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101. The Watchman Expositor: Index Of Cults And Religions Watchman FellowshipÂs 2001 index of Cults and Religions. By theStaff of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. Introduction. Please read ÂA http://www.watchman.org/cat95.htm | |
102. Religion Is Dumb Compilation of questions and answers, as well as arguments for agnosticism and atheism. http://www.religionisdumb.com/ | |
103. Internet For Religious Studies > WELCOME Â Â Â WELCOME TO INTERNET FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES. using this tutorial. key Internet sitesfor religious studies. how to search the Internet. what to trust on the Internet. http://www.vts.rdn.ac.uk/tutorial/religion | |
104. Roman Religion - History For Kids! Parents Corner. H4K Crafts and Projects. Roman religion. In some ways Roman religionis a lot like Greek religion, but in other ways it is very different. http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/romans/religion/ | |
105. Ancient And Medieval Religion - History For Kids! H4K Crafts and Projects. Ancient and Medieval religion. There were a great manydifferent religions followed in the ancient and medieval time periods. http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/religion/ | |
106. Zoroaster The site contains a word by word translation of the Avesta,and the Gatha (the sacred books of the Zoroastrian religion. It also contains other information of the Zoroastrian community throughout the world. http://www.zoroaster.com | |
107. Philosophers Collection of resources on philosophers of religion, by Charles Bellinger at the Wabash Center. http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/Internet/philos.htm | |
108. Alternative Religions Links, articles, and resources for the traditional religions of the African continent as well as AfroCaribbean religions and ancient Egyptian religion (About.com). http://altreligion.about.com/religion/altreligion/cs/africanreligions/ | |
109. Departamento De Religión Translate this page Departamento de Religión. Colegio ERAIN Ikastetxea. jchapa@erain.es.Página WEB con recursos para la asignatura de Religión. http://www.erain.es/departamentos/religion/ | |
110. The New Address Www.thebrpage.net For The Bad Religion Page Thorough and comprehensive band information with mp3s, music videos, interviews, and biographical information. http://thebrpage.tierranet.com/ | |
111. Ananzi : SA Directory Albie Gibson From Philosophy and Theology to your own religion. Islam.co.zaIslamic Institutes In South Africa; Islam The true religion. http://www.ananzi.co.za/catalog/SocietyandReligion/Religions/ | |
112. Important Dates In The History Of Religion Chronology from BC to 1965 of persons and events. http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/OTHERREFERENCE/RELIGION/SigDatesInRelHis.html | |
113. Religious Sites And Pages By Vexen Crabtree religion Pages by Vexen. Bane Of Monotheism Arguments opposing monotheisticreligions. DPJS Popular and respected site on Satanism. http://www.vexen.co.uk/religion.html | |
114. Colby | Religious Studies The academic study of religion focusing upon the origins and historical development of several of the world's major religious traditions with the goal of enabling students to understand and appreciate religious diversity in the modern world. http://www.colby.edu/rel/ | |
115. Bane Of Monotheism god such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and is relevant to people who believein a God (theists), whether or not they believe in a particular religion. http://www.vexen.co.uk/religion/ | |
116. Plastic: Article Not Found Jedi Knight' is on the list of religions for the 2001 UK census. Apparently, sufficient numbers of people wrote it on their census forms that a code for the 'faith' (896) has been allocated for the census processing team to use. http://www.plastic.com/article.pl?sid=01/10/11/133203&mode=thread |
117. Native American Religion Overview of different beliefs and rituals, the concept of religious experience and background information of Native American religions. http://www.stormwind.com/common/nareligion.html | |
118. ATLA Religion Database + ATLAS ATLA religion Database + ATLAS American Theological Library Association.ATLA religion Database + ATLAS is produced by the American http://libnet.ac.il/~libnet/atla.htm | |
119. Religion And Deception A personal experience in religious deception and research of that religion that helps explain the tricks of the clergy. http://members.aol.com/sisi4422 |
120. Molecular Expressions: The Religion Collection The word religion is derived from the Latin term religio, and although the actualmeaning is in dispute, some scholars have tried to connect religio with http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/religion/ | |
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