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21. Cape May County Library Includes online library catalogue, suggested reading lists, bookmobile and branch hours, history and storytime schedule. http://www.cape-may.county.lib.nj.us/ | |
22. Lone Star Reading Lists 4. A variety of genres and reading interests will be considered. 5. Thecommittee welcomes outside suggestions. Please contact the chair. http://www.txla.org/groups/yart/lonestar.html | |
23. LibrarySpot.com: Encyclopedias, Maps, Online Libraries, Quotations, Dictionaries Reference collection including dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, maps, reading lists, and quotations. http://www.libraryspot.com/ | |
24. Judaism Reading List: Introduction And General (Pt. I) In general, throughout the reading lists, North American (US/Canada)terms are used to refer to the movements of Judaism. Outside http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/general/ | |
25. You're Visiting The AMC Home Page! The American Mathematics Competitions Welcome Organization that administers the AMC, the AIME, and the USAMO, with information about the contests, math problem archives, recommended reading lists, and other resources for students interested in mathematics. http://www.unl.edu/amc/ | |
26. Reading Lists - BookSpot.com reading lists If You Liked By Grade Level By Genre By Theme,Top Sources. BookBrowser Lots of genres to choose from. Chicago http://www.bookspot.com/readinglists/ | |
27. This Page Has Moved - BookSpot.com Bestsellers Book Awards Book Reviews Online Books First Chapters reading lists. Children sBooks Comic Books Mystery Poetry Romance Science Fiction Young Adult. http://www.bookspot.com/readinglists.htm | |
28. Multnomah County Library's Readers' Choice! Multnomah County Library KidsPage All About Books Resource to BookGroups Authors and Recommended reading lists. KidsPage Español. http://www.multcolib.org/kids/read3.html | |
29. Nlibrary.gif Research tips, course links, and recommended reading lists. http://www.centennial.qc.ca/library2/index.htm | |
30. Top 100 Books Club Dedicated to helping members explore literature in a structured format. Offers recommendations, reading lists and syllabi. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/3361/ | |
31. GT-World: Reading Lists For Gifted And Talented Children GTWorld reading lists. Parents of gifted and talented children are faced withmany unusual challenges. Please submit your own reading list suggestions. http://www.gtworld.org/gtbook.htm | |
32. Association For Politics And The Life Sciences Interdisciplinary association concerned with problems or issues that involve politics or public policy and one or more of the life sciences. Journal and newsletter, online membership form, reading lists on various topics, and other information. http://www.hass.usu.edu/~apls/ | |
33. What Librarians Are Reading (and Listening To) reading lists, recommendations, reviews/reviewlets and more from some librarians who like to read. http://stephnd.phpwebhosting.com/reading/ | |
34. DCCC - Welcome To The Reading Department Information for teachers and people interested in current issues and information surrounding reading. Includes suggested activities and reading lists. http://www.dccc.edu/homepages/departments/reading/webpage1.htm | |
35. GradeLevelReadingLists.org - Grade Level Reading Lists, Children's Book Reviews, reading lists, grade, grade level, children, reading levels, grade lists, teacherlists, best children s books, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th http://www.hedgehogbooks.com/gradelevelptr/ | |
36. Morton Grove Public Library Webrary® History, young adult and children's services, reading lists, and events; Morton Grove, IL. http://www.webrary.org/ | |
37. BookSpot.com Newsletter Monthly newsletter features sites for book reviews, reading lists, bestseller lists, and author and publisher information. http://www.bookspot.com/newsletter.htm | |
38. Welcome To Airport High School Media Center West Columbia library; find reading lists, database of titles, and email addresses for faculty. http://www.lex2.k12.sc.us/ahs/2002/media center/mediacenter.htm | |
39. The Chief Of Staff Of The Army's Recommended Reading List THE US ARMY CHIEF OF STAFF S PROFESSIONAL READING LIST. Promulgating Documents.Availability. reading lists (Click on the Links below to View the Full Lists) http://www.army.mil/cmh/reference/CSAList/CSAList.htm | |
40. Children's Literature Network Organization of those in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Upper Michigan, and Wisconsin who have a professional interest in children's books, reading, and publishing. Includes a directory of authors and illustrators, upcoming events, reading lists, volunteer opportunities, membership information, and a members' area. http://www.childrensliteraturenetwork.org/ | |
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