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21. Independence Party Of Minnesota Home Led by Governor Jesse Ventura the party runs candidates for local and state office and for Congress and has a centrist political orientation. Formerly the reform party of Minnesota but now disaffiliated from the US reform party. http://www.mnip.org/ | |
22. The Public Eye : Website Of Political Research Associates Examines the therapysect led by Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani and its political influence in the New Alliance party, International Workers party and the reform party. http://www.publiceye.org/newman/napmain.html | |
23. Ingenuitycanada.com: YOUR VEHICLE FOR CHANGE! Streamed speeches by and interviews with prominent national Liberals about party and political reform http://www.ingenuitycanada.com/radio.html | |
24. Marijuana Reform Party Of New York - Why Build A Marijuana Reform Party? parties. A political party, focused on the marijuana issue, will allowus to affect policy and apply pressure for legislative reform. http://www.marijuanareform.org/staticpages/index.php?page=20030207143646298 |
25. Welcome To The Health And Community Issues Party Website An independent political party campaigning for reform and accountability in the NHS, public services, the justice system and issues affecting communities, by standing in elections. http://www.healthcommparty.org.uk | |
26. Index political party dedicated to social reform, ecological stability, and grassroots democracy, includes event calendar, local issues, bylaws and platform, and alternative media. http://www.geocities.com/greenpartypueblo | |
27. Political Party Reform Workshop II political party Accountability Foresight tempered with political will leads tomeaningful reforms; thus, the partnership of the eye and the hand. http://www.cald.org/website/bangkok2/bangkok2_front.htm | |
28. Official Political Delegate Site - Joshua E. Eriksen MPP - 2002 Conservative All Information on a former Canadian junior football player from BruceGrey-Owen Sound who wants to be a reform Conservative delegate at the party's next policy convention. http://www.angelfire.com/on/jeeriksen7/political.html | |
29. List Of Political Parties In The United States - Wikipedia, The Natural Law party; reform party. Historical political parties. DemocraticRepublicanparty (also known as Anti-Federalist , Jeffersonian , Jacksonian or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_the_United_States |
30. Citizens' Assembly On Electoral Reform - Political Party political party. See party. Back to Index. © 2003 Citizens Assemblyon Electoral reform, Site powered by levelCMS, Site Map Privacy Policy. http://www.citizensassembly.bc.ca/public/learning_resources/glossary/2003/csharm | |
31. Will Campaign Reform Hurt Political Parties? Will Campaign reform Hurt political Parties? Is campaign finance reform a threatto political parties? Or to one political party in particular? Sen. http://www.brook.edu/Views/Op-Ed/Mann/20010326.htm | |
32. Political Wire: Nader Backed By Reform Party book hailed by prominent journalists and politicians from both parties. reflect theviews of any company, political campaign or Nader Backed By reform party. http://politicalwire.com/archives/2004/05/12/nader_backed_by_reform_party.html | |
33. OnTheIssues.org - Candidates On The Issues Richard Nixon (President, 19691974). Ross Perot (reform party founder). VoteMatch(Presidential Selector and political Affiliation 20-question quiz). http://www.issues2000.org/default.htm | |
34. Africa: NDI Convenes Global Women's Forum To Reform Political Parties Added NDI President Kenneth Wollack The surest way to promote women s full participationin a country s political process is through political party reform. http://www.peacewomen.org/news/International/Dec03/NDI.html | |
35. Federation For American Immigration Reform Political Party Current immigration planks from any other political parties were not available.reform party RESOLUTION ON IMMIGRATION POLICY reform (adopted in 1997). http://www.fairus.org/Research/Research.cfm?ID=1906&c=54 |
36. Philippine Political Parties, Electoral System And Political Reform While these fears are certainly justifiable, forgoing political reform, includingthose that would radically alter the political party system because of these http://www.philsol.nl/pir/JR-98a.htm | |
37. Washington Secretary Of State -Elections: Political Parties In Washington State MINOR political PARTIES. Natural Medicine party 4500 9th Ave NE Ste 300 Seattle WA98105 Phone 206/6336063 Fax 206 reform party of Washington 1242 State Ave Ste http://www.secstate.wa.gov/elections/parties.aspx | |
38. Campaign Finance Reform: The Issue and Russell Feingold (DWis.) Â which would reform the campaign unlimited contributionsto the national political parties for party-building activities http://www.opensecrets.org/news/campaignfinance/index.asp | |
39. Estonia-Wide Web: Organizations/Political Parties estonian/english 20.10.2002 Russian Baltic Patrty political party, russian party.http//www.vbee.ee/ - russian - 20.10.2002 Viimsi Youth reform Club Members http://www.ee/www/Organizations/Political_Parties/welcome.html | |
40. Mapleleafweb.com: Features - Senate Reform In Canada - Federal Parties Perspecti Federal Parties Perspective How would federal political parties reformthe Senate? Conservative party of Canada. Since the merger http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/parliament/senate-reform/federal-perspectiv | |
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