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1. RSRF - Rett Syndrome Research Foundation Promotes biomedical research for the treatment of rett syndrome, often misdiagnosed as Autism and Hypotonia. Offers detailed information, links, studies, support groups, and information on the rett syndrome gene MECP2 recently discovered. http://www.rsrf.org | |
2. Rett Syndrome Information And Resources rett syndrome International rett syndrome Assoc (IRSA) offers family resources and support, research, information, discussion forum, publications, and more http://www.rettsyndrome.org/ | |
3. Home rett syndrome is a complex neurological disorder. It affects mainly girls. Although present at birth, it becomes more evident during the second year. http://www.rettsyndrome.org.uk/ | |
4. Rett Syndrome - Description, Links And Books rett syndrome (RS) is a neurological disorder seen almost exclusively in females, and found in a variety of racial and ethnic groups worldwide. First described by Dr. Andreas Rett, RS received worldwide recognition following a paper by Dr. 1998 BLED, SLOVENIA. rett syndrome. rett syndrome. rett syndrome. rett syndrome And Epilepsy. rett syndrome http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/rett.htm | |
5. Rett Syndrome Fact Sheet rett syndrome fact sheet prepared by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). What is rett syndrome? http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/pubs/rett.htm | |
6. Center For The Study Of Autism rett syndrome. rett syndrome was first recognized by Andreas Rett in 1966 and is a neurological disorder affecting primarily females. http://www.autism.org/rett.html | |
7. Our Rett Syndrome Web Site Our rett syndrome Web Site About rett syndrome. rett syndrome is a neurological disorder occurring primarily in girls, in which individuals exhibit http://www.bundlings.com/irsg.htm | |
8. Rett Syndrome Resources Facts and various information containing links. http://expage.com/page/curerettnow | |
9. Rett rett syndrome. In the spring of 1965, Andreas Rett observed two young girls sitting on their mothers Beyond saying that rett syndrome is a neurologic disorder, there is little http://home.coqui.net/myrna/rett.htm | |
10. Rett Syndrome / Family Village Library organization dedicated to rett syndrome. The International rett syndrome Association disseminates timely, accurate, objective information on rett syndrome throughout the world to http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_rett.htm | |
11. NINDS Rett Syndrome Information Page rett syndrome information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. More about rett syndrome, Studies with patients, http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/rett_doc.htm | |
12. Rett Syndrome Association Of Illinois State organization that provides support for those affected by this neurological disorder that occurs predominantly in girls. Includes an events calendar, programs and services, and contacts. http://www.rettillinois.org/ | |
13. Rett Syndrome Link to rett syndrome Association International rett syndrome Association http//www.rettsyndrome.org Links to other supportive organizations http://www3.nb.sympatico.ca/ipenner/rs.html | |
14. Living With Rett Syndrome Welcome to Living With rett syndrome. This page will always be under construction as unfortunately rett syndrome is a work in progress . http://members.tripod.com/~conniecoughlin/livingwrs.html | |
15. Rett Syndrome Parent rett syndrome Parent. This page is to help locate other pages concerning rett syndrome. It will be here to help in the search of http://www.webspawner.com/users/rettsyndromeparent/ | |
16. Helping Girls With Rett Syndrome Improve Growth / February 23, 1999 / News From February 23, 1999. News from the USDA Agricultural Research Service. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/1999/990223.htm | |
17. International Rett Syndrome Association International rett syndrome Association Hosted by the International rett syndrome Association (IRSA), this site has over 500 pages of information about rett syndrome and the IRSA. International http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.rettsyndrome.org/&y=02775D0797AC |
18. What Is Rett Syndrome What is rett syndrome? rett syndrome is a complex neurological disorder. rett syndrome was first described in 1966 by the Austrian doctor, Andreas Rett. http://www.rettsyndrome.org.uk/What_is_RS.htm | |
19. San Diego Run For Rett A 5k charity run/walk in San Diego. Includes volunteer opportunities, registration details, stories of children suffering from rett syndrome, http://www.sdrett.org | |
20. Space Coast Early Intervention Center A nationally recognized notfor-profit pre-school and therapeutic center for families and children with Down syndrome, William's syndrome, rett syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Autism, P-4 Deletion syndrome, PDD and Apert syndrome. http://www.scbn.com/sceic.html |
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