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121. CIERA: The Center For The Improvement Of Early Reading Achievement Resources pertaining to early literacy, including Power Point presentations, hot lists for reading teachers and tutors, and a searchable database. http://www.ciera.org/ | |
122. Outdoor Leadership Training At Strathcona Park Lodge And Outdoor Education Centr Wilderness education courses for careers in adventure tourism offered at Strathcona Park Lodge and Outdoor Education Centre on Vancouver Island. Includes course syllabus, equipment lists, instructor information, and employment opportunities. Also provides alumni testimonials, photo gallery, reading list, related links, and contact information. http://www.outdoor-leadership.org/ | |
123. ERIC Clearinghouse On Disabilities And Gifted Education Resources for learning to read, reading to learn, research connections, email lists for discussion groups, links to other information sources, digests, fact sheets and minibibs. http://ericec.org/ | |
124. "Reading Rainbow" (1983) Cast lists, message boards, awards, and nominations. http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0085075/ | |
125. Berkshire - University Of Reading Department of Mathematics. lists research, events and news. http://www.maths.rdg.ac.uk/wsm1/home.html |
126. Denton Literary Society Home Page Offline reading group that meets monthly to discuss current selections. Includes lists of past and upcoming selections, reviews by members, links to outside reviews and to sites related to the selection of the month. http://www.dentonliterarysociety.com/ | |
127. Gay Christians Of West Texas Provides message boards, lists of suggested reading, famous gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, inclusive churches, and antigay groups; and affirming articles on coming out, homosexuality, transgender, and the Bible. http://groups.msn.com/gaychristiansofwesttexas | |
128. Soc Culture Jewish Antisemitism Reading List: Index Bibliography of books on antisemtism and related topics. http://www.shamash.org/lists/scj-faq/HTML/rl/ant-index.html | |
129. Albright College - Academics: Environmental Studies Undergraduate programs in Environmental Science, Chemistry, Policy, and Psychobiology. lists course contents, student life, alumni, resources and contact information. http://www.albright.edu/academics/depts/environmental_studies.htm | |
130. Www.lavendersalonreader.com Online verson of a newsletter for Lesbian reading Groups across the country, includes lists of book clubs. http://www.lavendersalonreader.com/ |
131. Intro Book lists and summaries for teens on just about everything, listed by categories of reading subject. http://www.geocities.com/teen_txs/intro.html | |
132. ChildrenÂs Literature Awards Awards to new authors of exceptional literature for children or young adults in fiction, non-fiction, poetry and short stories. Information on the awards, winners lists, entry guidelines, and links to other Association awards and grants. http://www.reading.org/awards/awardaut.html | |
133. The SF Site: Philip K. Dick Reading List The SF Site's 10 part reading list, primarily based on the Vintage reprints. http://www.sfsite.com/lists/pkd11.htm | |
134. Children's Literature - Best Books Lists Young Adult reading Murray Whitehead, a language arts teacher in Brandon, Manitoba,Canada provides book reviews and lists of recommended YA books at this Web http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/lists.html | |
135. Bookbrowse.com. Browse 30+ Book Genres Provides hardcover and paperback bestseller lists from the USA, Canada and UK. Offers excerpts, reviews, interviews, reading guides, and author biographies. http://www.bookbrowse.com/index.cfm?page=browse&browseBy=Bestseller |
136. The SF Site: Dan Simmons Reading List Dan Simmons was born in 1948 in Peoria, Illinois. He attended WabashCollege, graduating in 1970 with a degree in English. Simmons http://www.sfsite.com/lists/dsim.htm | |
137. LVA Teens Say Read! A place to post book reviews, enter trivia contests, and get lists of recommended reading. Sponsored by the Library of Virginia. http://www.infopowering.lib.va.us/sayread/default.htm | |
138. Overbooked - Christian Fiction Links to Inspirational book publishers and reading and author lists. http://www.overbooked.org/christianfiction.html | |
139. The Guide To Aromatherapy Excellent noncommercial site. Detailed information on each essential oil, extensive reading list, lists of links. A good starting point. http://www.fragrant.demon.co.uk/main.html |
140. Inforce - International Forensic Centre Of Excellence For The Investigation Of G The Inforce Foundation investigates war crimes, crimes against humanity and extrajudicial killings. News and information on ongoing projects, lists of advisors and supporters, upcoming conferences and recommended reading. http://www.inforce.org.uk/ | |
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