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Home - Basic_R - Rhinoceros Endangered & Threatened Species |
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81. Animal Info - Indonesia 2003 IUCN Red List of threatened Animals. Critically endangered Alpine Woolly Rat(Mallomys gunung Endemic to Indonesia.); Javan rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus http://www.animalinfo.org/country/indones.htm | |
82. CITES And The Causes Of Extinction - Endangered Species, Threatened Convention American bison and the black and white rhinoceros. on Appendix II, especially thosethreatened by a source funds for critically endangered species on Appendix I http://www.resourceafrica.org/cites/ch02.html | |
83. Ed Lonnon's Endangered Species Homepage - Discussion value products such as ivory and rhinoceros horn threaten Union (IUCN) Red List ofThreatened Plants adds 33,798 species to the list of endangered organisms. http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~endangered/discuss.htm | |
84. APPENDIX 2: Some Of The Major Laws Protecting Endangered Wildlife Ivory, rhinoceros horn, tortoise shell jewelry and promote the conservation of endangeredspecies while allowing in Appendix I are threatened with extinction http://www.earthtrust.org/wlcurric/appen2.html | |
85. Most Endangered Great Ape Threatened Great Ape threatened November 2002. Some of Sumatra s most critically endangeredspecies, including the Sumatran orangutan, elephant, tiger, and rhinoceros are http://www.ippl.org/01-03-19c.html | |
86. GREAT INDIAN RHINOCEROS : ABOUT RED LIST | ENTERTAINMENT | YAMAHA MOTOR GREAT INDIAN rhinoceros, the Environment Agency of Japan has compiled the Japaneseedition of the List listing threatened taxa inhabiting CRITICALLY endangered. http://www.yamaha-motor.co.jp/global/entertainment/papercraft/animal/world/rhino | |
87. DNR in our oceans or the elephants and rhinoceros that live you know that we have endangeredspecies right here kinds of species that are threatened with extinction http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/CLASSRM/AquaticILLessons/EndangeredSpecie | |
88. MPR: The Mississippi: Saving Threatened Species The Mississippi Saving threatened species By Erin Galbally Mussels like the endangeredHiggins Eye help if we took the giraffes, rhinoceros, elephants, and http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200205/06_mainstreet_rivers-m/gal | |
89. Endangered Species - Wildlife Conservation Information And Articles From RedJell Wildlife Cheetah, gorilla, panda, bear, elephant, rhinocerosThese and federal lawwith the purpose of protecting endangered and threatened species and to http://www.redjellyfish.com/wildlife/endangered-species.html | |
90. Who's Who At The Zoo - Animal Collection Eastern Indigo Snake, threatened, Eastern Coral Snake, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake,Aruba Island Rattlesnake, endangered, SSP. Eyelash Viper, rhinoceros Viper, http://www.centralfloridazoo.org/animals.htm | |
91. Third Grade Science Links www.panda.org/resources/publications/species/threatened/ This site on the followingendangered animals African Javan and Sumatran rhinoceros; whales; brown http://www.captain.clayton.k12.mo.us/curriculum/Links/3rdGrdLinks/3rdGrScienceLi | |
92. Front Page CR), endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU) in the 2000 IUCN Red List of ThreatenedAnimals. Critically endangered Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis http://www.mweb.co.zw/index.php?fArticleId=5384 |
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