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81. RENAISSANCE the Modern Age. Political, economical, social and intellectural changes take place to generate renaissance. Politically, feudalism http://www.tam.itesm.mx/art/renac/irenac01.htm | |
82. Women And Art In The Renaissance Women and art in the renaissance. Meryl Zwanger. Did Women Have a renaissance? With these words, Joan Kelly entitled a 1970s feminist http://www.columbia.edu/cu/sister/Renaissance.html | |
83. The Art Of Renaissance Science Table Of Contents Discusses how art and architecture were influenced by mathematical concepts, such as perspective. Includes photo examples. http://www.crs4.it/Ars/arshtml/arstoc.html | |
84. Artist Index - Section A Web Gallery of art, image collection, virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts (painting, sculpture) of the Gothic, renaissance and Baroque http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/artist.html | |
85. Looking At The Renaissance:Art, Architecture And The Antique And as with art and architecture, so with science, we have to be wary of one way relationship between the world of the ancients and that of renaissance Europe. http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/renaissance2/art-antique.htm | |
86. Renaissance Links - Art The sites listed on this site with a (**) and a signpost received students' votes of outstanding for the information available, the interesting and engaging way in which it was all presented, and the ease with which a researcher can locate what is needed for a research project on the renaissance. http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Renaissance/GeneralFiles/RenLinksArt. | |
87. THE MASTERS : Renaissance & Impressionist Art Short biographies of renaissance and Impressionist artists, quotes by or about them, images of their works, a dictionary of name pronunciation, an art terms dictionary, and links to other art sites. http://www.dieu-soleil.net/ | |
88. St. Sebastians Renaissance Guild: Group recreates the craft of longbow archery from the Twelfth through Seventeenth Century, focusing on the Tudor renaissance; membership and contact information, newsletter, events schedule, photo gallery. http://st.sebastians.org | |
89. Early Music FAQ comprehensive information on Medieval, renaissance, and Baroque music; Repertory Overview, extensive information on CD recordings, many other topics, plus lots of links http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/ | |
90. Halloween Costume Shop - Costumes For Adult, Child, Rensaissance, Hollywood, Dan Costumes for all occasions, Halloween, renaissance, period, theatrical costumes and costume accessories for Halloween, Marilyn Monroe, gothic, Elvis. http://www.costume-shop.com/StoreFront.bok | |
91. Life In Elizabethan England: A Compendium Of Common Knowledge - Contents A comprehensive source of information about the Elizabethan period. http://renaissance.dm.net/compendium/home.html | |
92. IL TEATRO AMOROSO renaissance and baroque dancetheater ensemble. Information about upcoming performances and classes. http://www.teatro-amoroso.ch/ | |
93. Mark Harden's Artchive: "Artchive" An art archive with thousands of images that are accessed through an alphabetical list of artist's http://www.artchive.com/ftp_site.htm |
94. Beverly McClure's World Literature I Information on writers and their works from the classical period to the renaissance. http://faculty.stcc.cc.tn.us/bmcclure/index.htm |
95. Rudolph Fisher Newsletter A biannual online publication which includes extensive bibliographies and content on many Harlem renaissance authors, including a special focus on news and information about Rudolph Fisher (18971934), a Harlem renaissance author. http://www.fishernews.org/ | |
96. We're Rearranging! Das TeufelsAlpdr¼cken F¤hnle®n is a nonprofit living history organization, specializing in first person interpretation of early 16th century Europe. Available for historical reenactments and showcases, school programs, civic events, and renaissance festivals. http://members.tripod.com/~DNR/ | |
97. Renaissance, Baroque, And Classical Era Music: Composers Course resources by Gordon J. Callon at McGill University. http://plato.acadiau.ca/courses/musi/callon/2233/composer.htm | |
98. Art Gallery: Famous Paintings In A Beautiful Format. art Gallery. Choose a Mirror. Cimabue (Cenni di Pepi) Other updates Keep Updated! Search. art Gallery is a part of Christus Rex Project. http://www.christusrex.org/www2/art/ | |
99. Costumes - Adult, Children, Halloween At Star Costumes Halloween, renaissance, and party type costumes. http://www.starcostumes.com | |
100. A Fine Art Image Gallery Translate this page Last updates Angels Russian incons Georges La Tour Raffaello Santi. art Gallery. Featured Section San Marco Museum Florence. Angels Fine art pictures of Angels. http://www.christusrex.org/www2/art/gallery.htm | |
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