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61. Reading Rockets: What You Can Do to students read aloud, by organizing a reading incentive program 3. help a childget her first library card. adults tend to take libraries and library cards for http://www.readingrockets.org/whatyoucan.php | |
62. VolunteerMatch - Help Disabled Adults Details Volunteers needed to help disabled adults with shopping,reading mail and assisting them in running small errands. Skills http://www.volunteermatch.org/opps/opp169347.html | |
63. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Intervention Planning For Adults With Communi Additional information on Intervention Planning for adults With Communication ProblemsA Kids Math reading help help your Child Succeed in School with http://www.epinions.com/Intervention_Planning_for_Adults_With_Communication_Prob | |
64. What Does Research Say About Reading? Businesses could buy collections of literature for schools in need. Churchescould sponsor reading groups to help motivate adults to read. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/stw_esys/str_read.htm | |
65. The Daily Star - Online Edition We provide volunteer tutors to help adults learn how to read or improve their reading, said Hella Viola, tutorstudent coordinator for Literacy Volunteers. http://www.thedailystar.com/news/stories/2001/03/27/literacy.html | |
66. Queens Borough Public Library - Summary Of Programs & Services For Adults each summer throughout the library system to enhance adult summer reading. Life Skills lectures and workshops help adults manage their finances, plan their http://www.queenslibrary.org/programs/adults.asp | |
67. Clinton Libraries Young Adults The YA Librarian will assign different job duties to the young adults., providinga Diane or Brittany at 8328349 and we will be glad to help you Summer reading. http://www.clintonpl.lib.in.us/young adult department.htm | |
68. Adults Students Recognized For Courage In Learning To Read, Speak English: South a lot of people, but we estimate that that s only about onethird of the adultsin Broward who could benefit from reading, English and GED help, he added. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/sfl-nw07literatexxnov07.story | |
69. 20 Ways For Teenagers To Help Other People By Volunteering tutors who help illiterate children and adults learn this important skill. Thereis probably a literacy program in your area. See also reading Is Fundamental http://www.bygpub.com/books/tg2rw/volunteer.htm | |
70. Academy Of Hope Helps lowincome and at-risk adults earn high school credentials, improve math and reading skills, and learn how to use and apply computer technologies. Includes programs and services, news, volunteer opportunities and directions. http://www.aohdc.org/ | |
71. Achievement Technologies, Inc. : Educational Software And Online Tutoring Online tutoring and instruction helps students in K12 and adults master skills in reading, writing, math, language, and science. Subscription-based. Web interface delivers diagnostic tests, prescribed tutorials, and reports. http://skillstutor.com/ | |
72. Help For Reading Problems And Disabilities Training Available, for info Click Here. reading Problems? Check out our New doit-yourself book. Click Here. reading News. " We have found a piece to the puzzle" reading Problems Solved! reading http://www.neuro.read.net/ | |
73. Speed Reading Information SelfGrowth.com Complete Topics Directory Topic. Send this website to a friend. Speed reading Information. please visit our sponsor. Sponsor Websites. Photoreading -Use your whole mind to read with speed, comprehension, and enjoyment. Live Courses also available. SPEED reading 4 KIDS- -help you teach children from 8-16 to triple (or http://www.selfgrowth.com/reading.html | |
74. What Does Everybody Else Know That I DonT?: Social Skills Help For Adults With A What Does Everybody Else Know That I DonT? Social Skills help for adults WithAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Ad/Hd) a ReaderFriendly Guide. http://www.health-books-web.com/What_Does_Everybody_Else_Know_That_I_DonT_Social | |
75. Urinary Tract Infections In Adults The average adult passes about a quart and a half of urine each Most doctors suggestthat drinking plenty of water helps cleanse the urinary Additional reading. http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/urinarytract/utiadult.htm | |
76. Asperger's Adults And Forms Of Help Social skills training to help develop necessary life Once this integration takesplace, the adult Asperger s patient Read the DSMIV Definition of Asperger s http://autism.about.com/cs/adultswithasd/a/adults_w_asperg_2.htm | |
77. Adults With Asperger's Syndrome We ve probably all read the stories about famous people but they shared common characteristicswith adults who have Is there help for the adult who carries an http://autism.about.com/cs/adultswithasd/a/adults_w_asperg.htm | |
78. MK Council - Adult Continuing Education - MKWeb Click to go back to previous page. reading, Writing, Maths and SpellingHelp for adults. Milton Keynes Adult Continuing Education http://www.mkweb.co.uk/adulteducation/DisplayArticle.asp?ID=14624 |
79. Dyslexia Adults Link - Dyslexia Adult - Dyslexic Adults - Dyslexic The dyslexic adults were not so good at recognizing traffic signs scientists havefound that tinted contact lenses can help dyslexics read more easily http://www.dyslexia-adults.com/ |
80. YoungSaintLouis.com A third layer includes information for adults, including a specially designedreading lesson plan they can use to help kids learn to read more fluently. http://www.youngsaintlouis.com/archive/May2002/adults.html | |
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