educators rhode island Catholic schools, Providence, RI, http//www.catholicschools.org. Somerset, MA, http//somerset.k12.ma.us. Taunton Public schools, Taunton, MA, http//www http://www.eventemanagement.com/rice/students/school_list.php | |
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