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81. PRO-ED Online Store 2340, The Boone Voice Program for Children Second 10724, The Cognitive rehabilitation Workbook A Dynamic Living SelfCare Strategies for special Needs Second http://www.proedinc.com/store/index.php?mode=product_detail&id=10322 |
82. PRO-ED Online Store 8410, TactileKinesthetic Writing Program Teaching Cursive Skills, Self-Care Strategies for special Needs Second Sports Medicine and rehabilitation, $82.00, + Add http://www.proedinc.com/store/index.php?mode=product_detail&id=10739 |
83. American Academy Of Pediatrics National Center Of Medical Home Initiatives For C l The Office of special Education programs (OSEP) is of the Office of special Education and to OSEP, OSERS includes the rehabilitation Services Administration http://www.medicalhomeinfo.org/weblinks/education.html | |
84. Special Education Background Information -- The Center For Health And Health Car with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) 1997, links to the Office Of special Education programs, the rehabilitation Services Administration and http://www.healthinschools.org/specialed.asp | |
85. Bookmarks For Special Ed Laureate s programs are appropriate for a wide range of people from those with severeprofound developmental disabilities to mild language General special ed. http://www.minot.k12.nd.us/svss/bkmkssped.htm | |
86. ED452627 2001-03-00 Overview Of ADA, IDEA, And Section 504: Update 2001. ERIC Di if they are not provided any special education The individualized educational program of IDEA may be used to Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act http//www.ed http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed452627.html | |
87. Dog-Play: Pets In Prisons And Rehabilitation Programs reach out to help others by training special dogs to the use of animals in therapy and rehabilitation in the This covers a variety of programs where inmates in http://www.dog-play.com/program.html | |
88. National Rehabilitation Association: Legislative Alert had to downsize the following programsVocational Woods to keep up with runaway special education costs Copyright 1998-2004 National rehabilitation Association. http://www.nationalrehab.org/website/govt/200214.html | |
89. Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) - Home Page Oversees formula and discretionary grant programs that help individuals with physical or mental disabilities to obtain employment and live more independently. Features programs, publications, grants and funding. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/rsa/index.html?src=mr |
90. Department Of Special Education College Of Education in the Department of special Education. employment program implementation, program evaluation, personnel Director of the rehabilitation Services Administration http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/sped/faculty/trach.html | |
91. Counselor Ed Home special emphasis is placed on the development of to become nationally Certified rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs). factor in maximizing a program s chances of http://www.ed.pdx.edu/coun/rehab2index.htm | |
92. Graduate Coordinators 516463-5786. rehabilitation Counseling. MS ed, PD in Rehab Admin. 516-463-6476. special education and Early Childhood special education. Program. Degrees granted. http://www.hofstra.edu/Administration/Provost/Provost_GraduateCoordinators.cfm | |
93. Wildlife Rescue And Rehabilitation 24hr emergency hospital, post trauma and prerelease facility caring all birds and reptiles. Educational, volunteer, intern programs for children and adults. Charitable organization. Prospect Heights, IL. http://www.wildliferescue.org | |
94. ED.gov Institute on Disability and rehabilitation Research (NIDRR new address at http//www.ed.gov/about http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/NIDRR/ | |
95. CRAFSS, Brain Injury Rehabilition Center A postTBI facility located in Palm Harbor, Florida offering residential, outpatient, and home-based therapies as well as supportive living and employment programs. A recreational component is available along with training in safety, mobility, communication, interpersonal relations, and home management. http://www.crafss.org/ | |
96. Welcome To St. Lawrence Rehabilitation Center In Lawrenceville, NJ offers a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services. Individualized comprehensive rehabilitation programs are prepared for every client. http://www.slrc.org |
97. Wildlife Rehabilitation  Southwest Iowa - Symbiotic Wildlife Rehabilitation As Committed to saving, rehabilitating, and releasing native wildlife back to the wild. Includes articles about rehabilitation, membership details, volunteer and donation programs. Located in Clarinda, Iowa. http://www.saveourcritters.com | |
98. Ohio Valley Center For Brain Injury Prevention And Rehabilitation Develops and distributes model programs of prevention, acute care and rehabilitation for people who have had brain injuries. Provides service to survivors, families and service providers on a national level. http://www.ohiovalley.org/ | |
99. Johns Hopkins Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Guide to services, research projects, faculty, and educational programs. http://www.med.jhu.edu/rehab/ | |
100. Special Education's Main Page The Bureau of special education is responsible for the would like further information about this program, please contact or via email at sgordon@ed.state.nh.us http://www.ed.state.nh.us/SpecialEd/special1.htm | |
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