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61. Education about another religion alongside Christianity from the age of five, according to new government guidelines on teaching religious education published yesterday. http://education.independent.co.uk/news/story.jsp?story=515677 |
62. Anne Frank - Religious Education Anne Frank, justice and freedom. This page contains a unit of work for teaching about Anne Frank as part of a programme of study for religious education. http://www.annefrank.eril.net/teaching/re3.htm | |
63. Department Of Theology And Religious Studies, University Of Wales, Lampeter, Rel in schools should note that the 1988 education Act requires that such teaching should be A Joint Honours degree in Theology and religious Studies at http://www.lamp.ac.uk/trs/Religious_Studies/RE_Placement_Module.htm | |
64. San Francisco Diocese Religious Educators Seek! Find! teach! March 6, 2004 - Regional Workshop/Seminar for religious Educators in Southern California. Download Seek! Find! teach! Flyer in PDF Format. http://www.orthodoxonline.com/sf/ | |
65. What To Consider education (RE). Useful website for religious education (RE). www.teachre.com is designed to further the needs of prospective RE teachers. http://www.useyourheadteach.gov.uk/php/read.php?sectionid=139&articleid=1798 |
66. QUUF - Religious Education religious education Program is to provide an environment that nurtures spiritual growth and opportunities for religious discovery through teaching and modeling http://www.olympus.net/community/quuf/re.html | |
67. Taylor And Francis - Education Arena - New Title News the scholarly discussion of issues concerning religious education. of learning technologies in education and industry between learning, teaching, design and http://www.educationarena.com/educationarena/journals/new_titles.html | |
68. Religious Studies Catholic religious education provides teaching and learning material for the Key Stage 3 programme, GCSE and post 16 education. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REVrs.htm | |
69. Mass For Parish Religious Education Staffs religious education and Faith Formation. And the pleasure is more than a social one for I truly believe, that our united presence at this Mass - the teachers http://www.archatl.com/archbishops/donoghue/20030117.html | |
70. Wiley Canada::Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story And Vision His selfreflective approach-shared praxis-will inspire school teachers, students of religious education, pastors, parents, and religious educators in local http://www.wiley.ca/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787947857.html | |
71. A Fistful Of Euros: Religious Education In Europe Europe seems to be at the centre of the debate over religious education in schools at it would be interesting to get a picture of how the teaching of religion http://fistfulofeuros.net/archives/000370.php | |
72. Cambridge Learning Religious Education Online Catalogue religious education. best selling, award winning CD, Aspects of Religion has been items which were so well liked by students and teachers. http://www.cambridgelearning.com/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Religious_Education_1 | |
73. Statement From A Consultation On Concepts On Teaching And Learning In Religions Teaching Christianity should be sensitive to the reality that children studying religious education may come from faith traditions where different learning http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/cd36-10.html | |
74. Sites For Teachers 30. +++ RESOURCES FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATORS +++ 6000+ links for religion teachers and catechists. on hundreds of topics and issues relevant to religious education. http://www.sitesforteachers.com/index2.html | |
75. REACH: A New Vision teachers, Sunday School is simply the wrong tool for the job. Sunday School was invented for Bible study. But that s not what we think religious education is. http://www.uua.org/re/reach/fall01/leadership/a_new_vision.html | |
76. Teaching Religion And The Bible In U.S. Public Schools a booklet which discusses permissible content of religious education in the public of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, American Jewish http://www.religioustolerance.org/ps_bibl.htm | |
77. St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra: Courses > Certificate In Religious Studies BA in Humanities. Certificate in religious Studies. Postgraduate Programme. Diplomas/certificates. Graduate Diploma in education (Primary Teaching). http://www.spd.dcu.ie/main/courses/cert_religious_studies.shtml | |
78. The Religion And Public Education Resource Center gap in the education of future teachers, the CSU, Chico religious Studies Department has designed and implemented a new course, RS 158 Teaching abut Religions http://www.csuchico.edu/rs/rperc/proj.html | |
79. Teaching About Religion In Public Schools: Where Do We Go From Here? Amanda Hughes, Ackland Museum Five Faiths Project Moderator Marcia Beauchamp, education Consultant Religion and Science Should Schools teach the Controversy? http://pewforum.org/events/index.php?EventID=48 |
80. FGC: Religious Educators Newsletter, Fall 2003 for lesson planning is Jerome BerrymanÂs Teaching Godly Play The has profound implications (and practical applications!) for Friends religious education. http://www.fgcquaker.org/religious-ed/re-newsletter-06-fall03.html | |
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