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41. Scholastic Products : Early Childhood and Audiotape. Â I Can Write My ABC s Set. Big Books, Big Books Bringnew learning into shared reading with these great titles. Buy http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/product_info/early_childhood.htm | |
42. No Interest In ABCs No Interest in abcs Our threeyear-old loves for us to read to him and has a wonderfulattention span, but he seems uninterested in learning the alphabet. http://www.parentsplace.com/toddlers/cognitive/qas/0,,500809_107380,00.html | |
43. ABCs Learning With Listening Example Listening guide to the correct pronunciation of English letters the abcs English as 2nd Language. abcs pronunciation guide Continue learning for Beginners Unit 1 learning the Basics Numbers as a Secon English learning Quizzes - Test your Grammar http://esl.about.com/library/beginner/blabc.htm?iam=savvy&terms=english alph |
44. Dr. Seuss Reading Games Product Detail - Free-CDSoftware.com Dr. SeussâÂÂs ABC is designed for the beginner, and will introduce childrento the abcs of reading by making the connection Learn the abcs by singing http://www.free-cdsoftware.com/sku-SEUSRD.html?asi=2645&msi=seusspage |
45. Smart Kids Sopftware, Educational Software, Preschool Reading Jump Start Kindergarten reading, Knowledge Adventure, 46, CD Win/Win95/Mac,$22.95. Jump Start learning Games ABC s, 3-5, 95/98/PwrMac. $14.95 $12.95. http://www.smartkidssoftware.com/ps-read.htm | |
46. Smart Kids Software, Discount Educational Software Kindergarten, Reading Jump Start Kindergarten reading, 46, CD(Jewel Case) Win/Win95/Mac. $19.95$17.95. Jump Start learning Games ABC s, 3-5, 95/98/PwrMac. $14.95 $12.95. http://www.smartkidssoftware.com/k-read.htm | |
47. Reading Rockets: ABC's Of Reading ABC s of reading. learning to read is a complex achievement; children need the support Continuumof Children s Development in Early reading and Writing Children http://www.readingrockets.org/lp.php?CID=4 |
48. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Learning To Read...Reading To Learn - Make outings a way to encourage reading by showing your the alphabet song to helpyour child learn letters as ABC, dotto-dot and letter-play workbooks, games http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/reading/ltr-cec/ltr5-cec.html | |
49. Our Products 150 Teaching Tips For learning the abcs Teachers or or several for each; somethingfor every learning style is 2) All Your Students Can Read! (3 Dozen Games http://www.picturemereading.com/our_products.html | |
50. Dr. Seuss Reading Games Features Learn the abcs by singing and memorizing Learn the effect of balancing heavyand and Benefits; Word Recognition; Alphabet; reading Comprehension; Spelling; http://www.geodonka.com/dr-seuss-reading-games.html | |
51. Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers . Sounds & Symbols . Meet The Experts . teaching them their abcs, you must know the abcs, but it s about how the whole thingworks so they ll learn. You can t teach someone how to read; you have to http://www.pbs.org/launchingreaders/soundsandsymbols/meettheexperts_1.html | |
52. Early Learning Software Programs Games ABC s lets kids ages 35 play fun, arcade-style games while learning aboutletters and the alphabet. children will learn important pre-reading skills as http://www.rmlearning.com/EarlyLearning3.htm | |
53. Science Education And Learning: Compare Prices At MySimon com not yet rated, Anatex Learn the Alphabet Activity Center Toys, Learn the Alphabet Toys2Wish4.comnot yet rated, Schylling Magnetic abcs - Magnetic Toys and http://www.mysimon.com/4013-4338_8-0-4.html?tag=mrchsrch&companyId=307688&sesnid |
54. St. Petersburg Times Online: News Of Citrus County Sticking with the abcs of reading. The state reading czar tells county educatorsthey should focus on the fundamentals that help children learn to read. http://www.sptimes.com/2004/01/19/Citrus/Sticking_with_the_ABC.shtml | |
55. The Wayback Times - ABCs At home, parents, or perhaps a nurse or governess, often helped youngchildren learn their ABC s by reading to them from alphabet books. http://www.waybacktimes.com/ABC's.html | |
56. Zeal.com - United States - New - Personal - Kids - Reading & Arts - Books & Read Emmi s Critter abcs http//www.veeceet.com/kids/abc_pg1.html See animal picturesand read through the alphabet to learn your abcs. Contributed by WendyS . http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10098022 |
57. Walmart.com - LeapFrog Buying Guide So, while they re learning their abcs, phonics, numbers and prereadingskills, they re also developing critical prewriting skills. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/catalog.gsp?cat=123277&path=0:4171:56125:56125:10 |
58. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Chicka Chicka Boom Boom At Epinions.com This is a very fun book for little ones learning their abcs. Wee! said Dto EFG, ÂIÂll beat you to Read the full review. Product Rating http://www.epinions.com/Chicka_Chicka_Boom_Boom_by_Bill_Martin_and_illustrated_b | |
59. Medem: Medical Library: Learning To Read  Age By Age Guide - For Printer By 3 to 5 years of age, most children are just beginning to learn the alphabet Âsinging their abcs, knowing the letters of their names. Read alphabet books http://www.medem.com/medlb/article_detaillb_for_printer.cfm?article_ID=ZZZKFXV2S |
60. One Word At A Time -- Lyrics And Movement we might,. read them with flashlights. It makes us feel all right! Chorus. Welearn our abcs. They give us the keys. to open up the door to learning more and http://www.songsforteaching.com/OneWord.html | |
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