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81. M.J. Bradley & Associates, Strategic Environmental Consultants Strategic environmental consulting firm dedicated to air quality issues, energy policy, climate change, electric vehicles, renewable energy, fuel cells and emission credit management. http://www.mjbradley.com/ | |
82. Iowa Energy Center - Welcome A source for energy efficiency and renewable energy research and information. http://www.energy.iastate.edu | |
83. Learning About Renewable Energy Learning About renewable energy. Summary This fact sheet provides young scholarswith an overview of renewable energy technologies. What is renewable energy? http://www.eere.energy.gov/erec/factsheets/rnwenrgy.html | |
84. The Sustainable Energy Coalition A coalition of more than 30 national business, environmental, and consumer organizations dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. http://www.sustainableenergy.org/ | |
85. Home Of The Southwest Renewable Energy Conference The annual (August) conference includes policy and technical tracks related to renewable energy development on private, public, and Native American lands. (Flagstaff, Arizona, USA) http://www.swrec.org | |
86. Arizona Solar Center - Solar Education - Main Page Education site about energy, particularly solar energy, other renewable energy technologies and resources, and geothermal energy. A special section addresses teaching solar energy in the classroom. http://www.azsolarcenter.com/education.html | |
87. Regional Information Service Centre For Southeast Asia On Appropriate Technology Resource on appropriate technologies in the fields of sustainable agriculture, waste management, textiles and renewable energy, primarily in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan province in China. http://www.ist.cmu.ac.th/riseat/ | |
88. Renewable Energy- Sustainable Development SOLAR AND renewable energy COMPANIES AND PRODUCTS. NATIONWIDE SEARCHABLEECO DATABASE Solar Energy Equipment Outlets, Environmental http://www.ecomall.com/activism/renew.htm | |
89. NREL: Transferring Technologies Home Page Information about research partnerships and business relationships http://www.nrel.gov/technologytransfer/ | |
90. European Renewable Energy Centres Agency Home The European renewable energy Centres Agency was established as a European EconomicInterest Grouping in 1991 to strengthen and rationalise the European RD D http://www.eurec.be/ | |
91. SGA Energy Consulting For Renewable Energy, Efficiency And Climate Change Soluti Environmental consulting firm of engineers and economists performing studies on renewable energy development, climate change topics, and other aspects of energy and environment, in Canada and internationally. http://www.sgaenergy.com | |
92. Arizona Solar Center > Education > Renewable Energy: An Overview Education For Students renewable energy An Overview. Renewableenergy is the term used to describe energy that comes from sources http://www.azsolarcenter.com/education/renewable011199.html | |
93. Renewable Energy Vermont - Solar Power, Wind Power, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro P Information on promoting of renewable energy and the renewable energy industry, through awareness, education and awareness. http://www.revermont.org/ | |
94. Environmental And Fuel Services From Power Technology Offers environmental consultancy and software products worldwide. Air quality, coal combustion and emissions, wind power and other renewable energy sources, environmental impact assessments, management and audits. http://www.powertech.co.uk/env_fuel/index.htm | |
95. Welcome To Zilkha Renewable Energy Zilkha renewable energy is a wind energy company, specializing inclean and green electricity. We world. PLEASE SELECT ONE. http://www.zilkha.com/ | |
96. Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) Non profit R D organization involved in the areas of agriculture, renewable energy and sustainable development. http://nariphaltan.virtualave.net | |
97. The Green Energy Website From The National Energy Foundation One of its aim is to encourage sustainable and green sources of energy. We dothis by promoting renewable energy and providing information and advice. http://www.greenenergy.org.uk/ | |
98. CitiPower - Australian Electricity And Gas Company Online services such as connections, billing and payment, energy efficiency, and education. Also offers renewable energy, including solar, wind, hydro and biomass. Australian company. http://www.citipower.com.au/ |
99. American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) - American Council For Renewable En INTRODUCING THE renewable energy FINANCE NETWORK (REFIN) 2004, American CouncilOn renewable energy (ACORE). American Council On renewable energy (ACORE). http://www.americanrenewables.org/ | |
100. Planet Energy Provides information on renewable energy for students and teachers. http://www.dti.gov.uk/renewable/ed_pack/ |
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