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1. Learning Disability Learning Disabilities, Learning, Math And Reading
Disabilities with PACE Learning, Math and reading 1 on 1 help for Learning Disabilities add - dyslexia Discusses learning disabilities (ld), dyslexia, attention deficit and

Contains information about add, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities add/ADHD/ld Links. Learning Disability Resources. dyslexia Resources others if they receive help in time Difficulty with basic reading skills, reading comprehension, math computation
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
This page is to promote the awareness of ADD/ADHD and Learning Disabilities! The information provided below is just that information. Always consult with a professional to determine if your child has ADD/ADHD or a Learning Disability.
1. Often fidgets with hands or feet. Often squirms in seat.
2. Can't stay seated.
3. Has difficulty waiting turns in group situations.
4. Often blurts our answers to questions before they have been completed.
5. Doesn't listen well. Has trouble following instructions - especially complex questions.
6. Is easily distracted.
7. Shifts quickly from one activity to another.
8. Has difficulty playing quietly.
9. Often talks excessively. Often interrupts others. 10. Often loses things necessary for activities at home or at school. 11. Engages in activities without thinking of the consequences.

3. Learning Disabilities OnLine - LD-Indepth: Reading And Dyslexia
information on reading, learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, add, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, speech disorder, reading difficulties, a Topic. Abilities. add / ADHD. Adult for a listing of resources that will help you learn more about reading and dyslexia. ABCs of ld/ ADHD Adults with ld
ABCs of LD The leading Web site on learning disabilities
for parents, teachers, and other professionals What's New Experts Parents Kids ... Yellow Pages
Many individuals with learning disabilities struggle with reading Here are articles that explain more about reading disabilities and dyslexia.
Visit other areas of LD In Depth Select a Topic Abilities ADD / ADHD Adult Issues Assessment Behavior / Discipline Bilingual / LD Early Identification Family Relationships Foreign Language Acquisition Gifted / LD Glossaries I.E.P. LD In-General Math Skills Nonverbal Paraprofessionals Parenting Postsecondary Education Processing Deficits Reading Research Digest Self-Esteem Social Skills Special Education / IDEA 97 Summer Programs Teaching Technology Transition Writing The Coordinated Campaign for LD The National Joint Committee on LD Reading David: A Mother and Son Journey Through the Labyrinth of Dyslexia Late-Emerging Reading Disabilities Journal of Educational Psychology , 95, 211-224.This study looks at the apparent "fourth grade slump" in reading achievement for some students. The study explores whether this is due to unidentified reading problems in the primary grades or if these are deficits related to the more complex thinking skills needed by fourth graders.

4. School - Rated Home Help Dyslexia Add Adhd
Which with reading The turbotutor letters, we spelling, math, fedex quote do you certain broad it s true me Rated 1 Home help for dyslexia, ld add ADHD.
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Middle School
Rated #1 Home Help for Dyslexia, LD ADD ADHD
Rated #1 Home Help for Dyslexia, LD ADD ADHD
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5. LD Resources Articles
The Abilities of Those with reading Disabilities; Is dyslexia a to helping a Child with ld and add Learn; for School; Tackling Transitions How Parents Can help;
Site Info Articles Resources Discussion ... Home > Articles
Articles Overview
Below find a list of essays and articles about various aspects of having a learning disability. Also find resource lists of tools, schools, and more. If you would like to share something you've written at this site I'd love to hear from you. Please read the writer's guidelines and email me at
Autobiographical Essays
Disability, Difference, and Society
Intelligence and Development Issues
K-12 Education
College and Post-Secondary Education

6. Dyslexia My Life > Dyslexia And Learning Information Site
is dyslexia About dyslexia, dyslexia or reading problems? Self-esteem help for dyslexia, ld or anybody. site and products Sign Guest book - add your comments
Welcome to Dyslexia My life Web Page!
The information and advice on this site is provided by a dyslexic, giving inside knowledge on the various ways of coping with dyslexia and Learning Disability. Detailed Menu Read menu Have the PC read this menu or View one of Girard's Interviews. News Pages Dyslexia News - Current News Dyslexia.
LD News
- Current News LD, News on Learning Disabilities.
- Movie on Dyslexia from the not-for-profit group The GLP Store Pages Check-out - Check out your shopping cart
Information Packet
- Information Packet - Crisp Answers.
New Updated Edition Cassettes on Dyslexia. Not a big reader, than check out the cassette tapes.
Book on Dyslexia
New Updated Edition Winner of DT Publishing's - Teacher's Pick of the year award

7. Dyslexia Research Institute
How Can an Employer help His Dyslexic Matching reading Instruction To Readers Learning Needs . dyslexia, add, ld and Delinquency addressing the Learning
Hardman and Associates, consultants to Dyslexia Research Institute, offers seminars on all areas of dyslexia and attention deficit disorders. These seminars address the issues that affect the child and the adult dyslexic/ADD individual. Seminars are tailored to meet the needs of specific programs whether in elementary, secondary, post secondary, corrections education, juvenile justice, job/career skills, vocational training, etc. Workshops for teachers which offer intensive training in a full curriculum designed for the dyslexic/ADD/SLD child or adult are also offered through Hardman and Associates. To inquire about arranging one of the following seminars or workshops for your organization, contact Robyn A. Rennick through our e-mail address or mailing address with specific questions concerning these workshops and your organization's particular needs. Parent/Teacher Seminars "Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorders De-mystified" "Dyslexia, ADD, LD and Delinquency"

8. English Society
helping Children To Read Learning the ABCs Listening Comprehension Phonics Phonemics reading Comprehension reading help for add, ld, dyslexia reading help
var nEditorialCatId = 283; MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: document.write(''); Groups Groups Home My Groups Language ... Help English Society What's New Join Now Discussion Boards The ES 7th Annual Open Day ... Tools Just click on ES Search to look for any word or phrase you want to know about ES Search NGfL DfE E Standards Site ... GoTo Languages General Resources

Online Translators

African Languages

Grammar Conjunctions
General Resources

Parts of Speech

Sentence Structure

Mechanics General Resources
Rules of Capitalization Spelling Usage Comparison Correct Use of Pronouns General Resources General Resources ... Tools for Reading Vocabulary General Resources Palindromes Rhyming Words Word Origins Teaching Resources: Collaborative Activities Children's Literature Debate English, Lessons, Helps Foreign Language ... Writing Lesson Plans Languages Language Arts Preschool Alphabet Themes Preschool Reading ... Preschool Writing Related Areas Literature Printable Worksheets Notice: Microsoft has no responsibility for the content featured in this group. Click here for more info.

9. Learning Disabilites - Internet Resources
Children Overcome reading Difficulties. ERIC Digest. IMMEDIATE STEPS TO TAKE to help your child and yourself cope with living with dyslexia and add *. ld Myths
Learning Disabilities; ADD; ADHA; Motivation; Handicapped; learning styles This page has a comprehensive list of resources on the internet dealing with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, learning styles, motivation, and other handicapping conditions. Many links were used when I was doing research when completing my Masters in Counseling degree and Educational Diagnostician certification. This page is being updated and is being revised. Please bear with me. ADD/ADHD Bach Systems - Do you have a website that has over 500 hits a day and do you want to earn some money from your site? Bach Systems may be a way for you to increase your income. You can earn up to $1.50 per unique signup on sweepstakes, magazines and other offers. No more pennies per click. Text ads can be included in newsletters as well Learning Disabilities/Dyslexia

10. Links To Resources For Families ADHD And ADD Children
parents and teachers devise a plan of action AFTER add ADHD diagnosis List of who is ld, about dyslexia, signs, help, books, tapes, information Early reading
ADHD: A Path to Success
Lawrence Weathers, Ph.D
Author Psychologist Table of Contents Excerpts 3 Day Intensive Treatment Program What others Say ... Author Bio
Education Materials
Home Page ADHD ADD Coaching ADHD Associations ADHD Support ... Treatment Centers
Please support our Link Partners by visiting them.
Learning Abilities Books: Educational resources...
Lesson plans; study skills; children's books, educators' and parents' books; Dolch sight word searches; literacy; anger management, LD, memory, motivation, autism, ADHD, character, SID; k-3, k-5...
64 Pages Found, 60 Links Found, 1820 Score,
Teacher Information Network...
A teacher's resource to the web hosted by Textbook Informaton Network....
11 Pages Found, 309 Links Found, 323 Score,
15 Pages Found, 29 Links Found, 6573 Score,
Welcome to Word Imaging - The Way to Teach a Child to Read!...
WORD IMAGING is a reading spelling method which teaches the memory of a word by multisensory visualization. It is effective for pre-school children, beginning readers and writers, literacy needs, home...
23 Pages Found, 1 Links Found, 148 Score

11. ADHDadults And Chldren In Schools And The Workplace. What Teachers And Colleague
They are the books that others are reading and finding helpful, and we Your Child s Learning Behavior in Six Weeks help Stop ld, add, Adhd, dyslexia
Reading comprehension in children with ADD and ADHD, and books to help ADD and ADHD people with thier education in schools.
Unfortunately, many children diagnosed with ADHD go on to have important difficulties in their academic development. For example, prior research has shown that children with ADHD are more likely to have learning disabilities than other children, and are also more likely to be retained in grade at some point during their schooling.
One especially important area that has not been carefully studied is the effect that ADHD may have on children's reading comprehension. Because reading comprehension requires sustained mental effort and attention, it seems reasonable to expect that ADHD would have an adverse effect on this skill. In this study, the reading comprehension abilities of 21 children in grades 4-6 with and without ADHD were compared. What is noteworthy about the children in this study is that the authors first made sure that the two groups were matched on their basic sight reading skills. In other words, the children with ADHD were selected so that their ability to read individual words did not differ from the non-ADHD children. This enabled the authors to determine whether children with ADHD have deficits in reading comprehension even when their more basic reading abilities (e.g. their ability to read and sound out individual words) are intact. For the reading comprehension assessment, children were asked to read several passages of approximately 440 words in length from a 5th grade science text. After reading each passage, children were asked to rate on a 5-point scale how well they understood what they had just read. They were then asked to give the passage a good title and to identify the specific number of main ideas in the text and their accuracy in identifying the topic and main ideas present in each passage was evaluated.

12. »»Dyslexia Reviews««
a must for those with family members suffering from add and ld I have only been reading a few pages a day as I expressed by her and her son will help guide my
Dyslexia Reviews
Related Subjects: Domestic-Violence
More Pages: Dyslexia Page 1 Book reviews for "Dyslexia" sorted by average review score: Learning Disabilities: There is a CureA Guide for Parents, Educators and Physicians Published in Paperback by Achieve Publications (July, 2002) Author: Addie Cusimano Amazon base price:
Used price:
Buy one from zShops for: Average review score:
A first-rate consultation book Learning Disabilities: There Is A Cure by educator Addie Cusimano (a specialist in the field of reading) is an instructional guide specifically written for parents, educators, and physicians concerning practiced and proven techniques to overcoming the extra challenges of dyslexia and other learning disorders that affect students across America. A first-rate consultation book drawn from an extensive field of practical experience and offering time-proven methods that work, Learning Disabilities is very highly recommended reading for anyone charged with the responsibility of educating a child with a learning barrier. The best book on this topic I've read The title of my review really says it all. This book gives hope and guidance. It is written by a real expert but she doesn't use a bunch of technical words. The book is a joy to read because of how she presents it and because of the information in it. You will find things you can do right now to help your child. You don't need to go out and buy expensive special programs. Just read her book!

13. LTK Benefits
learning disabilities (ld), particularly dyslexia, also experience add or ADHD Back to Top Children who need specialized help in acquiring reading skills can
Benefits Overview Research Testimonials Who Can ... Home Page
Language Tune-Up Kit Phonics
LTK Benefits
Overview The Orton-Gillingham method of teaching phonemic awareness through phonics is a unique approach that addresses various student weaknesses. These weaknesses can be in one or more of the following areas:
  • Short-term memory
  • Long-term memory
  • Auditory (hearing)
  • Visual (seeing)
  • Tactile-kinesthetic (feeling) Additionally, many students with learning disabilities (LD), particularly dyslexia, also experience ADD or ADHD, which are forms of attentional deficit. These students require a multi-sensory approach when learning to read. Although the student may have an auditory problem, for example, he or she may have strong visual and/or tactile-kinesthetic skills. LD students require that the material be presented in a specific order. Basic skills must be taught before more complex skills are taught. A high degree of repetition is necessary to insure that new skills are retained. Phonemic awareness means that the letter sounds and their many combinations are mastered before applying them to the decoding process of reading words. The Orton-Gillingham method is a complex one, derived after many years of research. Parents, tutors and teachers wishing to learn this technique will find it to be very challenging, time-consuming and expensive. It is, however, the most researched and reliable method available for the LD student who requires specific help learning to read.
  • 14. STRONG Successful Adults With Dyslexia Develop High Literacy
    face terrible obstacles, being female may add an additional risk involved in adult literacy programs to help adults with reading difficulties capitalize
    Successful Adults with Dyslexia Develop High Literacy by Rosalie P. Fink - September 1, 1998
    How, when, and under what conditions do individuals with severe dyslexia develop high literacy levels? This question intrigued me and formed the basis of my interview and literacy assessment study of normative adult readers and 60 highly successful men and women with dyslexia. The sample included a Nobel laureate, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and leaders in diverse fields requiring extensive reading (i.e., medicine, law, business, and the arts and sciences). My rationale for studying literacy development in highly successful adults with dyslexia was that they may have devised novel strategies that ultimately prove useful in the education of others at risk for reading failure. The study included equal numbers of males and females because previous research had focused disproportionately on males.
    Men and women with dyslexia from all regions of the United States participated, including 18 states and the District of Columbia. The International Dyslexia Association's research definition of dyslexia guided the choice of selection criteria (Orton Dyslexia Society Research Committee 1994, p.4). The goal of recruitment was to seek individuals who would inspire and motivate others who currently struggle with dyslexia. Sixty individuals with dyslexia participated, 59 of whom agreed to be identified by name, education and profession. For both males and females with dyslexia, interest-driven reading was key to development of high literacy levels. Results showed 3 distinct groups of successful professionals with dyslexia, a compensated group and two partially compensated groups. Each group's development was augmented by avid reading in a content area of passionate personal interest along with systematic decoding instruction. By reading avidly about a specific topic, the individuals with dyslexia developed knowledge of the specialized vocabulary, typical text structures, concepts, themes, and questions of a particular field. Their insatiable reading about a favorite subject enhanced their depth of background knowledge and enabled them to gain practice, which fostered development of fluency and increasingly sophisticated skills. Fascination with a subject was a common theme.

    15. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Buzzards To Bluebirds: Improve Your Child's L
    Improve Your Child s Learning Behavior in Six Weeks help Stop ld, add, Adhd, dyslexia Improve Math and reading Improve your Child s reading and Math with

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    16. The LD Child
    Educational Psychologist Online help for parents and email Problems with reading, writing, spelling disabilities (ld) and attention deficit disorder (add).
    Hot Spots for Info!
    This is an excellent product for people with learning disabilities that helps to support their varying degrees of ability.
    software can be adapted to suit each individual’s needs and encompasses core features such as speech,
    a talking phonetic spell checker, homophone support, speaking dictionary, word wizard and audible word prediction.
    This software (which I personally use) provides the tools that will enable users to progress independently, gaining
    motivation, satisfaction and the results they deserve. Dyslexia My life Girard Sagmiller speaks candidly about his struggles growing up and the negative perceptions people had of him. He
    explains how he overcame being told he was mentally incapable of functioning in school, to go on to
    achieve a Master's Degree in Business Administration.
    A professional community and web directory for elementary school teachers in grades preK-6, early childhood, elementary and middle school lesson plans, activities, teaching ideas and resources on the internet for the classroom teacher.

    17. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: ADD/ADHD
    information on learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, add, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysnomia, speech disorder, reading difficulties, special education, parenting
    ABCs of LD The leading Web site on learning disabilities
    for parents, teachers, and other professionals What's New Experts Parents Kids ... Yellow Pages
    Visit other areas of LD In Depth Select a Topic Abilities ADD / ADHD Adult Issues Assessment Behavior / Discipline Bilingual / LD Early Identification Family Relationships Foreign Language Acquisition Gifted / LD Glossaries I.E.P. LD In-General Math Skills Nonverbal Paraprofessionals Parenting Postsecondary Education Processing Deficits Reading Research Digest Self-Esteem Social Skills Special Education / IDEA 97 Summer Programs Teaching Technology Transition Writing The Coordinated Campaign for LD The National Joint Committee on LD
    What is ADHD?

    18. Dyslexia Test
    Parents know their child has difficulty with reading, but a dyslexia child has been tested or labeled as ld or dyslexic, dyslexia testing can help.

    19. HELP Read™
    help Read the Freeware Reader Project. help Read is FREE software that reads along with you while you do the reading. reading or have your own library, help ld) including a rather high interest from those with the various needs to address the conditions described as dyslexia
    SUMMER 2001 EDITION This page will refresh in a few seconds. Please set your links to or

    20. Learning Disabilities Book Store
    a great deal of useful information about ld/add. video and software programs to help individuals with and many concrete suggestions to cope reading and writing
    LD/ADD Links
    And Deaf Links too!
    Here is an assortment of LD/ADD and Deaf Links.
    Please pick a topic: Link Agreement LD/ADD Links Deaf Links Link Agreement We believe in link exchanges. If you are a web site owner and would like to have your site included in this list email with your address to have your site reviewed. Please note: Emailing your site address does not automatically mean it will be posted. If we feel your site provides service or adds to the message of LD Pride Online, we will provide a link to it and then ask you to do the same for our site. Important: To receive a return link you must link to IADA's home page , but feel free to link to other pages in the site that interest you as well. If you like, you can use LD Pride's logo (completely optional). As you can see, there are two images. One is a still image and the other is animated. Please feel free to pick whichever one works best for you. The gifs can be linked to Thanks for linking to LD Pride Online! LD/ADD Links Please Pick a topic: Learning Disabilities and ADD Associations
    LD Online Resources

    ADHD Online Resources

    Deaf-LD Resources
    LD Sites by and for LD/ADD and Deaf-LD people

    Do you know of some good sites that are not listed here?

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