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21. The "Rodent Care" E-book From Practical Pet Care problems. rats and mice don t have this problem, however. Understanding again! Vet care is important to your pet s health. http://www.practical-pet-care.com/ebooks_rodents.php | |
22. Mouse And Rat Care - VeterinaryPartner.com - A VIN Company! counterparts which are typically nocturnal, pet rats and mice have periods of activity both day and night. rats and mice are inexpensive, easy to care for, and http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=660&S=1&SourceID=43 |
23. Pets And Pet Care Books pet care tips, and behavior problems of dogs and cats. Although most of the site relates to cats and dogs, some information about birds, iguanas, rats, mice, http://www.sls.lib.il.us/reference/por/ys/2002/pets.html | |
24. Exotic Pet Veterinarian - Caring For Marmosets & Tamarins pet callitrichids should have annual physical exams and stool cultures. may occur most frequently in zoos, and also has a suspected host of rats and mice. http://www.exoticpetvet.net/primate/care.html | |
25. The Whole Rat Rattery It was founded around the following objectives To educate about the proper care of domestic rats and mice;; To promote responsible pet ownership and breeding http://www.froadin.com/the_whole_rat_rattery/links.html | |
26. Eva's Pet Care Disagreement Page The same kind of differencies in the care of the animal can befound when it comes to small pets like rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, gerbils, hamsters and so http://goto.glocalnet.net/natal/pcd.htm | |
27. Care Of Pet Mice And Rats care of pet mice and rats. pet rats and mice have periods of activity during both day and night. They seldom bite when handled with care. Diet. http://www.hilltopanimalhospital.com/mice&rats.htm | |
28. Mypetstop.com - Articles On Pet Care, Pet Advice, Pet News And Events Bird Articles. Click to go to Bird Articles, pet birds can bring cheer to any home. Hamtser, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Gerbil, Ferrets, rats and mice Articles. http://www.mypetstop.com/uk/petarticles/ | |
29. Ani-Med - Pet Care Information Tips Small bits of hard dog biscuit can be given to hamsters, rats and mice for chewing cheeks and gums and cause abscessesand even prevent your pet from eating http://www.animed.org/small_animal_dental_care.htm | |
30. Ani-Med - Pet Care Information Tips more than one occasion. Pets who eat rats and mice who have ingested rodenticide can also be affected. Symptoms may develop 1 to http://www.animed.org/dogs_and_cats_household_dangers.htm | |
31. NSWFRMC Australia's LONGEST RUNNING FANCY RAT & MOUSE CLUB for Twitches. Rodent Welfare The rescue operation for pet rats mice needing new homes. General care, Feeding Housing. The care http://www.nswfrmc.com/ | |
32. Happypets.org - Pet Care - Small Animals And Other Pets mice, rats, Gerbills and Hamsters creatures have similar diets so if you have a rat, gerbil pellets more cages designed for them are appearing in pet stores all http://happypets.addr.com/others.htm | |
33. Mice And Rats - General Care pet mice and rats seem most comfortable when they changes should also be prevented because pet rodents do mice can be aggressive toward one another, so great http://www.caringtogether.com/exotics/micerats2.html | |
34. Petsbuy.com : For Pet Owners : Rat Links : Rats offers care tips, photos, and more. ratsnest rats. pet rat site with photos and links. Rattie Rescue . offers a second chance to homeless pet rats and mice in the http://www.petsbuy.com/q_/aspx/catid.36/_q/petownersub.htm | |
35. Healthy Pet | Pet Care Tips: Diseases Transmitted By Pets pet care Tips or by contact with infected animals like cats, dogs, mice, rats and guinea This means taking your pet to the veterinarian for regular exams and http://www.cbsnews.com/forward/new.healthypet.com/Library/petcare-18.html | |
36. Rat Zapper Rodent Traps Kill Rats And Mice Humanely And Safely. Protect Your Bir technology, the Rat Zapper delivers a deadly shock to rats and mice. Order Form for Rat Zapper rat and mouse trap. care Guide how to take care of a pet bird Egg http://www.multiscope.com/hotspot/ratzapper/ | |
37. Rat Zapper Rodent Traps Kill Rats And Mice Humanely And Safely Catch Rats And Mi Kills rats and mice with a deadly shock. Rat Zappers have been making peoples lives easier since 1994 Another Bird care Guide how to take care of a pet bird Egg http://www.multiscope.com/ratzapper/ratzapper.htm | |
38. Mice And Rats Pets - Prices And Reviews At DealTime furry friends mice super mouse furry friends mice (real fur) See all 9 matches from UPCO. The Rat, A Happy Healthy pet This book emphasizes total care http://www.dealtime.com/xDN-Pets--mice_and_rats | |
39. Mice And Rats Small / House Pets Pets - Prices And Reviews At DealTime book emphasizes total care and companionship with your pet rat. information on choosing the right rat, socialization and Furry Friends mice Pkg of 24 Furry http://www.dealtime.com/xDN-Pets--small___house_pets-mice_and_rats | |
40. Mice Rats Gerbils: New & Used Books Search Result For Mice Rats Gerbils Search took 0.09 seconds. mice, rats Gerbils The Basic pet Compare Prices, mice, rats Gerbils The Basic pet care Guide By George Gassner, David http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/Mice_Rats_Gerbils.html | |
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