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81. Canadian Political Financing Legislation - Elections Finances Reform Legislation to reform how political parties and candidates are financedin Canada was introduced in the House of Commons on January 29, 2003. http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/govtethics/a/polfinancebill.htm | |
82. The National Democratic Institute For International Affairs 19 Montenegro Third of four NDI public opinion polls tracks attitudes about government,reform, political parties and other issues important to voters. http://www.ndi.org/ | |
83. The Structure And Development Of Finnish Political Parties The election campaign following interruption of the Russification programme and theparliamentary reform made political parties in 190507 turn their attention http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/puoleng.html | |
84. William Bernhard, Banking On Reform: Political Parties And Central Bank Independ William Bernhard, Banking on reform political Parties and CentralBank Independence in the Industrial Democracies. Rob Roy McGregor. http://netec.mcc.ac.uk/WoPEc/data/Articles/kappubchov:118:y:2004:i:1_2:p:211-214 | |
85. Tracking The Payback - Campaign Finance Reform The campaign finance reform bill signed into law last year would ban soft money(unlimited campaign contributions to political parties) and prevent special http://www.opensecrets.org/payback/issue.asp?issueid=CFR&CongNo=107 |
86. RevsPARTY SYSTEM IN INDIA: AN AGENDA FOR REFORMS This Consultation Paper on ÂReview of the Working of political Parties speciallythe relation to Elections and reform Options was prepared by the Advisory http://lawmin.nic.in/ncrwc/finalreport/v2b1-8.htm | |
87. Campaign And Election Reform Profiles of state representatives, of political parties and their committees,and of top individual donors. Action Agenda for Election reform, Info. http://www.joeant.com/DIR/cat/3909/Campaign_and_Election_Reform | |
88. Washington Voter - Links For Voters based in Olympia, Washington, in these core areas state budget and tax policy,welfare reform, healthcare reform, education, citizenship political Parties http://www.washingtonvoter.org/links.html |
89. Week 5, Lecture 3: Party Reform The issue of party reform in American politics. The need for reform Bill of indictmentsTwo parties don t provide enough choice How many would you need? Three? http://www.janda.org/b20/Lectures/Week 5/W5-3Party_Reform.htm | |
90. Political Parties Risk Voter Pique Over Primary-election Reform Sunday, January 25, 2004. political parties risk voter pique over primaryelectionreform. By THOMAS SHAPLEY SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER COLUMNIST. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/157723_shapley25.html | |
91. R_0022_3816_357 if the intraparty conflict explanation as well as the partisanship and the politicalbusiness cycle theories are tested simultaneously on all reform events. http://www.politicalreviewnet.com/polrev/reviews/JOPO/R_0022_3816_357_1002585.as |
92. Ingenta: Article Summary -- Banking On Reform: Political Parties And Central Ban Banking on reform political Parties and Central Bank Independence in the IndustrialDemocracies The Journal of Politics August 2003, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. http://www.ingenta.com/isis/searching/ExpandTOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://bpl/ |
93. FINAL REPORT OF THE POLITICAL REFORM COMMISSION 13.6, Campaign Finance reform Campaign finance reform was a popular theme recommendationsto regulate campaign contributions to political parties and political http://www.belize.gov.bz/library/political_reform/p13.html | |
94. President Bush Outlines Campaign Reform Principles Constitutional Approach President Bush believes reform should not favor any oneparty over another from giving soft money to political parties, and both http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/03/20010315-7.html | |
95. Carnegie Endowment For International Peace It calls for a national dialogue on political reform; revising the political partylaw to introduce tighter controls on funding and to make registration http://www.ceip.org/files/Publications/ARB-1-13-04.asp?from=pubtype |
96. CBC News - Indepth Backgrounder: Chrétien's War On Campaign Contributions soft money  huge amounts of unregulated funds  to political parties, whichcould act as 1, 2003, under the newly enacted Bipartisan Campaign reform Act. http://www.cbc.ca/news/features/campaign_contributions030128.html | |
97. Political Parties Must Reform Says Commonwealth Secretary-General political parties must reform says Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral.Released 9 Sep 2002. Commonwealth Secretary-General Don McKinnon http://www.thecommonwealth.org/Templates/Internal.asp?NodeID=34974 |
98. Campaign Finance: S25: Bill Summary: Status For The 105th Congres Subtitle C Soft Money of Persons Other Than political Parties; Subtitle D BipartisanCampaign reform Act of 1997 Title I Senate Election Spending Limits and http://www.campaignfinancesite.org/legislation/s25.html | |
99. Scotsman.com News - Politics - We Must Reform A Bankrupt System more critically about the effect on politics of negative The objection to reform isthat by relieving parties from with the idea that the Labour party might no http://news.scotsman.com/politics.cfm?id=114312002 |
100. This Is Reform? of the regulators they represented, the Bipartisan Campaign reform Act of Court, mostnotably bans unlimited donations to national political parties, those six http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_reports/2004/04/MJ100_200.html | |
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