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Religion Index: more books (100) | |||
141. REVIEW: Alt.religion.scientology Originally posted to the newsgroup news.groups.reviews. http://www.bauser.com/news.groups.reviews/alt.religion.scientology/1.html | |
142. Center For The Study Of Religion/Spirituality And Health 2004 Center for the Study of religion/Spirituality and Health,All Rights Reserved site design by CrossComm, Inc. http://www.dukespiritualityandhealth.org/ | |
143. IndiaNest.com - A Study In Diversity The site covers Hinduism, Mysticism, Sikhism, Spiritualism, Buddhism, Poetry,India, Social Ethos, Recipes, Concepts, Family Matters, stories. Exclusive coverage is on Kabir The Mystic Poet,Ramayan Philosophy and Guru Nanak's Jap ji Sahib. http://www.boloji.com/ | |
144. Religion And Gender Projects, Centre For Advanced Religious And Theological Stud Conducted by the Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies, University of Cambridge. http://www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/CARTS/gender.html | |
145. SIMR - The Major Religions On Animals In Medical Research About SIMR, The major religions on animals in medical research. InBritain this is precisely the way animal research is conducted. http://www.simr.org.uk/pages/religion/ | |
146. Anthropology Professor at the University of Buffalo who researches religion, ritual, gender, in indigenous highland South America http://wings.buffalo.edu/anthropology/Faculty/bacigalupo.htm | |
147. Modern History Sourcebook: Thomas Paine: Of The Religion Of Deism Compared With From the Modern History Sourcebook A brief comparative analysis by Thomas Paine. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/paine-deism.html | |
148. African Religion On The Internet Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/religion.html | |
149. UFORCE SEARCH: UFOs And Religion Commentary and articles on perceived UFOs in the Bible, and in Christian and Islamic religious traditions. http://www.angelfire.com/wa/UFORC/ufo_religion.html | |
150. SHiPS Teachers' Network NEWS Science religion. How should we view the relationship between science andreligion? Nearly everyone has an opinion about science and religion. http://www1.umn.edu/ships/religion/ | |
151. Ancient Egyptian Religion - Guardian's Egypt Links to sites about ancient Egyptian mythology and religion. http://guardians.net/egypt/religion.htm | |
152. Southern Illinois Regional Information Network (SIRIN): Religion Index The Southern Illinois Regional Information Network (SIRIN) is lookingfor southern Illinois religious groups to list on this page. http://www.sirin.lib.il.us/docs/religion/religion.html | |
153. The Spiritualist Religion Page Learn the basics about the religion, science, and philosophy of Spiritualism. Read the Spiritualist Basics book online Spiritualist Basics is an explanation of what Spiritualism is about, written for someone who is unaware that Spiritualism exists as a religion, science, and philosophy, but has heard of psychic readings . http://www.Geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/5927/ | |
154. HUC-JIR > Libraries, Museums, Centers & American Jewish Archives > Libraries A group of four libraries in Cinciannti, New York, Jerusalem and Los Angeles. http://www.huc.edu/libraries/ | |
155. Soc.Religion.Christian Introduction to Christianity, FAQ, charter, and a good collection of links. http://geneva.rutgers.edu/src/ | |
156. THE UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH MONASTERY Official site. Church will ordain anyone without question of faith, for life, without a fee. The church has two tenets freedom of religion and to do that which is right. http://www.ulc.org/ | |
157. Religion: Learn About The Different Religions Of The World religion, at All American Family. See Story. September 11, 2001 A Day of Terror .The religion Section at All American Family is provided for information only. http://www.comedition.com/AAAA/Religion/ | |
158. The Uk.religion.pagan Website. The associated website of the uk.religion.pagan newsgroup, a group for UK based pagans. http://home.freeuk.net/magickcauldron/urp/ | |
159. SUNY Press :: Home Publishes books social sciences and humanities, especially in education, philosophy, religion, Jewish studies, Asian studies, political science, and sociology. http://www.sunypress.edu | |
160. Evangelische Religion (zum.de) - Baden-Württemberg Arbeitsbl¤tter zu Lehrplaneinheiten des badenw¼rttembergischen Lehrplanes f¼r Evangelische Religionslehre, Vorschl¤ge f¼r Klassenarbeiten, Tests und Grafiken f¼r die Hand des Sch¼lers. http://www.zum.de/schule/Faecher/evR/BW/ | |
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