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41. Recreation, Pets: Rodents that are on any type of rodents, rats, mice, and squirrels. Rodentfancy International directory for domestic rodent information, pet care, genetics, message http://www.combose.com/Recreation/Pets/Rodents/ | |
42. Pet Rats Uk Rat Health Care Guide Rodent Rescue Care Of Rats - Cavy Rescue Reggie Rat 1kg. A complete food for rats. Click here for a great selection of products for your pet rats and mice. rats, like all of us, will have off days. http://www.cavyrescue.co.uk/rats_guide.htm | |
43. How To Care For Rats And Mice-WCVB-TV Pet Center Yet the popularity of mice and rats as pets is on the riseÂa trend that s mirrored by the number ending up in shelters. Here s how to care for the little http://wcvb-tvpet.ip2m.com/index.cfm?pt=itemDetail&item_id=3302&site_cat_id=114 |
44. Pet Care - Rats smart pet Health Questions pet doors pet care pet tags medications pet Turtles pet finder pet rats pets For costumes pet medicine pet Birds pet mice adopt a http://www.vetricare.com/pet_care_-_rats.htm | |
45. Capture Or Kill Rats And Mice, Rat Traps, Mouse Traps restaurants, hospitals, pet shops, day care centers, nursing out of reach of children, pets, non target poisonous traps for capturing rats, mice and reptiles. http://www.pestproducts.com/rodent_traps.htm | |
46. The Ratster-Directory Of Rat And Mouse Breeders. to promote rats and mice as pets, provide care information pertaining to these animals and help individuals find contacts for obtaining pet rats and mice. http://www.ratster.com/addmyurlcontent.html | |
47. Exotic Pet Care Library At Harmony Animal Hospital's World Of Pets: Laugh, Learn hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils, and guinea pigs) are very popular pets. They make good first pets for young children and as a rule require minimal care. http://www.petvets.com/petcare/exotics.html | |
48. RSPCA Victoria: Animal Care > Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Mouse & Rat Care the animals tame. Feeding mice and rats are omnivorous. Special food pellets can be purchased from a pet shop. In addition, raw http://www.rspcavic.org/animal_care/rabbitcare.htm | |
49. Michigan Humane Society: Veterinary Care The average life span for mice and rats is 1? 3 years. The following information is designed to help you take the best care of your pet. http://www.michiganhumane.org/site/PageServer?pagename=vetcare_miceRats |
50. The Pet Care Trust - Research Grants of Domestic mice or rats as Classroom Animals; pet mice White mice or MultiColored mice; Rat and Mouse Hygiene and Health care; Reproduction; Other Small http://www.petcaretrust.org/PCTTC.htm | |
51. Pet Care: Hamster Chowtime pet supply stores. This food contains seeds, grains, cracked corn and special pellets made for rodents. (Yes, your hamster is a rodent, just as rats and mice http://www.animaland.org/asp/petcare/hamsterchowtime.asp | |
52. 4-H Project Guidelines For Vinton County: Pet Care Required Supplement for pet care Projects. appropriate member project book for cats, guinea pigs, cage birds, gerbils, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, ferrets http://vinton.osu.edu/4h/projects/petcare.htm | |
53. ASPCA: Ani-Med Pet Care Information There are over 250 important pet care topics in this program, ranging from birds, fish, rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice and rats. http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=animed |
54. Rat & Mice Treats Rat mice Treats Treats for ME! mice and rats ears are Take care not to overfeed your pet, as obesity will shorten his life and may lead to health problems http://www.petcarecentral.com/micerattreats.html | |
55. Pets: Small Animals and rats pet mice care; Raising mice; pet mice care; rats make great pets! Caring for your pet rat; Information on rats as pets; pet rat information; pet rat care. http://www.essortment.com/in/Pets.Small.Animals/ | |
56. Pet Snake Care They are also clean and odorless. Some Snake pet owners get misty eyed over their baby s first shed. Many snakes eat rats and mice. http://va.essortment.com/snakescare_redo.htm | |
57. Rodents - Simply Pets Directory rodent information, pet care, genetics, message boards and chat. Rodent s Ring This web ring is for pages that are on any type of rodents, rats, mice, and http://www.simplypets.com/pet-directory/Pets/Rodents/ | |
58. Healthy Pet | Nutrition: Feeding Rats, Mice, Hamsters, And Gerbils Nutrition Feeding rats, mice, Hamsters, and Gerbils World rodents hamsters, gerbils, mice, and rats. The recommended diet for these pet rodents, therefore, is a reasonably About AAHA pet http://www.healthypet.com/Library/pet_nutrition-4.html | |
59. PETCO.com Kaytee Strawberry Yogurt Chips For Hamsters, Gerbils, Rats Kaytee Strawberry Yogurt Chips for Hamsters, Gerbils, rats mice Nutritious yogurt treats have the - petCO is a leading specialty retailer of premium pet food, supplies and services http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://link.decideinteractive.com/n/3871/3872/p |
60. American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association rats and mice for show and pets. We also educate the public on their positive qualities as companion animals and provide information on their proper care. http://www.afrma.org/ | |
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