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61. Media Center, Spartanburg High School Find reading lists, literacy resources, database of titles, and email addresses for faculty. http://www.spartanburghigh.org/departments/mediacenter/ | |
62. Steve McConnell Steve is the author of Code Complete, Rapid Development and Project Survival Guide. Site includes articles and reading lists. http://www.construx.com/stevemcc/ | |
63. BookSpot.com: Book Reviews, Book Awards, Poetry, Literary Criticism, Authors & M Features book reviews and news, reading lists, and author and publisher information. http://www.bookspot.com/ | |
64. Recommended Reading Lists Recommended reading lists. Many readers have asked me to update the I mreading now. Current reading lists. The reading lists below http://www.stevemcconnell.com/rl.htm | |
65. Prospect Heights Public Library District History, young adult and children's services, reading lists, and events; Prospect Heights, IL. http://www.phl.alibrary.com/ | |
66. Family Resources | Summer Reading Suggestions Summer reading lists 2002. The Summer reading lists are a joint project of theGroton Public schools and the Public Libraries of Groton and Mystic. http://www.groton.k12.ct.us/SUMMER02.HTM | |
67. Reading Lists - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling - 12/29/97 Recommended reading lists and reviews of children s literature online. Featurefrom your Homeschooling Guide, Ann Zeise. reading lists Page 1. http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/articles/122997.htm | |
68. ALA | YALSA Great book recommendations from American Library Association reading lists and award winners. http://www.ala.org/ala/yalsa/yalsa.htm | |
69. Vacation Reading Lists Vacation reading lists During vacation time it s the perfect time toread, read, READ! Check out these lists of superentertaining http://teachervision.com/lesson-plans/lesson-6101.html?12 |
70. Itasca.com - Community Library History, young adult and children's services, reading lists, and events; Itasca, IL. http://www.itasca.com/villagelibrary/ | |
71. Teen Reading Lists - LibrarySpot.com Feature We ve rounded up some of the best sources for young adult reading lists belowWinning Titles The Young Adult Library Services Association points out award http://www.libraryspot.com/features/teenreadinglists.htm | |
72. Mental Health And Psychiatry Internet Resources. Index The Adelaide University Library Internet Mental Health Disorders Subject Guide. Bibliographies, reading lists, electronic resources, news and journals. http://library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/med/menthealth/ | |
73. Allen Tate Wood - Resources And Information On The Cult Phenomenon Essays, articles, book reviews, reading lists and reference links on cults and addiction. http://allentwood.com/ | |
74. CVCO - Overbooked: Reviews And Reading Lists Reviews reading lists Page modified May 18, 2004 Links to numerous reviewsites and a variety of reading lists. Want to know what to read next? http://www.overbooked.org/links/revlist.html | |
75. The Homeschooler's Companion Record-keeping Software For Documenting Curricula A A program which tracks assignments, records grades, reading lists, and field trips. http://www.homeschoolerscompanion.com/ | |
76. Celtic Studies Resources FAQs, articles, and annotated links and reading lists on Celtic topics from an opinionated Digital Medievalist. http://www.digitalmedievalist.com/ | |
77. Reading Lists — The Endicott Scuttlebutt: Information And Resources Recommended reading lists. Books of a Mythic or Interstitial Nature.* A Mythic Fiction Reading List *. For fans of myth, folklore http://www.endicott-studio.com/readingLists.html | |
78. Matsubayashi Ryu Karate, Okinawa Karate Do Information about Matsubayashi Ryu Karate and other styles. Includes kata, reading lists, style history, links and events. http://www.kodokan.freeservers.com | |
79. CPL Bibliographies, Reading Lists And Research Aids Children s Services Foreign Language English Language Foreign Newspapers GISGay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Gay Drama Reading List LIT Gay http://www.chipublib.org/003cpl/contents_bibs.html | |
80. Britannia: British History Timelines, narrative histories, original source documents and important texts, biographies, maps, glossaries, reading lists, informative articles by guest writers, and interviews. http://britannia.com/history/ | |
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