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21. ED366985 1994-00-00 Helping Children Understand Literary Genres. ERIC Digest. Title helping children Understand Literary Genres. ERIC Digests (Selected) in FullText (073); Available From ERIC Clearinghouse on reading, English, and http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed366985.html | |
22. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Learning To Read...Reading To Learn - LEARNING TO READ reading TO LEARN helping children With Learning DisabilitiesTo Succeed. Help children Develop Fluent, Reflective reading. http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/reading/ltr-cec/ltr4-cec.html | |
23. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Learning To Read...Reading To Learn - LEARNING TO READ reading TO LEARN helping children With Learning DisabilitiesTo Succeed. The National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators 1996. http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/reading/ltr-cec/ltr5-cec.html | |
24. NEA: A Parent's Guide To Helping Your Child Learn To Read Through reading to children, parents can help them understand that there is a connectionbetween the words on the page and what they hear as a story is read to http://www.nea.org/parents/learntoread.html | |
25. NEA: Help For Parents - Parent Involvement In Education reading to your child; Checking homework every night; Discussing your children sprogress with teachers; Voting in school board elections; helping your school to http://www.nea.org/parents/ | |
26. Neyman - Helping Children Learn To Think In English Through Reading Storybooks ( The Internet TESL Journal. helping children Learn to Think in EnglishThrough reading Storybooks. Patricia F. Neyman pfneyman at yahoo http://iteslj.org/Articles/Neyman-Storybooks/ | |
27. Improving Education - Helping Children Learn To Read TITLE describes the processs we all go through when we learn to read, and gives informationfor those you are helping children who are having difficulty reading. http://www.onlineworksheets.org/learntoread.html | |
28. Learning Materials to assist parents in helping their children achieve in school. Includeshelp for all levels of learners from remedial to gifted. reading. http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/store/learning.htm | |
29. Helping Children Read articles on helping children read. 12 Tips for Getting Your Kids to Read. DevelopingEarly reading Skills. Eight Ways to Help Your Child Learn to Read. http://www.ivillage.com/topics/parenting/0,,500811,00.html | |
30. DfEE: A Little Reading Goes A Long Way Governors Teachers. National Year of reading. A little reading goesa long way helping with your children s reading. Learning at home http://www.dfes.gov.uk/read/ | |
31. Helping Children Overcome Reading Difficulties helping children Overcome reading Difficulties. ERIC Identifier ED344190Publication Date 199200-00 Author Smith, Carl B. - Sensenbaugh http://www.vtaide.com/png/ERIC/Read-Difficulties.htm | |
32. Helping Children Understand Literary Genres helping children Understand Literary Genres. ERIC Identifier ED366985 PublicationDate 199400-00 Author Smith, Carl B. Source ERIC Clearinghouse on reading http://www.vtaide.com/png/ERIC/Literary-Genres.htm | |
33. Helping Your Child Learn To Read or older children to listen in or join in reading aloud. The message is readingis for everybody. Enjoyment is essential in the process of helping your child http://www.ifg-inc.com/Consumer_Reports/LearnToRead.html | |
34. LifeWay: Teacher: Helping Children Make Bible Reading A Habit Sign up for eSource · See a sample Email Address. First, Last.children, helping children Make Bible reading a Habit Liz Lee. Robin http://www.lifeway.com/teacher_c0008.asp | |
35. Epinions.com - Some Ideas On Helping Children Enjoy Reading Epinions has the best comparison shopping information on Epinions.com Some Ideas on helping children Enjoy reading. Compare prices http://www.epinions.com/content_2359468164 | |
36. Helping Children Overcome Reading Difficulties EDOCS-92-05 June 1992. helping children Overcome reading Difficulties.Prepared by Carl B. Smith and Roger Sensenbaugh. ERIC Clearinghouse http://reading.indiana.edu/ieo/digests/d72.html | |
37. Helping Children Understand Literary Genres helping children Understanding Literary Genres. Prepared by Carl B. Smith.ERIC Clearinghouse on reading, English, and Communication Digest 90. http://reading.indiana.edu/ieo/digests/d90.html | |
38. Helping Your Children Develop Reading Skills Learn how you can help your child learn reading skills. helping your children developreading skills. Learn how you can help your child learn reading skills. http://kyky.essortment.com/literacydevelop_rxwg.htm | |
39. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Special Reports | Helping Children Read Only 16% get a story nightly. Advice on helping your child to read Book earlyLindsay Mackie on a scheme that keeps children reading after 11. http://education.guardian.co.uk/reading/0,7348,444346,00.html | |
40. NAEYC Resources: EYLY: #97/12 helping children learn about reading. They also help to create a warm, safe environmentfor children and lead to a lifetime love of reading and learning. http://www.naeyc.org/resources/eyly/1997/12.htm | |
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