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Home - Basic_R - Religious Study Libraries |
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81. Religious Studies Program The University libraries collection in religious studies is comprised of materials acquired by other Bibliographers to support programs in their assigned http://library.albany.edu/subject/cdp/religious.html | |
82. WWW Religious Studies Finding God in Cyberspace, on the libraries Electronic Resources Pages other digital resources, and teaching resources in religious studies; also information http://www.lib.msu.edu/guides/subjects/religion/general/wwwrel.htm | |
83. BU Libraries | Subject Resource Guides | Religious Studies The Butler University libraries use the Library of Congress classification system. Most religious Studies books are found in the BLBX area, on the second floor http://www.butler.edu/library/research/srg/religious.html | |
84. UNBF Libraries - Subject Guides - Religious Studies sites and metasites containing religious studies sections. To find more sites, use one of the subject or searching sites listed on UNB libraries Brief Guide http://www.lib.unb.ca/subject_guides/ReligiousStudies.html | |
85. Religious Studies Research Guide Contact Craig Likness, religious Studies Librarian for research assistance, clikness@miami.edu, phone on books not owned by the University of Miami libraries. http://findit.library.miami.edu/findit/Religious_Studies_guide.php?subject_id=Re |
86. Religion Gateway - Academic Info A directory of online resources for the study of world religions.. http://www.academicinfo.net/religindex.html | |
87. Internet Links Eastern religions. religious Studies Electronic Library (University of Waterloo) books and software pertaining to religion; library http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwrandc/internet_links.html | |
88. UVa Library: Subject Guide: Religious Studies CoLibrarian for religious Studies (Eastern traditions including materials for Tibetan Buddhism and Islam). George Crafts Office 509 Alderman Library Phone 924 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/religiousstudies/ | |
89. Religious Studies The Virtual Library Religion Links to the religious studies sites associated with the WWW Virtual Library. Try These Next. Religion http://www.library.ubc.ca/relg/ | |
90. Tibetan Studies WWW VL See also WWW Virtual libraries dealing with the neighbouring countries/regions Bhutan See also TibetanStudies-L This electronic forum was established in http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVL-TibetanStudies.html | |
91. CCCUC Library - Subject Guide - Religious Studies Examples The Times Sunday Times The Guardian Observer. Internet Links to recommended religious Studies websites are accessible via the library web pages http://library.cant.ac.uk/subject-guides/guide-religious.htm | |
92. Religion - University Of Alberta Libraries Type CDROM. Center for Research libraries Catalog. Religion. More Info Conditions of Use. Type Women s Resources International see Women s Studies International. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/religion/index.cfm | |
93. Buddhism - Religion - University Of Alberta Libraries Liebert, Gosta. Iconographic dictionary of the Indian religions; Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism. Reynolds, Frank. Guide to Buddhist religion. Boston Hall, 1981. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/religion/buddhism/index.cfm | |
94. Religious Studies Other Resources. Doing Research in religious Studies A site hosted by the University of Waterloo Library on research resources in religious Studies. http://ishi.lib.berkeley.edu/humanities/Areas/relig.html | |
95. Religious Studies This Guide consists of a list of selected resources on religious studies available in Auraria Library and on the Internet. It also http://library.cudenver.edu/findit/subj_guides/humanities/religion.html | |
96. KCL ISS - Theology And Religious Studies Selected Internet religious Studies Web Guide. Library Catalogues/Archival Collections. American Theology Library Association. Religions. Christianity. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/iss/schools/hlsp/humanities/theologyint.html |
97. Religious Studies The Ekstrom Library reference collection in religious studies includes most of the sources listed in Blazek and AversaÂs The Humanities A Selective Guide to http://library.louisville.edu/collmgmt/profiles/religious.htm | |
98. Theology And Religious Studies The Main Library also contains important primary and research resources for Theology and religious Studies the CMS (Church Missionary Society) Archives are a http://www.is.bham.ac.uk/resources/Theology/locs.htm |
99. Theology & Religious Studies Subject Guide, University Of Otago Library Louisiana State University Library, religious studies, www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/religion/index.html religious studies, major world faiths including Christianity. http://www.library.otago.ac.nz/subject_guides/religs.html | |
100. Research In Religious Studies The University of Oregon Library Catalog identifies books and other resources owned by the UO Library. Books on religious studies can be found under the http://libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/religion/ | |
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