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41. Lanczos Collection Site announces the availability of the Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with commentaries. Lanczos (18931974) was one of the twentieth century's most versatile and innovative physicists and mathematicians. His papers cover an array of disciplines including general relativity, quantum mechanics, scientific computation, applied mathematics and numerical analysis. http://www.physics.ncsu.edu/lanczos | |
42. Gravity Probe B Gravity Probe B is the relativity gyroscope experiment being developed by NASA and Stanford University to test two extraordinary, unverified predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. http://einstein.stanford.edu/ |
43. ASTR 103: Relativity - General Theory general relativity. Space and Time as Creations of the Universe. From the preceding reality. Inertia and Weight in general relativity. In 1916 http://www.physics.gmu.edu/classinfo/astr103/CourseNotes/Text/Lec06/Lec06_pt2_tx | |
44. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Celestial Mechanics And Dynamical Astronomy An international journal concerned with the broadest range of dynamical astronomy and its applications, as well as with peripheral fields. The papers published include treatments of the mathematical, physical and computational aspects of planetory theory, lunar theory, general and special perturbation theory, ephemerides, resonance theory, geodesy of the Earth and the planets, dynamics, the 3body problem, the N-body problem, space mechanics, ring systems, galactic dynamics, reference frames, time, relativity, nongravitational forces, computer methods, computer languages for analytical developments, and database management. http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/0923-2958 | |
45. Unit 57 UNIT 57. THE general THEORY OF relativity. Written Only in the last few years has the experimental side of general relativity blossomed. We http://astro.physics.sc.edu/selfpacedunits/Unit57.html | |
46. ASTR 103: Relativity - General Theory ASTR 103 Astronomy. relativity - general Theory. Circumference of circle 2(pi)r; Area of circle (pi)r 2. general relativity - Basics. http://www.physics.gmu.edu/classinfo/astr103/CourseNotes/Html/Lec06/Lec06_pt2_re | |
47. Being And Becoming In Modern Physics Discusses implications of general relativity for the philosophy of time; by Steven Savitt. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/spacetime-bebecome/ | |
48. Jorge Pullin Quantizing general relativity brings knot theory into quantum gravity. The Jones polynomial is shown to give rise to physical states of quantum gravity. Links to research papers by the author. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/faculty/pullin | |
49. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Einstein, Albert quotations. radiation, theories and research. relativity, general theory of. overview. relativity. application to astronomy. concept of mass. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761562147_19/relativity_general_theory_of.html | |
50. Center For Gravitational Wave Physics One of 2 general relativity Centers at Penn State University. This center is active with the LIGO Project. http://cgwp.gravity.psu.edu/ |
51. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Einstein, Albert quotations. radiation, theories and research. relativity, general theory of. relativity, special theory of. role in development of nuclear weapons. subject of art. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761562147/Einstein_Albert.html | |
52. [gr-qc/9512024] Introduction To The Effective Field Theory Description Of Gravit This is a pedagogical introduction to the treatment of general relativity as a quantum effective field theory. http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9512024 | |
53. Interactive Experiments In Gravity contains documents and interactive Java applets which explore aspects of both Newton s theory of universal gravitation and Einstein s general relativity. http://www.fourmilab.ch/gravitation/ | |
54. Virtual Trips To Black Holes And Neutron Stars Page s and MPEG movies that take you on exciting trips. These movies are scientifically accurate computer animations made with strict adherence to Einstein's general Theory of relativity. The descriptions are written to be understandable on a variety of levels from the casually curious to the professionally inquisitive.(a NASA supported site)...... http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/htmltest/rjn_bht.html | |
55. Orbits In Strongly Curved Spacetime collapsed objects like neutron stars and black holes, Newton s theory is inaccurate; calculations must be done using Einstein s theory of general relativity. http://www.fourmilab.ch/gravitation/orbits/ | |
56. Gravitation And The General Theory Of Relativity general relativity. The general Theory of relativity Tests of the Theory of general relativity. general relativity and Newton s gravitational http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/cosmology/gravity.html | |
57. Dr. Mendel Sachs On compatibility of the quantum theory and theory of general relativity by Dr. Mendel Sachs http://www.compukol.com/mendel/ | |
58. Albert Einstein And The Theory Of Relativity For a more comprehensive introduction to both Special and general relativity, see the links at relativity on the WWW, and The Light Cone (An Illuminating http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/history/einstein.html | |
59. General Relativity Notes By Kristen Wecht general relativity Tutorials. by Kristen Wecht. I designed the following general relativity tutorials for beginning graduate students in general relativity. http://www.lehigh.edu/~kdw5/project/ | |
60. General Relativity Introduction to general relativity. Problems with Newtonian Gravity. Newton Thus was born the general theory of relativity. Einstein s http://www.physics.fsu.edu/Courses/Spring98/AST3033/Relativity/GeneralRelativity | |
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