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1. Revenue Administration Fuel taxes are administered by the NH dept. is the intent of the Department of RevenueAdministration that for state death taxes paid on the federal estate tax http://www.state.nh.us/revenue/gti-rev.htm | |
2. Wisconsin State Law Library - Tax Law of revenue); WI Tax Publications (WI dept. of revenue) Individual Income taxes Credits Publications on capital gains; taxation of military state / federal. http://wsll.state.wi.us/topic/tax.html | |
3. OUTLINE OF MAJOR TAXES IN WASHINGTON STATE Amount of credit allowed under federal estate tax, as of 1/1/01. No additionalstate tax. $122. dept. of revenue. Estates file within 9 months. http://dor.wa.gov/Docs/Pubs/ExciseTax/FilTaxReturn/MajorTaxes.htm | |
4. Waukegan Public Library - About Us WI dept. of revenue Web Site, www.dor.state.wi.us. federal and state Tax Forms www.lib.lsu.edu/govdocs/taxes.htmlA good source for finding links to tax forms http://www.waukeganpl.org/services/tax.html | |
5. Basic Business Taxes 6735500, www.ci.shreveport.la.us/dept/finance/revenue. Louisiana Department of revenueand Taxation, Shreveport Office with employees must pay federal and state http://www.ci.shreveport.la.us/guide/bustax.htm | |
6. Fuel Tax Evasion Highlights, July 1995 - FHWA Office Of Transportation Policy St 1995 meeting of the Steering Committee for the Joint federal state Motor Fuel ofevading diesel fuel taxes or oil franchise taxes, have had PA revenue dept. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/hl95jul.htm | |
7. State Tax Resources And Information Online Sites Directory Tax Forms Pubs Provides users a series of helpful links to specificand general federal and state http//www.revenue.state.il.us/ dept. http://www.financing-made-easy.com/directory/Taxes/state_tax | |
8. Small Business Resource Guide - Sedgwick County, Kansas Economic Development federal Withholding, state taxes Recordkeeping IRS (800) 8291040 KS. dept. ofrevenue (316) 337-6248. state Withholding KS. dept. of revenue (316) 337-6140. http://www.sedgwick.ks.us/ecodevo/smallbusinessguide.htm | |
9. AN ACT CONCERNING ADMINISTRATION OF VARIOUS STATE TAXES. revenue Serv., dept. GF revenue Gain. It does so by (1) decoupling the state taxesfrom the federal ones and setting the state tax rates at the amount of the http://www.cga.state.ct.us/2004/fna/2004SB-00421-R00LCO04311-FNA.htm | |
10. 2004 : Republican Party PA dept of revenue. $641. 11/14/2003. state Payroll taxes. NOTE All the numberson this page are for the 2004 election cycle and based on federal Election http://www.opensecrets.org/parties/expenddetail.asp?Cmte=RPC&txtName=PA Dept of |
11. Colorado Department Of Revenue Colorado Department of revenue. M. Michael Cooke Main Categories. taxes. Motor Vehicle state Home . federal Home . Contact Us. Copyright © 2003, Colorado Department of revenue http://www.revenue.state.co.us/ | |
12. Louisiana Department Of Revenue LDR online filing ·federal/state efile File Your taxes Online For Free - Pay By e-Check Developed and Maintained by Louisiana Department of revenue http://www.rev.state.la.us/ | |
13. Wyoming Department Of Revenue The state of Wyoming does not levy of taxes. Website Navigation. Welcome to the all new Wyoming Department of revenue Website various county, state and federal data sources used http://revenue.state.wy.us/ | |
14. Iowa Department Of Revenue Home Page Publications/Classes. Business taxes. Cigarette/Tobacco Reader 4.05 or later. state of Iowa. Home Page 800572-3944 (Iowa only) or 515/281-4966. Status of your federal IRS Refund http://www.state.ia.us/government/drf | |
15. Taxes Main Florida Department of revenue taxes Forms. Government. Law. Property. taxes. taxes New Residents Out of state Purchases adopts the 50% federal bonus depreciation and other Internal revenue Code changes retroactive http://www.state.fl.us/dor/taxes | |
16. U.S. Treasury - Fact Sheet On State & Local Taxes With the revenue that the states receive from the federal Government, taxes,licenses, and fees, they provide public services to their citizens. http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/state-local.html | |
17. Oregon Department Of Revenue Oregon Department of revenue makes tax systems work effectively to fund services for Oregonians. This page has links to Oregon Department of revenue Tax Forms, Publications, Job Opportunities, 2003 Corporate taxes. Timber taxes. Are Changing. state Lodging Tax Withholding Change. federal Disconnect. Practitioner Info. The mission of the Oregon Department of revenue is to http://www.dor.state.or.us/ | |
18. Federal And State Tax Forms Links - Downloadable Tax Forms federal. Idaho state Tax Commission Tax Forms Forms, New Hampshire Department of revenueTax revenue Tax Forms Forms, New Mexico Taxation revenue dept Tax Forms http://www.electrofile.com/taxforms.htm | |
19. Moving To Arizona allowable as itemized deductions under the Internal revenue Code. to absorb the maximumcredit for state death taxes allowed on the federal estate tax http://www.revenue.state.az.us/azmove.htm | |
20. Kansas Dept Of Revenue Tax Forms information Links to federal and state tax information, refund status, unclaimedproperty, income tax forms, and dept of revenues. dept. of revenue. http://101investor.com/z/income-tax/kansas-dept-of-revenue-tax-forms.html | |
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