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41. SearchDisabilities.com For People With Disabilities and vocational services to developmentally disabled adults. Harmony Hill School Chepachet, rhode island. parent resources, school policies, special events, and http://searchdisabilities.com/resources/index.cgi?base=/Reference/Education/Spec |
42. RICOMJOB Archives -- July 2002 (#17) Assist psychiatrically disabled consumers in rhode island special Education Elementary Certification required. Experience with special needs children preferred http://listserv.brown.edu/archives/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0207&L=ricomjob&F=&S=&P=2431 |
43. RICOMJOB Archives -- January 2004 (#1) Experience working with psychiatrically disabled patients. Must have rhode island Registered Nurse (RN) license Experience with special needs children preferred http://listserv.brown.edu/archives/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0401&L=ricomjob&F=&S=&P=65 |
44. Education World® - Special Education : Assistive Technology : General Resources in the field of assistive computer devices for the disabled. TechACCESS TechACCESS is rhode island s central information, referral, and special needs product. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=6400 |
45. SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS the Child Development Center in rhode island, this resource Klein, Stanley D. (ed) The disabled Child and With Love Caring for the special needs Baby , 1988 http://www.portageproject.org/BOOKLST/s.htm | |
46. FamilyFun: Child Development: My Sister Is Slow WITH A BROTHER OR SISTER WITH special needs A BOOK and counselors to siblings of the disabled seem to workshops for young siblings at rhode island Hospital in http://familyfun.go.com/parenting/child/dev/feature/dony199701_brother/ | |
47. Media Study Finds special needs and disabled Populations Satisfied CHCS Awards Grants to Neighborhood Health Plan of rhode island and the Visiting Nurse Service http://www.chcs.org/info-url3967/info-url_more.htm?frame_id=3969 |
48. Resource Library in four statesArizona, Maryland, rhode island, and Virginia to the care of disabled individuals with Services for Children with special needs This Resource http://www.chcs.org/info-url3966/info-url_more.htm?frame_id=3960&attrib_id=8472 |
49. Links - C - UCP rhode island; UCP Schuylkill, Carbon, and Northumberland counties; UCP 188-88-disabled.com; Arthur L special needs and special Gifts; SpEdRights.com; Uniquely http://www.dndpress.com/c.htm | |
50. Robert Hope Larder - A Woonsocket, Rhode Island (RI) Divorce Lawyer revocable and irrevocable trusts, special needs trust, and trusts involving disabled individuals. US District Court District of rhode island, 1973 Virginia http://pview.findlaw.com/view/2892160_1 | |
51. Us Paralympic Team Bios Sailors with special needs, Ranked as one of the top disabled sailors in the world center for people with spinal cord injury located in Newport, rhode island. http://www.ussailing.org/swsn/paralympics/teambios.htm | |
52. Schedule Of Upcoming Events - Wide Horizons For Children, Inc. is necessary Please contact Emily in the rhode island office phone Soul are special needs students from the Holt special School and disabled residents of http://www.whfc.org/events/schedule.asp | |
53. TANF Recipients As Caregivers For Family Members With Disabilities for Medicaid and RIte Care, rhode islandÂs state assistance who are caregivers for disabled family members system to provide services to special needs children http://www.financeprojectinfo.org/Publications/TANFrecipientsascaregiversRN.htm | |
54. College Access Of RI and neglected children; disabled, handicapped children and children with special needs; children growing up DAWN coordinates the rhode island Children s Crusade http://www.collegeaccessri.org/mem4.htm | |
55. Massachusetts & Rhode Island -Links Hospital Epilepsy Surgery Unit. rhode island Hospital Comprehensive engine to find special education resources. Administration Working While disabled - How We http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/local/massri/links.cfm | |
56. KinderStart - Child Development : Special Needs Child : Schools/Organizations Disabilities Programs The schools on our list are schools for Learning training, assistance, and support to parents of disabled and special needs children. http://www.kinderstart.com/childdevelopment/specialneedschild/schoolsorganizatio | |
57. Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council - Web Guide    of Ed special need An encyclopedia of information about is not pertinent to the disabled, but there RIPIN The rhode island Parent Information Network website http://www.riddc.org/lwebguide2.html | |
58. Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council - Getaways    tours of national parks and other special areas in Sports Center for the disabled (NSCD The rhode island Developmental Disabilities Council Christine Singleton http://www.riddc.org/getaways.shtml | |
59. CHAPTER 4 EDUCATION Education are part of the special Education IEP The community college of rhode island must provide a driver training program for physically disabled drivers to http://www.gcd.state.ri.us/RI_Laws/chapt_4.htm | |
60. DRDrelease The rhode island General Assembly commissioned the Study on with disabilities and their special education programs designation of students as disabled and their http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/leg_press/2002/september/sherlock study.htm | |
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