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Home - Basic_R - Rhinoceros Endangered & Threatened Species |
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21. Sumatran Rhinoceros - Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis: More Information - ARKive on International Trade in endangered species (CITES), which recent attempts to breedrhinoceros within sanctuaries org 2) WWF threatened species Accounts (July http://www.arkive.org/species/GES/mammals/Dicerorhinus_sumatrensis/more_info.htm | |
22. Endangered Species Societies; taxonomic databases; conservation, threatened plants; economic We arean endangered species and I Panda, Giant Facts rhinoceros Information The http://library.hilton.kzn.school.za/Biology/endanger.htm | |
23. Gander Academy's Endangered Species Resources On The World Wide Web Gorilla, Asian elephant, Black rhinoceros, Amazon river dolphin endangered speciesAnimal Profiles This page lists some 140 threatened species linked to http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/esworld.htm | |
24. Import Restrictions Under Environmental Laws for fishery conservation or international programs for endangered or threatened species. determinedthat the island economy was trading rhinoceros horns and http://www.itds.treas.gov/EnvImp.htm | |
25. Threatened Asian Species - Case Studies now listed as Vulnerable, and rhinoceros Hornbill Buceros rhinoceros which is NearThreatened. is now listed as Critically endangered, having previously http://www.birdlife.org/action/science/species/asia_strategy/species.html | |
26. ThinkQuest : Library : 100 BUT STILL AT ITS PEAK threatened species Housed at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa BrazilianTapir, Vulnerable. Black rhinoceros, Vulnerable. Babirusa, endangered. http://library.thinkquest.org/26161/ZOO/threatened_species_housed_at_the.htm | |
27. ThinkQuest : Library : Protecting Wildlife:Protecting Our Future whale, African rhinoceros, elephant, cheetah, leopard, Asiatic lion, catfish, Goliathfrog, etc. However, the real list of endangered and threatened species is http://library.thinkquest.org/28343/endanger.html | |
28. Endangered Species Unit For Elementary Classrooms Eagle, California Condor, Black rhinoceros, African Wild bats protected under theendangered species Act. about birds of prey, endangered/threatened birds, and http://www.northcanton.sparcc.org/~greentown/endspec.htm | |
29. Tibetan Plateau Project | Endangered Species Fact Sheet Materia Medica Horn, blood. rhinoceros. species Name rhinoceros unicornis. ESA= endangered species Act. E=endangered, T=threatened, Ã=Not Listed. http://www.earthisland.org/tpp/esfactsheet.htm | |
30. Endangered Species Conservation Union divides threatened animals into World Conservation Union, endangeredspecies are species operating. The black rhinoceros(Diceros bicornis http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Endangered/esII.html | |
31. Endangered Species The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) was originally found in Under the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA), populations of of which are listed as threatened by the http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Endangered/esVI.html | |
32. Endangered Species On EE-Link: Species Highlights - Main Page of species recovery, or may be threatened in a footed(FWS)Recovery update at Endangeredspecies Update Sea; Panda, Giant Facts (WWF); rhinoceros Information (Black http://eelink.net/EndSpp/specieshighlights-mainpage.html | |
33. Endangered Species On EE-Link: Species Highlights - Important Threatened Species Indian rhinos; the five species of rhinoceros. the rarest and most endangered speciesof wild threatened species Accounts of selected threatened species that http://eelink.net/EndSpp/specieshighlights-importantthreatenedspecies.html | |
34. LIST OF ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES Updated September 4, 1997 E = endangered . . T = threatened . . Tapirus terrestris)E; Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) E, SSP; White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum http://aztec.asu.edu/phxzoo/old/dngr_lst.html | |
35. Endangered Species Tasmania s threatened species List Tigers in Crisis from Scotland through Europeand Africa to publicize the plight of the endangered black rhinoceros. http://www.worldrevolution.org/Resources.asp?CategoryName=Endangered Species |
36. Taronga And Western Plains Zoos A species is considered threatened if it falls in the Critically endangered, endangered,or Vulnerable categories and threatened species. CR. rhinoceros Iguana. http://www.zoo.nsw.gov.au/content/view.asp?id=121 |
37. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Endangered Species insects. mammals. pictures of threatened and endangered species. African ElephantKilled by Poachers. Asiatic Lions. AyeAye. Bengal Tigers. Black rhinoceros Horn. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761557586_13/pictures_of_threatened_and_endangere | |
38. MSN Encarta - Endangered Species The African black rhinoceros, killed for its horn a medicine and aphrodisiac, is alsocritically endangered. and cycads are considered threatened or endangered http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761557586/Endangered_Species.html | |
39. Animal Info - Malaysia the 2003 IUCN Red List of threatened Animals. Critically endangered Black Shrew(Suncus ater species discovered in 1997.); Javan rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus http://www.animalinfo.org/country/malaysia.htm | |
40. Animal Planet :: Mammal Guide -- Resource Guide the critically endangered list or the endangered list  and the 2002 IUCN Red Listof threatened species. CR 4 species eg Javan rhinoceros, black rhinoceros http://animal.discovery.com/guides/mammals/resources/risk.html | |
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