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41. Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing Reading List International Conference on Pervasive Computing; IEEE Pervasive Computing;Personal and Ubiquitous Computing journal , Springer LINK. reading lists. http://www.cs.utah.edu/~sgoyal/pervasive/ | |
42. StuartStories.com, Entertaining Short Stories And Writing Activities For Childre Stories and writing activities, by Stuart Baum. reading lists and writing contests included. http://www.stuartstories.com | |
43. Rockaway Township Free Public Library Features reference resources, staff directory, reading lists, policies, and business hours. http://www.gti.net/rocktwp/ |
44. Education 4 Kids Sponsored By WellCenter (a Free Educational reading lists. With a daughter who loves to read I went looking forreading lists on the net that would help me to help her. After http://www.edu4kids.com/reading/ |
45. RWA's Library Homepage Photos of the library, loan policies, summer reading lists for each grade from grade 7 to 11. http://www.emsb.qc.ca/royalwest/library/frames.html | |
46. Powerful Lists HOUSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY s LINKS TO reading lists. LISTS OF reading lists.From The Children s Literature Web Guide; From New York Public http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/youth/lists.html | |
47. Vermont-NEA Reading Lists Suggested reading lists for Kids. Each year in December and again inMay, VermontNEA publishes and distributes lists of books that http://www.vtnea.org/vtnea15.htm | |
48. Lyons Public Library Website History, art exhibits, young adult and children's services, reading lists, and events; Lyons, IL. http://www.lyons.lib.il.us/ | |
49. Authors' Summer Reading Lists Authors Summer reading lists Summer is here and that means it s time tocatch up on all the books you ve been stockpiling throughout the year. http://www.authorsontheweb.com/Reading_Lists/ | |
50. MEDIACEN Find reading lists, literacy resources, database of titles, and email addresses; located in Cayce. http://www.lex2.k12.sc.us/bms/2002/mediacen.htm | |
51. Authors On The Web -- 2003 Authors' Summer Reading Lists 2003 Authors Summer reading lists Ever wondered what authors are readingthis summer? We asked, and more than 60 authors responded http://www.authorsontheweb.com/features/summer03/index.asp | |
52. Fort Lee Public Library Searchable catalog, resource links, and reading lists for children. http://www.bccls.org/fortlee/ | |
53. Kidsreads.com - CLASSICS AND NEW FAVES READING LISTS CLASSICS AND NEW FAVES reading lists. We ve freshened up our reading lists,adding new titles in all the New Favorites and Classics categories. http://www.kidsreads.com/lists/reading-lists.asp | |
54. Kidsreads.com reading lists, series books, classic titles and the newest titles all are part ofKidsreads.com along with trivia games, contests, author interviews and author http://www.kidsreads.com/ | |
55. Sugar Grove Public Library Splash Page Young adult and children's services, reading lists, and events; Sugar Grove, IL. http://www.sugargrove.lib.il.us |
56. Berea High School Media Center Includes reading lists, online resources, video catalog, and resources for teachers. http://www.bereahigh.org/media.htm | |
57. Berkeley Heights Public Library Offers a reference desk, resource links, and reading lists. http://www.bhs.k12.nj.us/bhpl/ | |
58. California Reading List (CRL) - Standardized Testing And Reporting (STAR) (CA De Drawn from California s recommended literature lists for students in kindergartenthrough grade twelve, the reading lists on this site have been specifically http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/readinglist.asp | |
59. Association For Politics And The Life Sciences Interdisciplinary association concerned with problems or issues that involve politics or public policy and one or more of the life sciences. Journal and newsletter, online membership form, reading lists on various topics, and other information. http://www.lssu.edu/apls/ |
60. Welcome To The Palatine Public Library District Home Page History, young adult and children's services, reading lists, and events; Palatine, IL. http://www.ppld.alibrary.com/ | |
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