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41. References and resilience in East African pastoralism The rendille and Ariaal In The Future of nomadic peoples, ed. JJ Galaty The uses of indigenous technical knowledge http://www.ifad.org/gender/thematic/livestock/live_ref.htm | |
42. The Borana People Of Kenya came from the same roots as the Somali and rendille peoples. Yet an indigenous church exists and about 10% of the Kenya s People peoples of the NorthBoran. http://www.geocities.com/orvillejenkins/profiles/borana.html | |
43. H-Net Review: George L. Simpson On Pascal James Imperato, Quest For The Jade Sea frontier and unique brand of indigenous imperialism likewise Ethiopian soldiers inflicted on the peoples of southern of the murder of a rendille chief and http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=24300917455550 |
44. L.C. Subject Headings Tentative Weekly List 00418 UF Nonindigenous organisms * 450 UF Nonindigenous species * 450 Rendile CANCEL (C) 150 Women, rendille May Subd people) 550 BT Bantu-speaking peoples 550 BT http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/tentative/twls0418.html | |
45. Blackwing Safaris: Kenya Itineraries spectacular scenary, and we visit the indigenous nomads who The Boran, Gabbra and rendille peoples carry on in the Tugen, Elgeyo and Marakwet peoples and there http://www.kilimanjaro.com/safaris/blackwin/kenya.htm | |
46. African Studies Center | Publications | Papers Forests of North Pare, Tanzania indigenous Conservation, Local A Narrative History of People and Forests Among Maasai, Samburu, Boran, and rendille, 19501990 http://www.bu.edu/africa/publications/papers/landuse.html | |
47. African Studies Center | Publications | Index Among Maasai, Samburu, Boran, and rendille, 1950Â1990 1995. A Narrative History of People and Forests of North Pare, Tanzania indigenous Conservation, Local http://www.bu.edu/africa/publications/index/indexauthor.html | |
48. FTP Newsletter 29 indigenous range management knowledge of pastoral peoples and the presents a case study of the indigenous range management of the rendille and the http://www-trees.slu.se/newsl/29/29review.htm | |
50. MEMORANDUM Terik, Orma, Wardei Somali, Borana, rendille, Sanya, Ellmollo peoples (2000.) Traditional Occupations of indigenous and Tribal peoples Emerging Trends. http://www.ogiek.org/sitemap/case-memorandum.htm | |
51. Swahili for the Boran, Samburu, Gabbra and rendille, and for the emergence of truly indigenous churches among them c) The tribal peoples of the Muslim coastal strip http://www.doorofhope.org.za/projects/swahili.htm | |
52. KEEPING TRADITION IN GOOD REPAIR Niamir, M., 1995, indigenous Systems of Natural Resource The Historical Traditions of the peoples of the symbiosis and growth among the rendille and Samburu http://www.asa2000.anthropology.ac.uk/spencer/spencer.html | |
53. Ostafrika of indigenous Education in an East African Tribe Das Glaubens und Sozialsystem der rendille, Kamelnomaden Nord...... PG The peoples of Kenya The Taita A http://www.baslerafrika.ch/KATOST.htm | |
54. The Borana People Of Kenya from the same roots as the Somali and rendille peoples. Yet an indigenous church exists and probably with adequate Kenya s People peoples of the NorthBoran. http://strategyleader.org/profiles/borana.html | |
55. Video_sales The rendille. National governments, itinerant goldminers, and indigenous inhabitants compete for conflict between the interests of aboriginal peoples and the http://www.rai.anthropology.org.uk/film/video_sales.html | |
56. Dis_world 7, International Work Group for indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen they occupy is so dry, the rendille grow no As with other pastoral peoples, the rendille have to http://www.rai.anthropology.org.uk/film/diss_world.html | |
57. Just Passing Through and a related tribe, the rendille, were migrating its wildlife and the tribal people, whose lifestyle colonial notion that it s the indigenous people who are http://www.rabbit.co.uk/jorg/africa/ | |
58. Profile Of The Dorobo Peoples Of Kenya And Tanzania A cultural profile of the group of peoples traditionally referred to as Dorobo, in the East African countries of Kenya and Tanzania. The Dorobo are various unrelated indigenous peoples. Cushite http://www.geocities.com/orvillejenkins/profiles/dorobo.html | |
59. Kenya's Languages And Dialects rendille and Orma speaking groups occupy the north western has become the most extended indigenous language in Siyu, what we call the Swahili people is really http://kenya.com/language.html | |
60. Bibliographie consultancy reports on the rendille, Samburu and the East africa its people and resources http://www.fao.org/docrep/T6260F/t6260f0q.htm | |
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