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41. Resources: Science And Religion - General Science and religion general. Issues in Science and religion. IanBarbour - New York Harper Row, 1966. Pythagoras Trousers God http://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/reading/index-body.html | |
42. The Traditional Religion Of Vodun (Voodoo) In Haiti Collection of scholarly and informative documents, by various authors, on the history and practice of Vodun (Voodoo) in Haiti; part of an even larger site on Haitian history in general. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/43a/index-faa.html | |
43. Booksurge Search Results for. religion / general. Displaying results 1 10 of 86 Not of one religion, but a true path to fulfilment http://www.booksurge.com/search.php3?field=category&category=REL000000 |
44. Resources: Books On Science And Religion - General Books on Science and religion general. Beyond Fundamentalism andLiberalism; Cosmos as Creation; Duet or Duel? Theology and Science http://www.meta-library.net/reading/srbook-body.html | |
45. Flectere Magic Bibliographies And Resources Scholarly bibliographies of books on folk magic. Topics include Witches or Magic Users in Greek Literature; Necromancy; Cursing; Anthropological and general Theories of Magic, Papyri Graecae Magicae; and Magic and religion in Egyptian, Coptic, Jewish, Syrian, Anatolian, Hittite, and Mesopotamian Cultures. http://www.rdg.ac.uk/~lkpbodrd/magbib/. | |
46. KidsClick! Search Error http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/searchkids.pl?searchtype=subject&keyword |
47. The International Association For Religious Freedom Supports freedom of religion and belief as defined by international law. The IARF has general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. http://www.geocities.com/~iarf/ | |
48. Aztec Religion Comprehensive site dealing with Aztec religion as part of a general Mexico student teacher resource center. http://northcoast.com/~spdtom/a-rel.html |
49. KidsClick! Religion (General) Adherents.com religion Statistics Geography, Church Statistics Adherents.com is the 2nd most frequently visited general religion site onthe Internet. * religion by Location Index * religion by Name Index *. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/searchkids.pl?searchtype=subject&keywords=re |
50. Working Class Whites Explores the general treatment of working class whites in the media. Dealing with the areas of religion, race relations, work and lifestyle in defining working class whites as a unique social culture. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA97/price/open.htm | |
51. BU Libraries | Electronic Resources | Religion (General) religion (general). Indexes to Journals and Newspapers. ATLAS religion Database1949+ BUpx Includes some full-text documents. Francis 1984+ ChRiv-px. http://www.bu.edu/library/eresources/erelig.html | |
52. BilgeBucket.com - The BilgeBucket Gazette Headline, archives and a disclaimer that promises to shovel it in the name of free speech. Features humor at the expense of deities, political parties, religion and humans in general. http://www.bilgebucket.com |
53. SAGE Publications - Religion (General) Product Search. Do Search. Featured Titles. religion (general). SearchResults 2 Products, Title/Subtitle, Lead Author/Editor, Pub Date, Price. http://www.sagepub.co.uk/Subject.aspx?sc=1&scode1=4A0&sname1=Religion (General) |
54. Atheist Divine: Criticising Christianity Points out the absurdities, inaccuracies, and general deficiencies of the Christian religion. http://www.geocities.com/atheistdivine/ | |
55. 3rd Millennium Gateway Links to current and past teachers, resources, articles and books. In addition, there are pages on spirituality, cosmology, religion in general, new age, frontiers of science, scriptures, social issues and environment. There are articles, interviews and reviews. Everything is supported by lots of annotated links. http://3mg.fcpages.com/ | |
56. Religion - General religion general. The Purpose-Driven Life What on Earth Am I Here For? Bibles Bible - Study - general religion Bibles - King James . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Religion_-_General | |
57. Page Not Found Official site with general information include educational programs, organization structure, religious library. http://relphiledu.hypermart.net/en/indexe.htm | |
58. Simonsays.com SimonSays Religion General GO, Advanced Search, Email This Page Print This Page. SimonSays religion general, Bestsellers, religion general. religion general Titles. 119 matches. http://www.simonsays.com/content/content.cfm?sid=33&pid=371424 |
59. Home Page The work of James Hillman, Carl Jung and others in this field, as well as discussions on therapy, theory, literature, film, politics, myth, religion, education, medicine, archetypal imagination, and general chat. http://archetypalpsychtalk.bravepages.com/ | |
60. Simonsays.com > Academic Resources > Religion > General Email This Page Print This Page. Academic Resources religion general, About thissubcategory. Connect, religion general. religion general Titles. 28 matches. http://www.simonsays.com/content/content.cfm?sid=798&pid=371424 |
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