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41. Renewable Energy Sources - Alternative Energy - DTI Renewables in the coming years. We believe it s only natural that you shouldwant to know more about renewable energy. We have created this http://www.dti.gov.uk/renewable/ | |
42. The Highest Priority Objective Of The World Game (R. Buckminster Fuller). By tapping the planet's abundant renewable energy, the needs of all humanity could be met in an environmentally sustainable fashion. The technology exists today, and it is cost competitive. http://www.geni.org/ | |
43. AGORES HOME PAGE- A Global Overview Of Renewable Energy Sources Welcome to AGORES, the information centre and knowledge gateway for renewable energySources, helping to promote the European Union s strategy to achieve 12 http://www.agores.org/ | |
44. California's Renewable Energy Program renewable energy Program The California Energy Commission s renewable energy Programbegan in 1998 to help increase total renewable electricity production http://www.energy.ca.gov/renewables/ | |
45. World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) Welcome Page About WREN, Welcome to the. World renewable energy Network. Website.WREN is a Major Institution for renewable energy Promotion. http://www.wrenuk.co.uk/ | |
46. Alternative Energy Solutions Providing alternative and renewable energy solutions through solar, wind and hydro power. http://www.solar-wind-hydro.com | |
47. World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) Home Page UNESCO Website, World renewable energy Network WREN. renewable energyPublications from the CPL Press Online Bookshop Site Sponsors. http://www.wrenuk.co.uk/menu.html | |
48. ClimateArk -- Climate Change Portal Climate Change Newsfeed about news syndication. Search the Internet sBest Climate Change and renewable energy Information News http://www.climateark.org/ | |
49. Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Report Assessment of Hawaii's potential renewable energy resources (wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric, OTEC, geothermal, and wave) produced by Hawaii's Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. http://www.state.hi.us/dbedt/ert/hes3/ | |
50. SEI: Welcome To Solar Energy International Learn how to implement renewable energy technologies in the developingworld! click here. Learn how to create homes that take less http://www.solarenergy.org/ | |
51. WCRE - World Council For Renewable Energy Welcome to the website of the. World Council for renewable energy. Second Worldrenewable energy Forum Renewing Civilization by renewable energy. http://www.world-council-for-renewable-energy.org/ | |
52. Renewable Energy Action Project A national grassroots coalition of environmentalists, private foundations, government agencies and renewable energy advocates. http://www.reapcoalition.org |
53. Welcome To APPrO, The Association Of Power Producers Of Ontario A resource for renewable energy, cogeneration, small hydro, wind power, biomassand other competitive and environmentallyfriendly forms of energy for power http://www.newenergy.org/ | |
54. WCRE - World Council For Renewable Energy Conferences / Events. The World Council for renewable energy (WCRE) presents. SecondWorld renewable energy Forum Renewing Civilization by renewable energy. http://www.world-council-for-renewable-energy.org/conevents/conevents.html | |
55. EnergyLLP.com Offers business advisory services for harvesting revenue from fuel cell, hydrogen, wind power and other emerging energy or renewable energy technologies. http://energyllp.com | |
56. Renewable Energy Europe - EuroREX The European Renewable Energy Exchange renewable energy in Europe Get up to speed in no time on what is what in the Euoropeanrenewable energy scene with a FREE trial subscription to the EuroREX http://www.eurorex.com/ | |
57. WIRE - The World-wide Information System For Renewable Energy Welcome to the Worldwide Information System for renewable energy (WIRE). CEINTERENCentre of Expertise Information Technology for renewable energy test. http://wire0.ises.org/ | |
58. EERE: Building Energy Efficiency Topics include lighting, appliances, and heating and cooling equipment; insulation and other weatherization materials; highperformance windows; automatic and smart controls; solar buildings; community programs; and related codes and standards. http://www.eere.energy.gov/EE/buildings.html | |
59. Folkecenter For Renewable Energy The Folkecenter for renewable energy is an independent, nongovernmentalorganization. It was established in 1983 to pave the way http://www.folkecenter.dk/en/ | |
60. Why Solar? Supports market development for solar hot water and solar electric systems in the state. http://www.rerc-vt.org/ | |
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