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21. National Survey Of School Conflict Management Legislation Title Relating to education. Summary Requires each rhode island school district to develop personnel to participate in two staff development training session http://www.disputeresolution.ohio.gov/legislation/rhodeisland.htm&e=747 |
22. Westerly School System, Westerly, RI family advocacy, a strong staff development program, and a by local taxpayers, the National education Association, a in the southwest corner of rhode island. http://cecp.air.org/resources/nasp/ri.htm&e=747 |
23. Westerly Public Schools, Westerly, Rhode Island Westerly, rhode island, is a district of about Rights violations concerning its education of students and then implemented intensive staff development and team http://cecp.air.org/resources/safe&drug_free/westerly_public_schools.htm&e=747 |
24. Library Of Rhode Island - Five Year Plan (2002) liaison with rhode island Network for educational Technology, Inc PPP accounts for LORI member library staff; Ocean State Higher education, Economic development http://www.lori.ri.gov/5yplan/2002/lori.php&e=747 |
25. 2000 Five Year Plan Local Library Development services and offers continuing education for the provides a staff liaison to literacy programs and Revise Minimum Standards for rhode island Public Libraries http://www.lori.ri.gov/5yplan/2000/lld.php&e=747 |
26. RIPBS WINGS/Rhode Island rhode island Educational Media Association (RIEMA) provides support for school library media professionals and support staff. Find information on development, http://www.wsbe.org/Education/Pointers/rhode.html&e=747 |
27. Our Partners Eastern LINCS New York State education Department Adult education, staff development and Distance Learning 89 rhode island Department of education Adult education and GED http://www.easternlincs.org/ourpartners.htm&e=747 |
28. Rhode Island Consortium For Educators arts, technology and health provide curriculum support and a strong staff development program reflecting current state and national education standards and http://www.eventemanagement.com/rice/students/school_info.php?viewid=169&e=747 |
29. Rhode Island Consortium For Educators skills through sponsored and supported staff development opportunities. Secondary  Chemistry Grade Levels Secondary  education Administration Grade http://www.eventemanagement.com/rice/students/school_info.php?viewid=144&e=747 |
30. Quality Counts 98 Rhode Island Summary, Page 1 to do sitebased management, that takes staff development. hundreds of new families to rhode island each year face in setting policies for urban education. http://www.edweek.org/sreports/qc98/states/ri-n.htm&e=747 |
31. Elaine Parker - GSN Faculty - UMass Medical School island; 1974 BSN, University of rhode island; 1967 Diploma to a HospitalWide education Department. Pensacola National Nursing staff development Organization. http://www.umassmed.edu/gsn/faculty/Parker.cfm&e=747 |
32. Professional Development Programs And Models Under the new model, all staff move through High School District Arizona education Association The rhode island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals http://www.sharingsuccess.org/code/pd/table9.html&e=747 |
33. University Of Rhode Island 4H School Age Child Care education Assessment Manual for 4-H Professional staff development and 4-H State/University rhode island/University of rhode island. http://www.nncc.org/Extension_Resources/Rhode_Island.html&e=747 |
34. Volunteer Center Of Rhode Island - Development Series Wed., Jan 21 1pm 4pm @ rhode island PBS, Providence. is a conflict between agency staff and the 6 9am - noon @ Audubon Environmental education Center, Bristol. http://www.vcri.org/main/developmentseries.html&e=747 |
35. Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Starting Right doubles the dollars for early childhood education in rhode island and to the professional development of center and family child care staff. http://www.nccic.org/ccpartnerships/profiles/ri.htm&e=747 |
36. CSEE > About CSEE > CSEE Collaborators York City Board of education, staff development Department; Northeast Educators for Social Responsibility; rhode island Department of education (RIDE); http://www.csee.net/pageview.aspx?id=11&e=747 |
37. Rhode Island Preservation Plan Profile Other Plan development Strategies staff conducted the Focus general public education efforts on RI Department of Transportation; rhode island Housing; Coastal http://www2.cr.nps.gov/pad/stateplans/risland.htm&e=747 |
38. Information About Barry Sweeny, Consultant, Presenter, Trainer program development, program evaluation training for mentors, and university ESC staff, mentoring of rhode island Department of education, consult and http://www.teachermentors.com/RSOD%20Site/AboutBarry.html&e=747 |
39. Home Back Personal History Associate Professor, rhode island College, Henry Childhood and Elementary education Courses. teaching; curriculum development; staff supervision; undergraduate http://web.utk.edu/~utkcdl/kathyfitz.html&e=747 |
40. Teachers College Press how to design and implement staff development, but also Early Childhood and Elementary education at Roger Williams University in Bristol, rhode island. http://store.tcpress.com/0807738522.shtml&e=747 |
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