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81. Homework Center - Language Arts The Multnomah County Library homework Center organizes over 3500 carefully reviewed K12 education and homework help resources for students, teachers, media specialists, and librarians. about the http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/homework/amhsthc.html | |
82. United States Colonial History And Revolutionary War, Carnegie Library Of Pittsb Area US Colonial History and revolutionary war. http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/history/colonial.html | |
83. Help With Your Homework: American History The Declaration of Arms. Flags of the American Revolution. Interactive RevolutionaryWar Map. Patrick Henry s Speech Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death . http://www.schoolwork.org/americas.html | |
84. DiscoverySchool.com cool site on shipwrecks Inventors homework Helper  If you Excellent informationon the war Between the Tour of the American Revolution  Terrific American http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
85. Homework Hotline - Topics, Math, History, Science, Biology And More... homework Hotline A multitude of homework help in basic subjects like math, science,history and social studies, language (english and spanish), assignments http://www.homeworkhotline.com/ | |
86. Neuse Regional Library - Homework Help Please visit the homework Helpers American History site! American RevolutionaryWar Back to TOP. Please visit the homework Helpers - American History site! http://www.neuselibrary.org/Homework Helpers/KidsWars&Conflict.htm | |
87. CyberSleuth Kids.com: A K-12 Homework Helper And Directory Women Veterans a history of women in the military from the revolutionary Warto present day. http //userpages.aug.com/captbarb/; And Now Houdini ! http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Reference/Biographies/ | |
88. Cove Links Great Page for fun in Learning; Kids Games Fun games to play in allareas of study or just for fun. Information and homework help http://www.alexandriacentral.org/cove/covelinks.html | |
89. Primers To The Past Teaching Our History History In Your Own Backyard (Tobacco, Slavery and the revolutionary war in Fredericksburg,Spotsylvania and Stafford) History In Your Own Backyard Project http://www.historypoint.org/education/teaching/index.asp | |
90. Kewl Web Sites: History revolutionary war. These are only sites about the revolutionary war; the Generalsites will also have information on the American Revolution. war OF 1812. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/8104/links/history.htm | |
91. History and website. WWWVL History USA revolutionary Era Extensive listof links to revolutionary war sites. Civil war. American Civil http://www.falls-church.lib.va.us/subject/history.html | |
92. Great Links Project - Links G-H Sites K12 Social Studies KidInfo-homework help! Kids Web Government Korean WarProject Latin Solving Reading is Fundamental Revolution-Reconstruction RMS http://www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/schools/es/sherman/sites/gh.htm | |
93. Kentucky.gov - Genealogy Resources and Vietnam Casualties. revolutionary war warrant Search (Secretaryof State). war of the Rebellion (Cornell Univ.). Native American http://kentucky.gov/Portal/Category/fac_resources-genealogy | |
94. They Say They Want A Revolution! 04 The Powhatan Confederation 1/9/04 Click here for ALL homework articles ! TheySay They Want a Revolution! Key Figures and Events of the war for American http://www.kidspoint.org/columns2.asp?column_id=390&column_type=homework |
95. High School: Homework Help - History - Oregon Department Of Education Central Links ODE Offices Channels State Board help!! StylesNone. http://www.ode.state.or.us/superkids/highschool/history.aspx | |
97. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION AND RESOURCES misc.education.homeschool.misc. Back to Top. homework help. Pinchbeck s homeworkhelper Almost 1500 links to internet homework help. This is a must see. http://www.seidata.com/~city/reference/education/ | |
98. KID_INFO_The_Web's_Best_Student_Homework_Reference_Resource Birth of a New Nation and Formation of a New Government. Civil war and Reconstruction.Industrial Revolution. Grammar help / Spelling / Vocabulary Building. http://www.kidinfo.com/School_Subjects.html | |
99. Palo Alto Middle School Libraries Research Center That section includes the history of every major war in America s history fromthe revolutionary war to the Gulf war. revolutionary war Biography Websites. http://staff.pausd.palo-alto.ca.us/~middlelibrary/americanrevolution.html | |
100. Allexperts Historical/War Reenactment Q&A James Bell View Profile, I am actively involved in revolutionary war reenacting. TheCivil war and revolutionary war are two of the most popular. http://www.allexperts.com/getExpert.asp?Category=2296 |
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