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81. SEDAC DDCartogram Service ArcInfo format boundary files are available from the US Census Bureau.rhode island. The coverages below are grouped by Census geography http://plue.sedac.ciesin.org/plue/ddcarto/htmls/ri.html | |
82. Lycos 50 With Dean Tsouvalas- Bonus List Archives: Geography 3. South Padre island Texas vacation spot, 4. rhode island Smallest state, 6.Block island Part of rhode island, 7. Long island Railroad Commuter train, http://50.lycos.com/bonarc_geography.asp | |
83. Earthwatch Combats Geographic Literacy that geography Âroots the curriculum to the local environment, our state,our country, and the world , said Helen Johnson, a rhode island Geographic http://www.earthwatch.org/pubaffairs/news/ngs-literacy.html | |
84. Cyndi's List - U.S. - Rhode Island More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. U.S. - rhode island. Main Index. Alphabetical http://www.cyndislist.com/ri.htm | |
85. Rhode Island The Ocean State Capital Providence The smallest state of the union, rhode island, also has the longest official nameof any of the states State of rhode island and Providence Plantations . http://www.netstate.com/states/intro/ri_intro.htm | |
86. Rhode Island College : Academics  rhode island Association of School Committees  rhode island  PositiveBehavioral Supports  rhode island Services to Children with Dual Sensory. http://www.ric.edu/academics/initpart.html | |
87. Rhode Island rhode island Geographic Alliance http//www.ri.net/RIGeo/rigea/home.html.Anne K. Petry Adams 122 rhode island College 600 Mt. Pleasant Ave. http://www.teachearth.com/states/Rhode_Island.htm | |
88. Rhode Island State Flags Geographic.org; Rhode Island State's Flag; Flag Of Rhod rhode island State Flags geographic.org; rhodeisland s flag; Flag of rhode island USA. http://www.geographic.org/flags/states/rhode_island_flags.html | |
89. Atlas: Rhode Island rhode island Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles; Flags; WorldGeography; World Stats and Facts. US State Profiles; 50 Largest US Cities; http://www.factmonster.com/atlas/state/rhodeisland.html | |
90. TRAVELER @ Nationalgeographic.com NewportÂs Cliff Walk, rhode island TravelWise In this monthÂs issue of http://www.nationalgeographic.com/traveler/tw/0110/paradise_newport.html | |
91. Geographic Change Notes: Rhode Island Geographic Change Notes rhode island. State rhode island, (44 RI).All legal boundaries of governmental units are as reported through http://eire.census.gov/popest/geonotes/44.php | |
92. Sources Of Geologic And Hydrologic Information Pertinent To Ground-Water Resourc The geographic scope of the report includes rhode island and small adjoining areasof Massachusetts and Connecticut, where drainage basins are shared with http://pubs.water.usgs.gov/ofr93-464 | |
93. Resources From Www.BiologyBrowser.org Main Category geography. SubCategories. No subcategories found for this category.Related Categories. SubjectOrganizationsNorth AmericaUSARhode island@ (5 http://www.biologybrowser.org/bb/Geography/North_America/USA/Rhode_Island/index. | |
94. DexOnline.com Internet White And Yellow Pages Business Residential Government Information TollFree Local Links. New Search rhode island. Geographic Search Results for RI (37158). Results by location, http://www.dexonline.com/geo/RI/info.html | |
95. Maine Geography - 4 Maine geography 4. You will not 15) Which Maine County is larger thanRhode island and Connecticut combined? http://kenanderson.net/quiz/mainegeo4.html | |
96. Rhode Island Governor From our colonial clapboard homes and churches to our elegant Europeanstyle mansions,rhode island offers not only a unique blend of geographic, historic and http://www.postcardsfrom.com/gov/gov-ri.html | |
97. New England - St. Lawrence Valley, AAG--Departments Tresurer Stanford Demars, Dept. of Political Science geography, rhode IslandCollege, Providence, RI 02908; ph 401456-9649; email sdemars@ric.edu. http://www1.wsc.ma.edu/nestval/ | |
98. The US50 - A Guide To The Fifty States History geography Outdoors Tourism Events Information State Links http://www.theus50.com/rhodeisland/geography.shtml | |
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