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81. March 2, 2004 Primary Election - Information On Political Parties DUF SUNDHEIM, Chairman The California republican party Ronald Reagan California republicanCenter 1903 West were supplied by political parties and have http://www.voterguide.ss.ca.gov/voter/party-republican.html | |
82. Republicans For Bill Clinton of taxes and contribute more money to the republican party than any other republicandonor. Richard Mellon Scaife, who is a very active political enemy of the http://www.perkel.com/politics/clinton/repub.htm | |
83. Irish Republican republican Sinn Fein is a political party separate from Sinn Fein and is consideredthe political wing of the Continuity IRA, whereas the Irish republican http://www.irishrepublican.gq.nu/ | |
84. Teacher Resources - Feature - Elections The American Way: Party System It is likely that political parties will continue to Do you think our party systemhas strengthened will seriously look outside the republican and Democratic http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/election/partysys.html | |
85. Republican Party -- Encyclopædia Britannica , republican party first opposition political party in the UnitedStates. Its members held power nationally between 1801 and 1825. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=64852&tocid=0&query=barry m. goldwater |
86. National Republican Party -- Encyclopædia Britannica US political party formed after what had been the republican (orJeffersonian republican) party split in 1825. The Jeffersonian http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=56384&tocid=0&query=national party |
87. South Dakota Republican Party Extra Extra! SD GOP increases lead in voter registration majority over Dems! Thereis only one growing political party in South Dakota the republican party! http://www.southdakotagop.com/ | |
88. Dept. Of State: International Information Programs: Publications: Outline Of U.S replaced in 1854 by the republican party, whose primary established as the country sdominant political organizations, and party allegiance had http://www.usembassy.de/usa/etexts/outusgov/parties.htm | |
89. Spinsanity - The Republican Assault On "political Hate Speech" months, the republican party has begun a systematic effort to label attacks on PresidentBush by Democratic presidential candidates as political hate speech http://www.spinsanity.org/columns/20031113.html | |
90. Nebraska Republican Party Nebraska, the republican party, our candidates and the 2004 election cycle. Thereis a fundamental difference between the two major political parties and how http://www.negop.org/ | |
91. Republican Party History . Site Meter. LI Politics.com Visits. Home political History republican party History. . The republican party - GOP History The http://www.lipolitics.com/_history.htm | |
92. Los Angeles Times - Registration These sites take you away from latimes.com political Parties Democratic NationalCommittee; republican National Commitee; Libertarian party; American Independent http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-politics-politicalsites,1,6157525.htmlst |
93. Northern Ireland Political Parties is now avowedly nonsectarian and socialist; formerly known as republican Clubs Environmentalpolitics, linked closely with the Green party/Comhaontas Glas http://www.ark.ac.uk/elections/gparties.htm | |
94. Political Parties 1931-1939 (Spain) to avoid separate (and opposed) political groups on c. 1936, advertising the party snewsletter Federación Concerning the federalist republican flags I have http://flagspot.net/flags/es}1931.html | |
95. Political Science Resources/United States Politics political party Platforms (UMich Only) Full text of political party platforms since partyplatforms are also available free of charge through the republican http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psusp.html | |
96. REP America, Republicans For Environmental Protection REP America is an independent nonprofit organization that has no affiliation withthe republican National Committee or any state or local political party. http://www.rep.org/ | |
97. Greens, Republican Moderates Face Loss Of Party Status Alaska, July 30 The state of Alaska has six officially recognized political parties republican, Democratic, Alaska Independence party, Green, Libertarian http://www.msnbc.com/local/KTUU/M210462.asp?cp1=1 |
98. HoustonChronicle.com - Potholes Know No Political Party the move to make party identification a this traditionally Democratic community,the political strength they national stage a Hispanic republican mayor from http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropolitan/casey/2050874 | |
99. Republican Party Of Minnesota political Parties themselves, such as the republican party of Minnesota,also are eligible for the PCR program. How does it work? http://www.gop-mn.org/pcr.html |
100. U.S. Politics Today - Political Parties - Political News more more. State political Storms. Leading columnists and editorials take aim at more.Tom DeLay Watch. Keeping an eye on the erratic republican party leader Tom http://www.uspoliticstoday.com/category/USPoliticalParties | |
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