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1. Archived: School-Home Links Reading Kit: First Grade Activities Table Of Content Listed below are 100 SchoolHome Links activities for the first grade. The activities are organized by reading and literacy skills appropriate to this grade. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/CompactforReading/table1.html | |
2. School-Home Links Reading Kit: Kindergarten Activities - Table Of Contents Features 100 reading and literacy activities appropriate for kindergarteners. From the U.S. Department of Education. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/CompactforReading/tablek.html | |
3. Early Literacy Technology Project -lessons of the grant activities, participating teachers worked with early literacy. Lessons and activities that have primarily reading outcomes can be found in the literacy activities and http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/littlekids/archive/lesson_plans.htm | |
4. ProTeacher! Primary Reading Lesson Plans For Elementary School Teachers Includin ProTeacher! Primary reading lesson plans for elementary school teachers including emergent literacy, phonics decoding, and language experince, activities, programs, and thematic units, Emergent http://www.proteacher.com/070009.shtml | |
5. Seymour Public Library Checkout policies, reading and literacy programs, children and teen activities, hours and location. http://www.seymourpubliclibrary.org/ | |
6. Literacy Teaching Ideas to encourage children to think critically about literacy. Prediction, 5 11, activities to encourage your children to predict when reading and listening to http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/english/contents.htm | |
7. Welcome To Austinlibrary.org! - Austinlibrary.org Provides funds for library programs, publicizes library activities, supports legislation to strengthen libraries, promotes reading and literacy, and sponsors an annual book sale. Formerly the Austin Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Austin Public Library. http://www.austinlibrary.org/ | |
8. Department Of Learning And Teaching, College Of Education Teaching, research, and professional development activities encompass the study of learning and teaching processes, assessment and evaluation, curriculum development, the use of media in education including computers, reading and literacy development, media education, science education, special education, technology education, and educational research methods. http://education.massey.ac.nz/lt/default.asp | |
9. CanTeach: English Language Arts - Beginning Reading And Writing Lesson plans and other activities for teaching early literacy skills. http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/beginning.html | |
10. English Activities To Assist With Reading 30. x. x. 8. ACTIVITY/. DESCRIPTION. No. word recog. spelling. phonics. alpha. bet. rhyme. reading. literacy Centre (numbers, letters, words). 31. x. x. x. http://www.beenleigss.qld.edu.au/requested_sites/readinglower1/readinglower1.htm | |
11. Improving Reading Comprehension By Using Media Literacy Activities reading Comprehension by Using Media literacy activitiesImproving reading Comprehensionby Using Media literacy activities toward school in. general, not just reading. These students http://teachers.altschools.org/tnellen/ftp/pdf/VM0084Improving.pdf |
12. Preschool Zone Literacy Ideas Incorporate activities that use printed names of students so busy, we forget that reading books constantly is very valuable for literacy development http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/pep/teachingideas/literacycheck.html | |
13. Literacy Activities For Kindergarten literacy activities for Kindergarten. Pathways Home. The following literacy activities are appropriate for children at the kindergarten level Daily reading. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/content/cntareas/reading/li1lk41.htm | |
14. Between The Lions . Literacy Tips | PBS Kids Bath Time. Discover reading activities for the bathroom Find out out how airports and railway stations are great places for literacy games http://www.pbskids.org/lions/tips | |
15. Literacy Activities For First Grade literacy activities for First Grade. Pathways Home. The following literacy activities are appropriate for children at the firstgrade level reading. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/content/cntareas/reading/li1lk42.htm | |
16. Ambleside C.E. Primary School National Year of reading Authors Online try their challenges. The literacy Trust - activites and ideas. literacy activities - by Ginn and Heineman http://ambleweb.digitalbrain.com/ambleweb/ambleweb/ambleweb/literacy.htm | |
17. Literacy Links: Resources For Teachers And Parents reading Is Fundamental (RIF), UK RIF, UK, is a nonprofit organization that promotes literacy by providing RIF s website has activities for children of all http://www.reading.org/links/lit_tp.html | |
18. International Literacy Day A growing number of International reading Association Honor Councils involve their members and communities in International literacy Day activities at the http://www.reading.org/meetings/ild/ | |
19. Adapting Literacy Activities For Young Children support children with disabilities need to participate in literacy activities. tactile materials allow children to actively participate in storybook reading. http://www.wiu.edu/users/mimacp/wiu/articles/adaptlit.html | |
20. IntelliTools Reading: Balanced Literacy out approach to helping students master core reading skills. Â Iris unit program provides a full year of literacy instruction at 212 phonics activities. http://www.intellitools.com/Products/BalancedLiteracy/home.php | |
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