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1. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Reptiles And Amphibians, Selected References Bibliography on the Biology of amphibians and reptiles . . Contents amphibians, CHILDREN'S BOOKS, FIELD GUIDES, general HERPETOLOGY, GOOD READING!, MAGAZINES FOR CHILDREN, PERIODICALS, reptiles, SOCIETIES, WEB SITES the nineties, amphibians and reptiles have become http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/reptshrt.htm | |
2. Reptiles & Amphibians Teacher Resources - NBII Birmingham (AL) Zoo s Animal Omnibus reptiles. communities, provides comprehensiveinformation about amphibians for both scientists and the general public http://www.nbii.gov/education/herps.html | |
3. Reptiles And Amphibians Collaborative Thematic Unit. Theme reptiles and amphibians. by Mike Seagle and John Geanangel Each link includes general information, then links to the specifics of owning and taking http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/Reptiles.htm | |
4. :::[ R:e:p:t:i:l:i:a ]::: Specializing in the education, retail sale and breeding of reptiles and amphibians. Features upcoming events, gallery, care sheets, film division, education, retail, stories and general information. http://www.reptilia.org/ | |
5. Nearctica - Natural History - Reptiles - General published by The Herpetologists League. general SITES. amphibians and Reptilesof North America. Slater Museum of Natural History. http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/reptile/reptile.htm | |
6. Our Great Lakes / Nos Grands Lacs An overview of the threats and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the Great Lakes Wetlands. It also has information on the value and threats of wetlands in general. http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/glimr/data/amphib-reptile-factsheet/intro.html | |
7. NHBS Science Bookstore: Reptiles & Amphibians: General Titles DF classified under reptiles amphibians general An independentBritish company, we offer unrivalled coverage of books http://www.nhbs.co.uk/we-sell-books-worldwide/z28df.html | |
8. We've Moved! Diverse program of publications, meetings, and other activities of interest to herpetologists in zoos, museums, universities and the general public. http://www.ukans.edu/~ssar/SSAR.html | |
9. AMPHIBIAN AND REPTILE BOOKS ONLINE Thank you. amphibians and reptiles general. AMPHIBIAN AND REPTILE BIBLES HC/DJ. .$ 28.50. reptiles amphibians general HUSBANDRY and CARE http://www.xmission.com/~gastown/herpmed/phibia.htm |
10. NHBS Science Bookstore: Reptiles & Amphibians: General other leading biodiversity publishers. Titles GL classified under reptiles amphibians general An independent British company, we http://www.nhbs.co.uk/we-sell-books-worldwide/z28gl.html | |
11. KHS: Kansas Herpetological Society Encourages conservation of wildlife in general and of amphibians and reptiles in Kansas in particular. http://www.ku.edu/~khs/ | |
12. Amphibian And Reptile Information - Western New York Herpetological Society A club based in Buffalo and Rochester, concerned with care of reptiles and amphibians. Offers meetings, care sheets, adoptions, and general information. http://www.wnyherp.org | |
13. Reptiles & Amphibians: Amphibian Species site is a general discussion of amphibian declines, with links to references andother informative sites on the Web. Canadian Amphibian Reptile Conservation http://www.nbii.gov/disciplines/herps/amphibians/species.html | |
14. Northern Ohio Association Of Herpetologists, Northern Ohio Association Of Herpet The primary objective of NOAH shall be the education of members of NOAH and of the general public with respect to conservation, ecological role, captive care, and breeding of reptiles and amphibians. http://www.noahonline.net | |
15. Education World® - *Science : Life Science : Zoology : Reptiles & Amphibians : Acme Pet Caecilian Care general Care Tips on Typhlonectes dissemination of scientificinformation on amphibians, turtles, crocodilians, and reptiles. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1696 |
16. Home Page Dedicated to the education of its members and the general public about the natural history, ecology, husbandry, conservation, proper care, and treatment of reptiles and amphibians. http://www.eths.org/ | |
17. South Texas Herpetology Association The South Texas Herpetology Association promotes education, conservation of wildlife in general and of reptiles and amphibians in the State of Texas in particular. http://www.kingsnake.com/stha/ | |
18. News: Reptiles: General News and research. reptiles and amphibians general Articles. SUMMARIESOF ARTICLES ABOUT reptiles AND amphibians We ve given you http://www.infopet.co.uk/pages/5070.html | |
19. The Ball Python (Python Regius) - HerpStation - Reptiles, Amphibians, Herps, Her general information and care sheet written by the editorial staff of reptiles amphibians Magazine. http://www.petstation.com/ballpyth.htm | |
20. InfoPet - Reptiles And Amphibians: Snakes And Lizards Practical and Expert Advice on Keeping Snakes, Lizards, Frogs and Other Reptilesand amphibians, Tetra Press. de Vosjoli, Philippe (1991) The general Care and http://www.infopet.co.uk/pages/0160.html | |
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