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61. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles indigenous Fellowship of 100 http//www.blissites.com/kenya/people/maasai.html. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=105956&rog3=KE |
62. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles People Name General Burji. indigenous Fellowship of 100 http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=101771&rog3=KE |
63. Globally Engaged spread of HIV/AIDS among the indigenous people of the among the areaÂs one million indigenous inhabitants. Roth has worked with the rendille pastoralists of http://oia.uvic.ca/feature/4_2004/ | |
64. The Centre For Advanced Studies Of African Society former colonial masters than the indigenous cultures from additions being the Somali / Oromo / rendille / Borana cluster the same book for 30 million people. http://www.casas.co.za/papers_language.htm | |
65. Kenya-Country Information group includes the Somali, Orma, rendille, and Borana. Protestants 38% Catholics 28% indigenous religions 26 The remainder of KenyaÂs people are mainly http://kabiza.com/Kenya-Country-Information.htm | |
66. Mali Resource - Anne E. Moncure Elementary School Roman script, although Arabic and an indigenous script have closest relatives are Boni and rendille in Kenya. in southern Ethiopia by about 1.3 million people. http://hbogucki.staffnet.com/aemes/resource/mali/afroasia.htm | |
67. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY education on Ariaal and rendille pastoralists Current Robertson, AF 1984 People and the state cultural dimension of development indigenous knowledge systems http://www.stfx.ca/academic/sociology/Courses/OutlineANTH3650001.htm | |
68. IK Monitor 4(1) Conferences similarities among Somali, Turkana, rendille and Borana The 147 people who attended the conference were indigenous knowledge in the academy Pennsylvania (USA http://www.nuffic.nl/ciran/ikdm/4-2/communications/conf.html | |
69. FEED THE MINDS - Christian Communication Worldwide - Grants materials will be produced in the mother tongue rendille. in Bible translation in six indigenous languages and The Hall has trained many people in chaplaincy http://www.feedtheminds.org/grants/spring.php | |
70. KENYA inhabited by the nomadic Somali, Boran, Galla, Turkana, rendille and Gabra People. Religions Protestant 38%, Roman Catholic 28%, indigenous beliefs 26%, Muslim 7 http://www.vacationoutlet.com/packages/show_country.asp?countryid=KE |
71. EPOS - Publications have been, and still are, crucial in people s lifestyles and report presents a case study of the indigenous range management of the rendille and the http://www.tema.liu.se/epos/public.htm | |
72. UBS Scripture Language Report 1998 are the Book of Genesis, now available in rendille for the desert people of northern In Russia, two of the indigenous language groups have received more http://www.biblesociety.org/wr_339/slr_1998.htm | |
73. Life BPC's Missionary To Kenya: Chan Pui Meng Unfortunately, a foreigner does not have the liberty to witness to the local people. English (official). Numerous indigenous languages. Gbbra. Garrel. rendille. NB. http://www.lifebpc.com/missions/Kenya.htm | |
74. The Bwana Mkubwa By Melinda Atwood - Jambo, Mama - Memories Of Africa shots, as the beautiful and majestic people they are in the opening sequences are all properly indigenous to Shaba most likely Kenyan and from the rendille tribe http://www.jambomama.com/press/articles/bwana_mkubwa.html | |
75. Content Continental Meeting of the Roam People of the The Importance of Pastoralists` indigenous Coping Strategies Gender Roles among Sedentarised rendille and Ariaal http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/voelkerkunde/nomadic_peoples/html/Issues/recent | |
76. 6. Water And Livestock Development of their breeders, the Abahima people (Mackintosh, 1938 N Dama s productivity compared with other indigenous breeds of times of drought the rendille of northern http://www.ilri.org/publications/cdrom/integratedwater/IWMI/Documents/related_do | |
77. 1. Introduction only 100 000 to 200 000 people died when For example, a rendille tribesman in northern Kenya, weighing means looking more closely at the indigenous livestock. http://www.ilri.org/publications/cdrom/integratedwater/IWMI/Documents/related_do | |
78. George Fox University: Academics Home: Undergraduate: : Juniors Abroad: Juniors we will have contact with several indigenous groups of northern Kenyan village of the rendille tribe, Daystar where there will be Korean people dressed in http://www.georgefox.edu/academics/undergrad/overseas/juniorsabroad/trips2004.ht | |
79. World Discovery indigenous religion (mostly based around the idea of a Eastern Cushitic Somali, rendille, Orma, Boran, Gabbra ( Galla The origins of these people in northeast http://worlddiscovery.aiesec.ws/countries/kenya/logistics | |
80. CERES Research School For Resource Studies For Development (NIWI) rights an anthropological approach of indigenous rights and Secretariat People, poverty and regional development in among the Gabbra, the rendille and Boran http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/en/oi/nod/organisatie/ORG1237385/toon | |
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