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41. Brandeis Libraries: List Of Electronic Databases: Religious Studies See also Accordance Software for Biblical Studies. on all aspects of world religions, 1949 to The Dead Sea Scrolls (Library Electronic Research Centers Only). http://library.brandeis.edu/resources/dbs/religion.html | |
42. Brandeis University Libraries: Religion Resources Journals for religious Studies in LOUIS. Return to Top Library Home Brandeis Home Last updated 08/15/03 ©2004 Brandeis University libraries Comments to http://library.brandeis.edu/subjects/religion.html | |
43. WVU Libraries: Web Connections: Resources By Subject Virtual Religion Index http//religion.rutgers.edu/vri/ well organized research guide to religious studies resources on the web. WV libraries Web Sites by http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/bysubject/religious.htm | |
44. Religious Studies -- Arts And Sciences Libraries, UB Libraries Lockwood Library Guides Guides that list a wide variety of print and electronic sources. religious Studies Judaic Studies American Orthodox Catholic Alliance http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/guides/religious_studies.html | |
45. Religion/Philosophy -- Undergraduate Library, UB Libraries philosophy.html; religious Studies http//ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/lml/Collections/docs /religious-studies.html; UB Department http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/guides/religion.html | |
46. Yale > Religious Studies > Introduction Faculty and students in religious Studies programs are able to take advantage of Yale s rich resources, including six major libraries. http://www.yale.edu/religiousstudies/ | |
47. KCL Theology Religious Studies Postgraduate Study own library contains 800,000 volumes, and its holdings in Theology and religious Studies reflect the long and eminent tradition of theological study at King s. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/ip/moiralangston/Intro.html |
48. Belk Library - Journal Finder - Subject Search Online Access, Delivery, In Other libraries, British Journal of religious Education. Online Access, Delivery, In Other libraries, BuddhistChristian Studies. http://journalfinder.uncg.edu/elon/search-subj.asp?subj=49 |
49. Religious Studies Pathfinder SMSU Libraries University. Reference Department. religious Studies Pathfinder Library research guide from the Meyer Library Reference Department. http://library.smsu.edu/reference/pathfinders/rel.php | |
50. Library Of Theology And Religious Studies Faculty of Theology and religious Studies. Homepage. Shortcut to The catalogues and databases of the University of Groningen libraries. RuG Website. http://www.rug.nl/bibliotheek/locaties/bibTheol/?lang=en |
51. Graduate Library Subject Guides for datasets supporting the study of religion in the Qur an (various versions and study tools), and to fonts, on museums, schools and libraries, Jewish culture http://www.lib.umich.edu/grad/guide/guide.php?id=44 |
52. Theology And Religious Studies - Arts Team - Leeds University Library Locations, Document Supply, book suggestions, other libraries, online bookshops. Theses, Leeds theses in Theology and religious Studies, bibliographic databases http://www.leeds.ac.uk/library/subjects/arts/theology/ | |
53. UNC Religious Studies - Links And Resources religious Studies Databases. libraries. http://www.unc.edu/depts/rel_stud/links/ | |
54. Falvey Library: Theology & Religious Studies music, the performing arts, philosophy, religion, world history Jewish studies and in the study of Eretz Jewish National and University Library, and offprints http://www.library.villanova.edu/articles/databasesubject/theology/ | |
55. Religious Studies a professor of philosophy and religion at the includes sections on Asia, Buddhist studies, Buddhism, Tibet the Ohio State University libraries, the University http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/subjectareas/relst.html | |
56. Minnesota West Libraries: Religious Studies Resources Academic Info religious Studies An independent Internet subject directory focusing on Mike Madin, a graduate of University of Washington Gallagher Law Library. http://www.mnwest.mnscu.edu/college/libraries/ref/subj/reli.htm | |
57. Library Guide For New Graduate Students In Religious Studies including most libraries in the US, and major international libraries ATLA Religion Database electronic index to journals in religious studies, with full text http://www.indiana.edu/~libsalc/religion/guide.html | |
58. Basic Library Resources For Religious Studies the American Theological libraries Association, an electronic version of the primary index for scholarly literature on religious studies, including biblical http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/libguide/salc/srel.html | |
59. SWTJC/RGC Libraries - Resources For Religious Studies SWTJC/RGC Resources for religious Studies. In doing research, make the library and the library web page your primary source of information. http://library.swtjc.cc.tx.us/religion.html | |
60. Religious Studies (UC Irvine Libraries) the interdisciplinary minor in religious Studies brings together philosophy, anthropology, womenÂs studies, and others review the UCI libraries Subject Guides http://www.lib.uci.edu/online/subject/relig.html | |
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