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161. Hyperspace GR Hypertext A set of hypertext based services for general relativity research provided by the QMW relativity group. http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/hyperspace/ | |
162. To Understand Relativity The fundamentals of relativity (light speed constancy, time dilation and length contraction) are not mysteries. They can be explained easily, so that everyone can understand relativity. http://membres.lycos.fr/bvr/relativ.html | |
163. A Unified Field Theory A mathematical description of nature based on the geometry of SpaceTime. General relativity,Energy-Stress tensor, a set of current densities and Quantum mechanics for Spin 1 Bosons. Space-Time dimensions calculated and not put in by hand. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/peter.hickman1/ |
164. 50 Years Of The Cauchy Problem In General Relativity Summer School on mathematical general relativity and global properties of solutions of Einstein's equations. Carg¨se, Corsica, France; 29 July 10 August 2002. http://www.phys.univ-tours.fr/~piotr/cargese/announcement/ | |
165. Geometrie Der Relativitätstheorie Umfangreiche, gut lesbare Einf¼hrung in die spezielle und allgemeine Relativit¤tstheorie mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Konzept der Raumzeit. http://theory.gsi.de/~vanhees/faq/relativity/ | |
166. Ricci: A Mathematica Package For Doing Tensor Calculations In Differential Geome A Mathematica package for doing tensor calculations in differential geometry and general relativity. http://www.math.washington.edu/~lee/Ricci/ | |
167. Cambridge Relativity Nontechnical descriptions of cosmology, black holes, cosmic strings, inflation, quantum cosmology, and string theory. http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public/ | |
168. The Theory Of Absolute Space-Time Discovery of Errors in the Logic of Speed of Light Measurements and the MichelsonMorley Experiment lead to a Complete Refutation of relativity's Curved Space-Time. Space and Time are Linear. http://www.absolute-space-time.net |
169. Physics 232 Lecture Notes A set of online course notes for introductory physics. Includes electromagnetic fields, relativity, and quantum mechanics. http://www.pa.msu.edu/courses/1997spring/PHY232/lectures/ | |
170. INI Programme GMR Research session at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; 8 August 23 December 2005. http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/GMR/ | |
171. Cosmic Information Center A collection of articles explaining cosmology and the theory of relativity, as well as biographies of noted cosmologists. http://spaceboy.nasda.go.jp/note/kagaku/e/kag_e.html | |
172. Example Codes Fortran 77 and 90 codes by Joan Masso. http://jean-luc.aei-potsdam.mpg.de/Codes/Examples/ | |
173. Home Page A modern atomist theory of the physical universe.Alternative theory that overturns Einstein's Theory of relativity and returns physics to Classical Mechanics with absolute space and time. http://atomisttheory03.tripod.com/ | |
174. Physics 1501 - Modern Technology An undergraduate course offered at the University of Winnepeg on introductory physics. All lecture notes are online, and include material on relativity and quantum theory. http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_tech/tech.html | |
175. Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics in the Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics. Research areas quantum field theory, string theory, statistical mechanics, theoretical condensed matter. physics, general relativity, quantum gravity and cosmology http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/mathphysics/ | |
176. A Study Of A Model Cosmology Contains a cosmology tutorial. Preliminary introduction to General relativity and its application to Cosmology. Also study of stringy matter as a part of the Universe. http://surhudm.tripod.com/seminarhtml | |
177. MSN Encarta : Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, And Homework Article provides an overview of Einstein's life, along with a detailed look at his theory of relativity. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761562147 |
178. GrayAlbert A two part overview of the Shapiro radar bounce test of general relativity. (The two parts consist of a section for normal people, and one for nerds) http://world.std.com/~sweetser/PopScience/timeDelay/timeDelay.html | |
179. A First Look At Relativity And Gravitation Includes lecture notes and question sheets. http://www.pa.uky.edu/~cvj/AS500/as500_sch.html | |
180. Anthropic Principle And The Theory Of Everything - Anthropic Principle - Theory Unified Theory of Everything , includes Light, Gravity, Time, and relativity. http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2382 | |
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