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21. Research Link / Family Literacy // John H. Holloway the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) describes survey results showing that literacy activities in the home contribute to early reading success. http://www.ascd.org/publications/ed_lead/200403/holloway.html | |
22. THE READ IN! - 2002 Support Materials Need some classroom tested literacy activities? Want some suggestions as to how to fill a day with reading and writing and still keep the students on task? http://www.readin.org/class/literacy_activities.htm | |
23. UMHS Your Child Reading And Your Child enjoys, so that reading is a treat, not a chore. Here are some great ideas and resources for fun reading and literacy activities http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/yourchild/reading.htm | |
24. Teacher Created Materials: Full-Color Literacy Activities: Reading And Writing TCM3237 FullColor literacy activities reading and Writing. Wow! 56K Modem, 172 min 57 sec. Full-Color literacy activities reading and Writing. TCM3237 (Primary). http://www.buyteachercreated.com/estore/product/3237 | |
25. Reading & Literacy Resources For Teachers & Families - The Communication Project to Remember Me By as a literacy/language arts Storytelling activities; Teachable moments; Intergenerational activities; An interview How to Read and Extend a Story http://www.grandmaconnection.com/literacy/literacy.html | |
26. Reading Comprehension Learning to Learn reading Comprehension Models from University of Toronto; Teaching literacy in High many suggestions for comprehension activities like seven http://www.literacy.uconn.edu/compre.htm | |
27. Family FUNdamentals Home Learning Activities Acknowledgements The FAMILY FUNdamentals for literacy activities were created with the help of teachers, parents, and reading specialists on the Michigan http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140--69358--,00.html | |
28. Home Page Of John Nemes children acquire phonological knowledge, including activities that guide and Carla s Title I reading program;; using schoolbased professional literacy teams to http://www.toread.com/ | |
29. Family Literacy Measuring ingredients and reading the recipe are great literacy activities. 4. Have your children help you with the grocery list and then go shopping together. http://www.polarnet.ca/literacy/family.html | |
30. Reading And Literacy / Parents of young children, describes the kinds of early literacy activities that should take place at school and at home to help children learn to read successfully. http://mcs.k12.in.us/mhs/mediacenter/reading/Readingparents.htm | |
31. Literacy Activities And Stories - PRODUCT CATALOGUE - Assistive Technology - Nov A range of early learning activities for promoting concepts and literacy. Creative reading, writing and word study activities for exploring early http://www.regencypark.org.au/productlist.asp?p=247&id=45&c=0 |
32. Literacy Support / Reading - PRODUCT CATALOGUE - Assistive Technology - NovitaTe format as Handson reading for an additional 16 children s books. Includes more activities for music, props, art, cooking, literacy and carry over activities. http://www.regencypark.org.au/productlist.asp?p=247&id=11&c=0 |
33. Resources, Lesson Plans And Activities For KINDERGARTENS Links activities for the kindergarten level. The activities are organized by reading and literacy skills appropriate to this grade. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listkindersu.html | |
34. Reading & Literacy: Success Maker 90% of the students achieving proficiency in reading, math and (Technology literacy Challenge Grant consisted of more basic, structured activities for students http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/18/94/1894.htm | |
35. STATEMENT OF DR G. REID LYON As children are exposed to literacy activities at young ages, they begin to Ultimately, children s ability to understand what they are reading is inextricably http://www.readbygrade3.com/lyon.htm | |
36. Literacy - Alumni Locator Schools Current literacy activities reading Lab Instructor; facilitator of Accelerated Reader; Developed intensive poetry projectpoetry readings Current http://ed-web3.educ.msu.edu/Literacy/locate.htm | |
37. College Literacy Activities Make A Big Impact - Link, Fall 2003 From the Dean. College literacy activities make a big impact. Reflecting on reading. A method for teaching people to teach reading. literacy More than reading. http://education.umn.edu/alum/link/2003fall/literacy.html | |
38. Kindergarten Literacy Web Page literacy activities Children should be exposed daily to a variety of literacy activities that reinforce strategies taught and shared in guided reading groups. http://www.usd320.k12.ks.us/solar/Kinder/kind_lit_webpage.html | |
39. Preschool Teaching Ideas, Reading Resources, Learning Activities, Early Literacy Playful ways to help your child read. New York, NY Pantheon Books. Moomaw, S. Hieronymus, B. (2001).More than letters literacy activities for preschool http://www.getreadytoread.org/grtr_early_literacy_lib.php | |
40. The Experts In Orton-Gillingham Multisensory Phonics As children are exposed to literacy activities at young ages, they begin to recognize childrenÂs ability to understand what they are reading is inextricably http://www.rlac.com/resources/overview.php | |
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