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81. Information Works! 2004 : Rhode Island Public Schools Graphically represented statistical information on rhode island's student achievement, financial data, student challenges, survey information from parents, teachers, students and administrators http://www.infoworks.ride.uri.edu/ | |
82. Boards For Design Professionals Working in RI ·. education ·. RI Facts History The boards for Design Professionals is an agency with four boards of registration regulating licensing of design http://www.bdp.state.ri.us/ | |
83. State Education Departments And Boards: State And Local Government On The Net State departments and boards of education are generally http://www.statelocalgov.net/50states-education.htm | |
84. Rhode Island Educational Media Association rhode island Educational Media Association PO Box 470, East Greenwich, RI 02818Serving professionals in rhode island s school library media, computer, and http://www.ri.net/RIEMA/ | |
85. Welcome    Executive Board    Rhode Island Position Paper Committees http://www.riahperd.org/ | |
86. Rhode Island State Agencies: Web Guide Includes Government Agencies That Regulat quasipublic agencies, special funds and Board of Governors for Higher Educationbids searchable downloadable tax forms; online rhode island Tax News http://www.constructionweblinks.com/Organizations/State_Agencies/Agencies_by_Sta | |
87. Projo.com | Providence, R.I. Home page About Providence Bulletin boards Calendar Digital Extra Seasonal News DigitalBulletin Blackstone Valley Business East Bay education, Health Lottery http://www.rhodeisland.com/ | |
88. State Of Rhode Island: Office Of The Governor good schools by increasing educational opportunities for The sevenmember board wouldinclude representation director of the rhode island Economic Development http://www.governor.state.ri.us/ | |
89. CBS4: Rhode Island News are marking the 50th anniversary of Brown versus Board of Educationthe landmark AP) Health insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield of rhode island is in court http://cbs4boston.com/rinews/ | |
90. AFP Rhode Island Chapter - Advancing Philanthropy Through Education, Training An Advancing philanthropy by providing fundraising training and career development to nonprofit fundraisers in southern New England http://www.altrue.net/site/afpri/content.php?type=13&id=53 |
91. CDC's Diabetes Program - State-Based Diabetes Prevention And Control Programs - and DOE Educators The DOE Board coordinates and certifies state diabetes educationprograms and DOE educators serving all populations in rhode island). http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/states/ri.htm | |
92. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Rhode Island State Resources information on learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, speech http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/rhode_island.html | |
93. RIGenWeb Articles Index: Page 1 Twentieth Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture 1905 Records of theColony or State of rhode island and Providence Plantations in New England http://www.rootsweb.com/~rigenweb/articles.html | |
94. RISD : Rhode Island School Of Design : ARCHITECTURE The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency dependingon its degree of conformance with established educational standards. http://www.risd.edu/graduate_architecture.cfm | |
95. RIDE- State And National Education Links directors, principals, school board members, teachers New Hampshire, New York, RhodeIsland, Vermont, Puerto on promoting quality education for disadvantaged http://www.ridoe.net/e_links/Default.htm | |
96. Information Literacy Framework information. *Approved by membership May 27, 1999 * Approved by RhodeIsland Department of education Board of Regents June 8, 2000. http://www.ri.net/RIEMA/infolit.html | |
97. Projo.com | Providence, R.I. The Providence Journal Web site ClassifiedsAbout ProvidenceBulletin BoardsBusinessCalendarDesktop News coverageNewspaper In EducationSubscribeVacation starts/stops CountyWest BayEducationHealthLotteryNew England http://www.projo.com/ | |
98. LawyerFinder - Find Lawyers, Find An Attorney, Law, Legal Find lawyers, find attorneys, find expert witnesses and other legal professionals. Find a qualified lawyer or useful legal information. LawyerFinder.com offers a complete directory of online legal http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.lawyerfinder.com/&y=02404F420673 |
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