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161. Fichtner Consulting Engineers UK technical advisory team specializing in process engineering, power generation and transmission, renewable energy and waste treatment. http://www.fichtner.co.uk | |
162. POWER-GEN Renewable Energy - Technical Conference Introducing POWERGEN renewable energy, the power industry s newest eventaddressing the complex challenges affecting the renewables market. http://pgre04.events.pennnet.com/ | |
163. Northeast Sustainable Energy Association Promotes the understanding, development, and adoption of energy conservation and nonpolluting, renewable energy technologies. Programs and activities focus on the northeastern United States (from Washington, DC to Maine). http://www.nesea.org/ | |
164. Illinois Renewable Energy Association illinoisrenewableenergy logo Illinois renewable energy Association. Checkour events section for coming renewable energy events. http://www.illinoisrenew.org/ | |
165. Redwood Alliance - For A Renewable Energy Future Environmental organization dedicated to clean, renewable energy alternatives. Works on nuclear waste and power issues. http://www.redwoodalliance.org/ | |
166. Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy Database The Energy Efficiency and renewable energy Database (EREN) is no longer available.Ask an Energy Expert at http//www.eren.doe.gov/menus/energyex.html. http://www.osti.gov/html/eren/eren.html | |
167. Solar Ed Central : EKISTICS renewable energy education materials, covering wind energy, solar thermal, solar electric, electric storage batteries, energy efficiency, Ekistic science, and electric vehicles. http://www.solardome.com/SolarDome60.html | |
168. The Sustainable Village - Fostering Appropriate Technology, Renewable Energy And Provides solutions to global problems using renewable energy, appropriate technology, and technical and financial resources required for international sustainable development projects and microenterprises. http://thesustainablevillage.com | |
169. Alternative Energy Tips - Solar Systems, Wind Power, Hydro... A very good, practical guide to alternative energy. Find how to's and tips on topics in solar and other renewable technologies to backup generators. http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/altenerg.htm | |
170. UCS Clean Energy Program: Renewable Energy And Nuclear Plant Safety Examines benefits and costs of energy use, and promotes energy technologies that are renewable, safe, and costeffective. http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/index.cfm | |
171. INTEGRATION Environment & Energy: Services Offering consultancy in the sectors of environmental and energy related issues, such as cleaner production, emission trading services, rural Infrastructure and renewable energies. http://integration.org/INT-ee/ | |
172. Meridian Energy Limited renewable hydro and wind electricity provider in New Zealand. Residential and business customer service, pricing, and conversion information. http://www.meridianenergy.co.nz/ | |
173. Fulghum Fiber Fuels Ltd Manufactures and delivers highquality renewable and biofuel products that enable customers to meet their energy needs and emission requirements. http://www.fulghumfibrefuels.com | |
174. Next Energy Solutions Canada. Specializes in applications of renewable geothermal technology and supply of related equipment as alternatives to conventional heating and cooling systems. Comprehensive site provides detailed background information. http://www.nextenergysolutions.com/index2.htm |
175. Www.promanenergy.co.uk Promanenergy gas and steam powered CHP energy systems for industrial and renewable power generation applications. http://www.promanenergy.co.uk/ | |
176. OCEES International, Inc. Sustainable Energy And Resource Solutions Creates energy and resource solutions for tropical island communities globally by providing clean, renewable power, significant quantities of pure, fresh water, and sustainable food sources. http://www.ocees.com | |
177. REEEP - REEEP Home June 01, 2004. International Conference for renewable Energies Bonn, Germany.+ July 09, 2004. American Solar energy Society Portland, OR. + June 01, 2004. http://www.reeep.org/ | |
178. Princeton (MA) Municipal Light Department Information about the PMLD and general information and links related to the electric utility business. Topics include; deregulation, green power, renewable resources, safety, and energy conservation. http://www.pmld.com/ | |
179. Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) - Home Page All aspects of sustainable design and construction energy efficiency, renewable technologies, daylighting, healthy indoor environments, traditional materials, and resource conservation. http://www.sbicouncil.org | |
180. Green Energy Information Platform About Green Electricity, Energy Prices And Ren Information on green energy products, prices and news, with information on how to buy electricity from renewable sources. http://www.greenprices.com/ | |
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